Press CTRL+C to copyrestore cluster {--backupid=|-I }backup_id [--disable-indexes|-x] [--disable-metadata|-M] [--epoch|-e] [--exclude-databases=db_name] [--exclude-intermediate-sql-tables] [--exclude-missing-columns] [--exclude-missing-tables] [--exclude-tables=db_name.tbl_name[,db_name.tbl_name][,...]] [--include-databases=db_name] [--include-stored-grants] [--include-tables=db_name.tbl_name[,db_name.tbl_name][,...]] [--lossy-conversions] [--no-binlog|-l] [--no-restore-disk-objects] [{--parallelism=|-p }#] [--privilege-tables|-P] [--progress-frequency] [--promote-attributes] [--rewrite-database] [--skip-broken-objects] [{--skip-nodeid=|-s }id_list] [--skip-table-check] [--skip-unknown-objects] [--password-file=filepath] cluster_name
This command restores a cluster from a backup having the
specified backup ID
option; short form:
to the MySQL NDB Cluster named cluster_name
. In
its simplest form, it can be used as shown here, to restore the
cluster named mycluster
to the state saved in
the backup having backup ID 3:
Press CTRL+C to copymcm> restore cluster --backupid=3 mycluster; +--------------------------------+ | Command result | +--------------------------------+ | Restore completed successfully | +--------------------------------+ 1 row in set (18.60 sec)
If you are restoring an existing cluster to a known good state,
you must wipe any existing data first. Stop the cluster using
stop cluster
, then restart it
using start cluster
with the
which causes the data node file systems to be cleared. (Note
that for MySQL NDB Cluster 7.5, Disk Data files must be removed manually.)
Following this, you can restore the cluster from the desired
backup using restore cluster
In order to restore a backup using
restore cluster
, the cluster
must have an unused slot for an ndbapi
process in its configuration. Otherwise, the command fails
with the error Unable to perform restore - no
vacant ndbapi slots in config for cluster
. See
Adding Free Processes, for information on
how to add a free ndbapi
slot to your
Additional options that can be employed with this command include:
To cause indexes to be ignored when restoring the table data,
use the
option. Doing this can decrease the time required to restore a
large data set, particularly where many indexes were in use.
Similarly, you can cause metadata to be ignored during the
restoration process by using the
option (short form:
When the
(short form:
is used, epoch information is restored to the cluster
replication status table
), which can be
useful for replicas in MySQL NDB Cluster replication.
Prevent one or more databases or tables from being restored
using the options
takes a comma-delimited list of one or more databases that
should not be restored.
takes a comma-delimited list of one or more tables (using the
format) that should not be restored. When
is used, only those databases or tables named by the option
are excluded; all other databases and tables are restored.
When this option is used, restore
ignores any columns missing from tables
being restored as compared to the versions of those tables
found in the backup.
When this option is used, restore
ignores any tables from the backup that are
not found in the target database.
When performing ALTER TABLE
operations, mysqld creates intermediate
tables (whose names are prefixed with
). When TRUE
, the
option keeps restore cluster
from restoring such tables that may have been left over from
such operations. This option is TRUE
Use the
option or the
option for restoring only specific databases or tables,
takes a comma-delimited list of databases to be restored.
takes a comma-delimited list of tables (in the
format) to be restored. When
is used, only those databases or tables named by the option
are restored; all other databases and tables are excluded by
restore cluster
, and are not
When managing NDB Cluster 8.0.19 and
later, the restore
command does not restore
users and grants to the
table by default;
use the
option to override this behavior and enable the restore of
shared user and grant data and metadata.
allows lossy conversions of column values (type demotions or
changes in sign) when restoring data from backup. With some
exceptions, the rules governing demotion are the same as for
MySQL replication; see
Replication of Columns Having Different Data Types,
for information about specific type conversions currently
supported by attribute demotion.
restore cluster
reports any
truncation of data that it performs during lossy conversions
once per attribute and column.
The --no-binlog
option (short form:
stops any SQL nodes (mysqld processes) in
the cluster from writing data from the restore into their
binary logs.
This option stops restore
from restoring any MySQL NDB Cluster Disk Data
objects, such as tablespaces and log file groups; see
NDB Cluster Disk Data Tables, for more
information about these objects.
option (short form:
sets the maximum number of parallel transactions that the
restore cluster
attempts to use. The default value is 128; the maximum is
1024, and the minimum is 1.
option (short form:
causes restoration of tables required for distributed grants
(see Distributed Privileges Using Shared Grant Tables).
Print a status report each N
seconds to a temporary stdout dump file mcm
creates at
while the backup is in progress. 0 (the default) causes no
status reports to be printed. The maximum is 65535.
Allow attributes to be promoted when MySQL Cluster Manager restores data from
a backup. See the
on attribute promotion in the MySQL NDB Cluster manual for more
This option causes a database with the name
in the backup to be
restored under the name new_dbname
option (short form:
takes a comma-separated list of node IDs. The nodes whose IDs
are listed may include of data nodes, SQL nodes, or both.
Nodes having these IDs are skipped by the restoration process.
This option causes restore
to ignore corrupt tables while reading a
backup, and to continue restoring any remaining tables (that
are not also corrupted). Currently, the
option works only in the case of missing blob parts tables.
It is possible to restore data without restoring table
metadata. The default behavior when doing this is for
restore cluster
to fail with
an error if table data do not match the table schema; this can
be overridden using the
This option causes restore
to ignore any schema objects it does not
recognize while reading a backup. This can be used for
restoring, for example, a backup made from a newer version of
MySQL NDB Cluster to an older version.
For release 8.0.28 and later: MySQL Cluster Manager
supports the restoring of NDB
native encrypted
cluster backups. To restore an encrypted backup, use the
option to provide a file that contains the encryption password
for the backup. The following must be true for the password