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MySQL 9.1 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  MySQL Source-Configuration Options

2.8.7 MySQL Source-Configuration Options

The CMake program provides a great deal of control over how you configure a MySQL source distribution. Typically, you do this using options on the CMake command line. For information about options supported by CMake, run either of these commands in the top-level source directory:

$> cmake . -LH

$> ccmake .

You can also affect CMake using certain environment variables. See Section 6.9, “Environment Variables”.

For boolean options, the value may be specified as 1 or ON to enable the option, or as 0 or OFF to disable the option.

Many options configure compile-time defaults that can be overridden at server startup. For example, the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, MYSQL_TCP_PORT, and MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR options that configure the default installation base directory location, TCP/IP port number, and Unix socket file can be changed at server startup with the --basedir, --port, and --socket options for mysqld. Where applicable, configuration option descriptions indicate the corresponding mysqld startup option.

The following sections provide more information about CMake options.

CMake Option Reference

The following table shows the available CMake options. In the Default column, PREFIX stands for the value of the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option, which specifies the installation base directory. This value is used as the parent location for several of the installation subdirectories.

Table 2.13 MySQL Source-Configuration Option Reference (CMake)

Formats Description Default
ADD_GDB_INDEX Whether to enable generation of .gdb_index section in binaries
BUILD_CONFIG Use same build options as official releases
BUNDLE_RUNTIME_LIBRARIES Bundle runtime libraries with server MSI and Zip packages for Windows OFF
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Type of build to produce RelWithDebInfo
CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS Flags for C++ Compiler
CMAKE_C_FLAGS Flags for C Compiler
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Installation base directory /usr/local/mysql
COMPILATION_COMMENT Comment about compilation environment
COMPILATION_COMMENT_SERVER Comment about compilation environment for use by mysqld
COMPRESS_DEBUG_SECTIONS Compress debug sections of binary executables OFF
CPACK_MONOLITHIC_INSTALL Whether package build produces single file OFF
DEFAULT_CHARSET The default server character set utf8mb4
DEFAULT_COLLATION The default server collation utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
DISABLE_PERFSCHEMA Enable all DISABLE_PSI_* build options. OFF
DISABLE_PSI_COND Exclude Performance Schema condition instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_DATA_LOCK Exclude the performance schema data lock instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_ERROR Exclude the performance schema server error instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_FILE Exclude Performance Schema file instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_IDLE Exclude Performance Schema idle instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_MEMORY Exclude Performance Schema memory instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_METADATA Exclude Performance Schema metadata instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX Exclude Performance Schema mutex instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_PS Exclude the performance schema prepared statements OFF
DISABLE_PSI_RWLOCK Exclude Performance Schema rwlock instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_SOCKET Exclude Performance Schema socket instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_SP Exclude Performance Schema stored program instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_STAGE Exclude Performance Schema stage instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT Exclude Performance Schema statement instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST Exclude Performance Schema statements_digest instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_TABLE Exclude Performance Schema table instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_THREAD Exclude the performance schema thread instrumentation OFF
DISABLE_PSI_TRANSACTION Exclude the performance schema transaction instrumentation OFF
ENABLED_PROFILING Whether to enable query profiling code ON
ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_SYSVARS Whether to enabled experimental InnoDB system variables OFF
ENABLE_GCOV Whether to include gcov support
ENABLE_GPROF Enable gprof (optimized Linux builds only) OFF
FORCE_COLORED_OUTPUT Whether to colorize compiler output OFF
FORCE_INSOURCE_BUILD Whether to force an in-source build OFF
FORCE_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER Whether to permit unsupported compilers OFF
FPROFILE_GENERATE Whether to generate profile guided optimization data OFF
FPROFILE_USE Whether to use profile guided optimization data OFF
HAVE_PSI_MEMORY_INTERFACE Enable performance schema memory tracing module for memory allocation functions used in dynamic storage of over-aligned types OFF
IGNORE_AIO_CHECK With -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release, ignore libaio check OFF
INSTALL_BINDIR User executables directory PREFIX/bin
INSTALL_DOCDIR Documentation directory PREFIX/docs
INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR Header file directory PREFIX/include
INSTALL_INFODIR Info file directory PREFIX/docs
INSTALL_LAYOUT Select predefined installation layout STANDALONE
INSTALL_LIBDIR Library file directory PREFIX/lib
INSTALL_MANDIR Manual page directory PREFIX/man
INSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR Shared data directory PREFIX/share
INSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR mysql-test directory PREFIX/mysql-test
INSTALL_PKGCONFIGDIR Directory for mysqlclient.pc pkg-config file INSTALL_LIBDIR/pkgconfig
INSTALL_PLUGINDIR Plugin directory PREFIX/lib/plugin
INSTALL_PRIV_LIBDIR Installation private library directory
INSTALL_SBINDIR Server executable directory PREFIX/bin
INSTALL_SECURE_FILE_PRIVDIR secure_file_priv default value platform specific
INSTALL_SHAREDIR aclocal/mysql.m4 installation directory PREFIX/share
INSTALL_STATIC_LIBRARIES Whether to install static libraries ON
INSTALL_SUPPORTFILESDIR Extra support files directory PREFIX/support-files
LINK_RANDOMIZE Whether to randomize order of symbols in mysqld binary OFF
LINK_RANDOMIZE_SEED Seed value for LINK_RANDOMIZE option mysql
MAX_INDEXES Maximum indexes per table 64
MSVC_CPPCHECK Enable MSVC code analysis. ON
MUTEX_TYPE InnoDB mutex type event
MYSQLX_TCP_PORT TCP/IP port number used by X Plugin 33060
MYSQLX_UNIX_ADDR Unix socket file used by X Plugin /tmp/mysqlx.sock
MYSQL_DATADIR Data directory
MYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE Whether to enable MySQL maintainer-specific development environment OFF
MYSQL_PROJECT_NAME Windows/macOS project name MySQL
MYSQL_TCP_PORT TCP/IP port number 3306
MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR Unix socket file /tmp/mysql.sock
NDB_UTILS_LINK_DYNAMIC Cause NDB tools to be dynamically linked to ndbclient
ODBC_INCLUDES ODBC includes directory
ODBC_LIB_DIR ODBC library directory
OPTIMIZER_TRACE Whether to support optimizer tracing
OPTIMIZE_SANITIZER_BUILDS Whether to optimize sanitizer builds ON
REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD Take extra care to create a build result independent of build location and time
SHOW_SUPPRESSED_COMPILER_WARNING Whether to show suppressed compiler warnings and not fail with -Werror. OFF
SYSCONFDIR Option file directory
SYSTEMD_PID_DIR Directory for PID file under systemd /var/run/mysqld
SYSTEMD_SERVICE_NAME Name of MySQL service under systemd mysqld
TMPDIR tmpdir default value
WIN_DEBUG_NO_INLINE Whether to disable function inlining OFF
WITHOUT_SERVER Do not build the server OFF
WITHOUT_xxx_STORAGE_ENGINE Exclude storage engine xxx from build
WITH_ANT Path to Ant for building GCS Java wrapper
WITH_ASAN Enable AddressSanitizer OFF
WITH_ASAN_SCOPE Enable AddressSanitizer -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope Clang flag OFF
WITH_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT_PLUGINS Enabled automatically if any corresponding server authentication plugins are built
WITH_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP Whether to report error if LDAP authentication plugins cannot be built OFF
WITH_AUTHENTICATION_PAM Build PAM authentication plugin OFF
WITH_AWS_SDK Location of Amazon Web Services software development kit
WITH_BUILD_ID On Linux systems, generate a unique build ID ON
WITH_CLASSPATH Classpath to use when building MySQL Cluster Connector for Java. Default is an empty string.
WITH_CLIENT_PROTOCOL_TRACING Build client-side protocol tracing framework ON
WITH_CURL Location of curl library
WITH_DEBUG Whether to include debugging support OFF
WITH_DEFAULT_COMPILER_OPTIONS Whether to use default compiler options ON
WITH_DEVELOPER_ENTITLEMENTS Whether to add the 'get-task-allow' entitlement to all executables on macOS to generate a core dump in the event of an unexpected server halt OFF
WITH_EDITLINE Which libedit/editline library to use bundled
WITH_ERROR_INSERT Enable error injection in the NDB storage engine. Should not be used for building binaries intended for production. OFF
WITH_ICU Type of ICU support bundled
WITH_INNODB_EXTRA_DEBUG Whether to include extra debugging support for InnoDB. OFF
WITH_JEMALLOC Whether to link with -ljemalloc OFF
WITH_LD Whether to use the LLVM lld or mold linker
WITH_LIBEVENT Which libevent library to use bundled
WITH_LIBWRAP Whether to include libwrap (TCP wrappers) support OFF
WITH_LOCK_ORDER Whether to enable LOCK_ORDER tooling OFF
WITH_LSAN Whether to run LeakSanitizer, without AddressSanitizer OFF
WITH_LTO Enable link-time optimizer OFF
WITH_LZ4 Type of LZ4 library support bundled
WITH_MECAB Compiles MeCab
WITH_MSAN Enable MemorySanitizer OFF
WITH_MSCRT_DEBUG Enable Visual Studio CRT memory leak tracing OFF
WITH_MYSQLX Whether to disable X Protocol ON
WITH_NDB Build MySQL NDB Cluster, including NDB storage engine and all NDB programs OFF
WITH_NDBAPI_EXAMPLES Build API example programs. OFF
WITH_NDBCLUSTER NDB 8.0.30 and earlier: Build NDB storage engine. NDB 8.0.31 and later: Deprecated; use WITH_NDB instead OFF
WITH_NDBCLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE Prior to NDB 8.0.31, this was for internal use only. NDB 8.0.31 and later: toggles (only) inclusion of NDBCLUSTER storage engine ON
WITH_NDBMTD Build multithreaded data node binary ON
WITH_NDB_DEBUG Produce a debug build for testing or troubleshooting. OFF
WITH_NDB_JAVA Enable building of Java and ClusterJ support. Enabled by default. Supported in MySQL Cluster only. ON
WITH_NDB_PORT Default port used by a management server built with this option. If this option was not used to build it, the management server's default port is 1186. [none]
WITH_NDB_TEST Include NDB API test programs. OFF
WITH_NDB_TLS_SEARCH_PATH Default path used by NDB programs to search for TLS certificate and key files. $HOME/ndb-tls
WITH_NUMA Set NUMA memory allocation policy
WITH_PACKAGE_FLAGS For flags typically used for RPM/DEB packages, whether to add them to standalone builds on those platforms
WITH_PROTOBUF Which Protocol Buffers package to use bundled
WITH_RAPID Whether to build rapid development cycle plugins ON
WITH_RAPIDJSON Type of RapidJSON support bundled
WITH_ROUTER Whether to build MySQL Router ON
WITH_SHOW_PARSE_TREE Support for SHOW PARSE_TREE debugging statement
WITH_SSL Type of SSL support system
WITH_SYSTEMD Enable installation of systemd support files OFF
WITH_SYSTEMD_DEBUG Enable additional systemd debug information OFF
WITH_SYSTEM_LIBS Set system value of library options not set explicitly OFF
WITH_TCMALLOC Whether to link with -ltcmalloc. BUNDLED is supported on Linux only OFF
WITH_TEST_TRACE_PLUGIN Build test protocol trace plugin OFF
WITH_TSAN Enable ThreadSanitizer OFF
WITH_UBSAN Enable Undefined Behavior Sanitizer OFF
WITH_UNIT_TESTS Compile MySQL with unit tests ON
WITH_UNIXODBC Enable unixODBC support OFF
WITH_VALGRIND Whether to compile in Valgrind header files OFF
WITH_WIN_JEMALLOC Path to directory containing jemalloc.dll
WITH_ZLIB Type of zlib support bundled
WITH_ZSTD Type of zstd support bundled
WITH_xxx_STORAGE_ENGINE Compile storage engine xxx statically into server

General Options

  • -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release

    This option configures a source distribution with the same build options used by Oracle to produce binary distributions for official MySQL releases.

  • -DWITH_BUILD_ID=bool

    On Linux systems, generates a unique build ID which is used as the value of the build_id system variable and written to the MySQL server log on startup. Set this option to OFF to disable this feature.

    This option has no effect on platforms other than Linux.


    Whether to bundle runtime libraries with server MSI and Zip packages for Windows.


    The type of build to produce:

    • RelWithDebInfo: Enable optimizations and generate debugging information. This is the default MySQL build type.

    • Release: Enable optimizations but omit debugging information to reduce the build size.

    • Debug: Disable optimizations and generate debugging information. This build type is also used if the WITH_DEBUG option is enabled. That is, -DWITH_DEBUG=1 has the same effect as -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug.

    The option values None and MinSizeRel are not supported.


    This option affects whether the make package operation produces multiple installation package files or a single file. If disabled, the operation produces multiple installation package files, which may be useful if you want to install only a subset of a full MySQL installation. If enabled, it produces a single file for installing everything.


    Defines whether to force an in-source build. Out-of-source builds are recommended, as they permit multiple builds from the same source, and cleanup can be performed quickly by removing the build directory. To force an in-source build, invoke CMake with -DFORCE_INSOURCE_BUILD=ON.


    Defines whether to enable colorized compiler output for gcc and clang when compiling on the command line. Defaults to OFF.

Installation Layout Options

The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option indicates the base installation directory. Other options with names of the form INSTALL_xxx that indicate component locations are interpreted relative to the prefix and their values are relative pathnames. Their values should not include the prefix.

Storage Engine Options

Storage engines are built as plugins. You can build a plugin as a static module (compiled into the server) or a dynamic module (built as a dynamic library that must be installed into the server using the INSTALL PLUGIN statement or the --plugin-load option before it can be used). Some plugins might not support static or dynamic building.

The InnoDB, MyISAM, MERGE, MEMORY, and CSV engines are mandatory (always compiled into the server) and need not be installed explicitly.

To compile a storage engine statically into the server, use -DWITH_engine_STORAGE_ENGINE=1. Some permissible engine values are ARCHIVE, BLACKHOLE, EXAMPLE, and FEDERATED. Examples:


To build MySQL with support for NDB Cluster, use the WITH_NDB option.


It is not possible to compile without Performance Schema support. If it is desired to compile without particular types of instrumentation, that can be done with the following CMake options:


For example, to compile without mutex instrumentation, configure MySQL using -DDISABLE_PSI_MUTEX=1.

To exclude a storage engine from the build, use -DWITH_engine_STORAGE_ENGINE=0. Examples:


It is also possible to exclude a storage engine from the build using -DWITHOUT_engine_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 (but -DWITH_engine_STORAGE_ENGINE=0 is preferred). Examples:


If neither -DWITH_engine_STORAGE_ENGINE nor -DWITHOUT_engine_STORAGE_ENGINE are specified for a given storage engine, the engine is built as a shared module, or excluded if it cannot be built as a shared module.

Feature Options

  • -DADD_GDB_INDEX=bool

    This option determines whether to enable generation of a .gdb_index section in binaries, which makes loading them in a debugger faster. The option is disabled by default. lld linker is used, and is disabled by It has no effect if a linker other than lld or GNU gold is used.


    A descriptive comment about the compilation environment. While mysqld uses COMPILATION_COMMENT_SERVER, other programs use COMPILATION_COMMENT.


    Whether to compress the debug sections of binary executables (Linux only). Compressing executable debug sections saves space at the cost of extra CPU time during the build process.

    The default is OFF. If this option is not set explicitly but the COMPRESS_DEBUG_SECTIONS environment variable is set, the option takes its value from that variable.


    A descriptive comment about the compilation environment for use by mysqld (for example, to set the version_comment system variable). Programs other than the server use COMPILATION_COMMENT.

  • -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=charset_name

    The server character set. By default, MySQL uses the utf8mb4 character set.

    charset_name may be one of binary, armscii8, ascii, big5, cp1250, cp1251, cp1256, cp1257, cp850, cp852, cp866, cp932, dec8, eucjpms, euckr, gb2312, gbk, geostd8, greek, hebrew, hp8, keybcs2, koi8r, koi8u, latin1, latin2, latin5, latin7, macce, macroman, sjis, swe7, tis620, ucs2, ujis, utf8mb3, utf8mb4, utf16, utf16le, utf32.

    This value can be set at server startup with the --character-set-server option.

  • -DDEFAULT_COLLATION=collation_name

    The server collation. By default, MySQL uses utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci. Use the SHOW COLLATION statement to determine which collations are available for each character set.

    This value can be set at server startup with the --collation_server option.


    Enable all DISABLE_PSI_* build options. This is the same as setting all such options to ON.

    The default for DISABLE_PERFSCHEMA is OFF.


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema condition instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema file instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema idle instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema memory instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema metadata instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema mutex instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema rwlock instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema socket instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema stored program instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema stage instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema statement instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema statement digest instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to exclude the Performance Schema table instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Exclude the Performance Schema prepared statements instances instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Exclude the Performance Schema thread instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).

    Only disable threads when building without any instrumentation, because other instrumentations have a dependency on threads.


    Exclude the Performance Schema transaction instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Exclude the performance schema data lock instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Exclude the performance schema server error instrumentation. The default is OFF (include).


    Whether to enable experimental InnoDB system variables. Experimental system variables are intended for those engaged in MySQL development, should only be used in a development or test environment, and may be removed without notice in a future MySQL release. For information about experimental system variables, refer to /storage/innobase/handler/ in the MySQL source tree. Experimental system variables can be identified by searching for PLUGIN_VAR_EXPERIMENTAL.


    Whether to build without MySQL Server. The default is OFF, which does build the server.

    This is considered an experimental option; it is preferred to build with the server.

  • -DENABLE_GCOV=bool

    Whether to include gcov support (Linux only).


    Whether to enable gprof (optimized Linux builds only).


    This option controls the compiled-in default LOCAL capability for the MySQL client library. Clients that make no explicit arrangements therefore have LOCAL capability disabled or enabled according to the ENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE setting specified at MySQL build time.

    By default, the client library in MySQL binary distributions is compiled with ENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE disabled. If you compile MySQL from source, configure it with ENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE disabled or enabled based on whether clients that make no explicit arrangements should have LOCAL capability disabled or enabled, respectively.

    ENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE controls the default for client-side LOCAL capability. For the server, the local_infile system variable controls server-side LOCAL capability. To explicitly cause the server to refuse or permit LOAD DATA LOCAL statements (regardless of how client programs and libraries are configured at build time or runtime), start mysqld with --local-infile disabled or enabled, respectively. local_infile can also be set at runtime. See Section 8.1.6, “Security Considerations for LOAD DATA LOCAL”.


    Whether to enable query profiling code (for the SHOW PROFILE and SHOW PROFILES statements).


    By default, CMake checks for minimum versions of supported compilers; to disable this check, use -DFORCE_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER=ON.


    Show suppressed compiler warnings, and do so without failing with -Werror. Defaults to OFF.


    Whether to generate profile guided optimization (PGO) data. This option is available for experimenting with PGO with GCC. See cmake/fprofile.cmake in the MySQL source distribution for information about using FPROFILE_GENERATE and FPROFILE_USE. These options have been tested with GCC 8 and 9.


    Whether to use profile guided optimization (PGO) data. This option is available for experimenting with PGO with GCC. See the cmake/fprofile.cmake file in a MySQL source distribution for information about using FPROFILE_GENERATE and FPROFILE_USE. These options have been tested with GCC 8 and 9.

    Enabling FPROFILE_USE also enables WITH_LTO.


    Whether to enable the performance schema memory tracing module for memory allocation functions (ut::aligned_name library functions) used in dynamic storage of over-aligned types.


    If the -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release option is given on Linux, the libaio library must be linked in by default. If you do not have libaio or do not want to install it, you can suppress the check for it by specifying -DIGNORE_AIO_CHECK=1.


    The maximum number of indexes per table. The default is 64. The maximum is 255. Values smaller than 64 are ignored and the default of 64 is used.


    Whether to enable a MySQL maintainer-specific development environment. If enabled, this option causes compiler warnings to become errors.


    Whether to add the get-task-allow entitlement to all executables to generate a core dump in the event of an unexpected server halt.

    On macOS 11+, core dumps are limited to processes with the entitlement, which this CMake option enables. The entitlement allows other processes to attach and read/modify the processes memory, and allows --core-file to function as expected.

  • -DMUTEX_TYPE=type

    The mutex type used by InnoDB. Options include:

    • event: Use event mutexes. This is the default value and the original InnoDB mutex implementation.

    • sys: Use POSIX mutexes on UNIX systems. Use CRITICAL_SECTION objects on Windows, if available.

    • futex: Use Linux futexes instead of condition variables to schedule waiting threads.

  • -DMYSQLX_TCP_PORT=port_num

    The port number on which X Plugin listens for TCP/IP connections. The default is 33060.

    This value can be set at server startup with the mysqlx_port system variable.

  • -DMYSQLX_UNIX_ADDR=file_name

    The Unix socket file path on which the server listens for X Plugin socket connections. This must be an absolute path name. The default is /tmp/mysqlx.sock.

    This value can be set at server startup with the mysqlx_port system variable.


    For Windows or macOS, the project name to incorporate into the project file name.

  • -DMYSQL_TCP_PORT=port_num

    The port number on which the server listens for TCP/IP connections. The default is 3306.

    This value can be set at server startup with the --port option.

  • -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR=file_name

    The Unix socket file path on which the server listens for socket connections. This must be an absolute path name. The default is /tmp/mysql.sock.

    This value can be set at server startup with the --socket option.


    Whether to support optimizer tracing. See MySQL Internals: Tracing the Optimizer.


    For builds on Linux systems, this option controls whether to take extra care to create a build result independent of build location and time.

    This option defaults to ON for RelWithDebInfo builds.

  • -DWITH_LD=string

    CMake uses the standard linker by default. Optionally pass in lld or mold to specify an alternative linker. mold must be version 2 or newer.

    This option can be used on Linux-based systems other than Enterprise Linux, which always uses the ld linker.


    Previously, the option USE_LD_LLD could be used to enable (the default) or disable explicitly the LLVM lld linker for Clang. In MySQL 8.3, USE_LD_LLD has been removed.


    Whether to disable function inlining on Windows. The default is OFF (inlining enabled).

  • -DWITH_ANT=path_name

    Set the path to Ant, required when building GCS Java wrapper. Set WITH_ANT to the path of a directory where the Ant tarball or unpacked archive is saved. When WITH_ANT is not set, or is set with the special value system, the build process assumes a binary ant exists in $PATH.

  • -DWITH_ASAN=bool

    Whether to enable the AddressSanitizer, for compilers that support it. The default is OFF.


    Whether to enable the AddressSanitizer -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope Clang flag for use-after-scope detection. The default is off. To use this option, -DWITH_ASAN must also be enabled.


    This option is enabled automatically if any corresponding server authentication plugins are built. Its value thus depends on other CMake options and it should not be set explicitly.


    Whether to report an error if the LDAP authentication plugins cannot be built:

    • If this option is disabled (the default), the LDAP plugins are built if the required header files and libraries are found. If they are not, CMake displays a note about it.

    • If this option is enabled, a failure to find the required header file and libraries causes CMake to produce an error, preventing the server from being built.


    Whether to build the PAM authentication plugin, for source trees that include this plugin. (See Section, “PAM Pluggable Authentication”.) If this option is specified and the plugin cannot be compiled, the build fails.

  • -DWITH_AWS_SDK=path_name

    The location of the Amazon Web Services software development kit.


    Whether to build the client-side protocol tracing framework into the client library. By default, this option is enabled.

    For information about writing protocol trace client plugins, see Writing Protocol Trace Plugins.

    See also the WITH_TEST_TRACE_PLUGIN option.

  • -DWITH_CURL=curl_type

    The location of the curl library. curl_type can be system (use the system curl library), a path name to the curl library, no|off|none to disable curl support, or bundled to use the bundled curl distribution in extra/curl/.

  • -DWITH_DEBUG=bool

    Whether to include debugging support.

    Configuring MySQL with debugging support enables you to use the --debug="d,parser_debug" option when you start the server. This causes the Bison parser that is used to process SQL statements to dump a parser trace to the server's standard error output. Typically, this output is written to the error log.

    Sync debug checking for the InnoDB storage engine is defined under UNIV_DEBUG and is available when debugging support is compiled in using the WITH_DEBUG option. When debugging support is compiled in, the innodb_sync_debug configuration option can be used to enable or disable InnoDB sync debug checking.

    Enabling WITH_DEBUG also enables Debug Sync. This facility is used for testing and debugging. When compiled in, Debug Sync is disabled by default at runtime. To enable it, start mysqld with the --debug-sync-timeout=N option, where N is a timeout value greater than 0. (The default value is 0, which disables Debug Sync.) N becomes the default timeout for individual synchronization points.

    Sync debug checking for the InnoDB storage engine is available when debugging support is compiled in using the WITH_DEBUG option.

    For a description of the Debug Sync facility and how to use synchronization points, see MySQL Internals: Test Synchronization.


    Which libedit/editline library to use. The permitted values are bundled (the default) and system.

  • -DWITH_ICU={icu_type|path_name}

    MySQL uses International Components for Unicode (ICU) to support regular expression operations. The WITH_ICU option indicates the type of ICU support to include or the path name to the ICU installation to use.

    • icu_type can be one of the following values:

      • bundled: Use the ICU library bundled with the distribution. This is the default, and is the only supported option for Windows.

      • system: Use the system ICU library.

    • path_name is the path name to the ICU installation to use. This can be preferable to using the icu_type value of system because it can prevent CMake from detecting and using an older or incorrect ICU version installed on the system. (Another permitted way to do the same thing is to set WITH_ICU to system and set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH option to path_name.)


    Whether to include extra InnoDB debugging support.

    Enabling WITH_INNODB_EXTRA_DEBUG turns on extra InnoDB debug checks. This option can only be enabled when WITH_DEBUG is enabled.


    Whether to link with -ljemalloc. If enabled, built-in malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), and free() routines are disabled. The default is OFF.

    WITH_JEMALLOC and WITH_TCMALLOC are mutually exclusive.


    On Windows, pass in a path to a directory containing jemalloc.dll to enable jemalloc functionality. The build system copies jemalloc.dll to the same directory as mysqld.exe and/or mysqld-debug.exe and utilizes it for memory management operations. Standard memory functions are used if jemalloc.dll is not found or does not export the required functions. An INFORMATION level log message records whether or not jemalloc is found and used.

    This option is enabled for official MySQL binaries for Windows.

  • -DWITH_LIBEVENT=string

    Which libevent library to use. Permitted values are bundled (default) and system. If system is specified and no system libevent library can be found, an error occurs regardless, and the bundled libevent is not used.

    The libevent library is required by X Plugin and MySQL Router.


    Whether to include libwrap (TCP wrappers) support.


    Whether to enable LOCK_ORDER tooling. By default, this option is disabled and server builds contain no tooling. If tooling is enabled, the LOCK_ORDER tool is available and can be used as described in Section 7.9.3, “The LOCK_ORDER Tool”.


    With the WITH_LOCK_ORDER option enabled, MySQL builds require the flex program.

  • -DWITH_LSAN=bool

    Whether to run LeakSanitizer, without AddressSanitizer. The default is OFF.

  • -DWITH_LTO=bool

    Whether to enable the link-time optimizer, if the compiler supports it. The default is OFF unless FPROFILE_USE is enabled.

  • -DWITH_LZ4=lz4_type

    The WITH_LZ4 option indicates the source of zlib support:

    • bundled: Use the lz4 library bundled with the distribution. This is the default.

    • system: Use the system lz4 library.

  • -DWITH_MECAB={disabled|system|path_name}

    Use this option to compile the MeCab parser. If you have installed MeCab to its default installation directory, set -DWITH_MECAB=system. The system option applies to MeCab installations performed from source or from binaries using a native package management utility. If you installed MeCab to a custom installation directory, specify the path to the MeCab installation, for example, -DWITH_MECAB=/opt/mecab. If the system option does not work, specifying the MeCab installation path should work in all cases.

    For related information, see Section 14.9.9, “MeCab Full-Text Parser Plugin”.

  • -DWITH_MSAN=bool

    Whether to enable MemorySanitizer, for compilers that support it. The default is off.

    For this option to have an effect if enabled, all libraries linked to MySQL must also have been compiled with the option enabled.


    Whether to enable Visual Studio CRT memory leak tracing. The default is OFF.


    Whether to enable MSVC code analysis. The default is ON.

  • -DWITH_MYSQLX=bool

    Whether to build with support for X Plugin. The default is ON. See Chapter 22, Using MySQL as a Document Store.

  • -DWITH_NUMA=bool

    Explicitly set the NUMA memory allocation policy. CMake sets the default WITH_NUMA value based on whether the current platform has NUMA support. For platforms without NUMA support, CMake behaves as follows:

    • With no NUMA option (the normal case), CMake continues normally, producing only this warning: NUMA library missing or required version not available.

    • With -DWITH_NUMA=ON, CMake aborts with this error: NUMA library missing or required version not available.


    For flags typically used for RPM and Debian packages, whether to add them to standalone builds on those platforms. The default is ON for nondebug builds.

  • -DWITH_PROTOBUF=protobuf_type

    Which Protocol Buffers package to use. protobuf_type can be one of the following values:

    • bundled: Use the package bundled with the distribution. This is the default. Optionally use INSTALL_PRIV_LIBDIR to modify the dynamic Protobuf library directory.

    • system: Use the package installed on the system.

    Other values are ignored, with a fallback to bundled.

  • -DWITH_RAPID=bool

    Whether to build the rapid development cycle plugins. When enabled, a rapid directory is created in the build tree containing these plugins. When disabled, no rapid directory is created in the build tree. The default is ON, unless the rapid directory is removed from the source tree, in which case the default becomes OFF.

  • -DWITH_RAPIDJSON=rapidjson_type

    The type of RapidJSON library support to include. rapidjson_type can be one of the following values:

    • bundled: Use the RapidJSON library bundled with the distribution. This is the default.

    • system: Use the system RapidJSON library. Version 1.1.0 or later is required.

  • -DWITH_ROUTER=bool

    Whether to build MySQL Router. The default is ON.

  • -DWITH_SSL={ssl_type|path_name}

    For support of encrypted connections, entropy for random number generation, and other encryption-related operations, MySQL must be built using an SSL library. This option specifies which SSL library to use.

    • ssl_type can be one of the following values:

      • system: Use the system OpenSSL library. This is the default.

        On macOS and Windows, using system configures MySQL to build as if CMake was invoked with path_name points to a manually installed OpenSSL library. This is because they do not have system SSL libraries. On macOS, brew install openssl installs to /usr/local/opt/openssl so that system can find it. On Windows, it checks %ProgramFiles%/OpenSSL, %ProgramFiles%/OpenSSL-Win32, %ProgramFiles%/OpenSSL-Win64, C:/OpenSSL, C:/OpenSSL-Win32, and C:/OpenSSL-Win64.

      • yes: This is a synonym for system.

      • opensslversion: Use an alternate OpenSSL system package such as openssl11 on EL7, or openssl3 (or openssl3-fips) on EL8.

        Authentication plugins, such as LDAP and Kerberos, are disabled as they do not support these alternative versions of OpenSSL.

    • path_name is the path name to the OpenSSL installation to use. This can be preferable to using the ssl_type value system because it can prevent CMake from detecting and using an older or incorrect OpenSSL version installed on the system. (Another permitted way to do the same thing is to set WITH_SSL to system and set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH option to path_name.)

    For additional information about configuring the SSL library, see Section 2.8.6, “Configuring SSL Library Support”.


    Enables support for SHOW PARSE_TREE in the server, used in development and debugging only. Not used for release builds or supported in production.


    Whether to enable installation of systemd support files. By default, this option is disabled. When enabled, systemd support files are installed, and scripts such as mysqld_safe and the System V initialization script are not installed. On platforms where systemd is not available, enabling WITH_SYSTEMD results in an error from CMake.

    When the server was built using this option, MySQL includes all systemd messages in the server's error log (see Section 7.4.2, “The Error Log”).

    For more information about using systemd, see Section 2.5.9, “Managing MySQL Server with systemd”. That section also includes information about specifying options otherwise specified in [mysqld_safe] option groups. Because mysqld_safe is not installed when systemd is used, such options must be specified another way.


    This option serves as an umbrella option to set the system value of any of the following CMake options that are not set explicitly: WITH_CURL, WITH_EDITLINE, WITH_ICU, WITH_LIBEVENT, WITH_LZ4, WITH_LZMA, WITH_PROTOBUF, WITH_RE2, WITH_SSL, WITH_ZLIB, WITH_ZSTD.


    Whether to produce additional systemd debugging information, for platforms on which systemd is used to run MySQL. The default is OFF.


    Whether to link with -ltcmalloc. If enabled, built-in malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), and free() routines are disabled. The default is OFF.

    A tcmalloc library is included in the source; you can cause the build to use the bundled version by setting this option to BUNDLED. BUNDLED is supported on Linux systems only.

    WITH_TCMALLOC and WITH_JEMALLOC are mutually exclusive.


    Whether to build the test protocol trace client plugin (see Using the Test Protocol Trace Plugin). By default, this option is disabled. Enabling this option has no effect unless the WITH_CLIENT_PROTOCOL_TRACING option is enabled. If MySQL is configured with both options enabled, the libmysqlclient client library is built with the test protocol trace plugin built in, and all the standard MySQL clients load the plugin. However, even when the test plugin is enabled, it has no effect by default. Control over the plugin is afforded using environment variables; see Using the Test Protocol Trace Plugin.


    Do not enable the WITH_TEST_TRACE_PLUGIN option if you want to use your own protocol trace plugins because only one such plugin can be loaded at a time and an error occurs for attempts to load a second one. If you have already built MySQL with the test protocol trace plugin enabled to see how it works, you must rebuild MySQL without it before you can use your own plugins.

    For information about writing trace plugins, see Writing Protocol Trace Plugins.

  • -DWITH_TSAN=bool

    Whether to enable the ThreadSanitizer, for compilers that support it. The default is off.

  • -DWITH_UBSAN=bool

    Whether to enable the Undefined Behavior Sanitizer, for compilers that support it. The default is off.


    If enabled, compile MySQL with unit tests. The default is ON unless the server is not being compiled.


    Enables unixODBC support, for Connector/ODBC.


    Whether to compile in the Valgrind header files, which exposes the Valgrind API to MySQL code. The default is OFF.

    To generate a Valgrind-aware debug build, -DWITH_VALGRIND=1 normally is combined with -DWITH_DEBUG=1. See Building Debug Configurations.

  • -DWITH_ZLIB=zlib_type

    Some features require that the server be built with compression library support, such as the COMPRESS() and UNCOMPRESS() functions, and compression of the client/server protocol. The WITH_ZLIB option indicates the source of zlib support:

    The minimum supported version of zlib is 1.2.13.

    • bundled: Use the zlib library bundled with the distribution. This is the default.

    • system: Use the system zlib library.

  • -DWITH_ZSTD=zstd_type

    Connection compression using the zstd algorithm (see Section 6.2.8, “Connection Compression Control”) requires that the server be built with zstd library support. The WITH_ZSTD option indicates the source of zstd support:

    • bundled: Use the zstd library bundled with the distribution. This is the default.

    • system: Use the system zstd library.

Compiler Flags

To specify your own C and C++ compiler flags, for flags that do not affect optimization, use the CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMake options.

When providing your own compiler flags, you might want to specify CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE as well.

For example, to create a 32-bit release build on a 64-bit Linux machine, do this:

$> mkdir build
$> cd build
$> cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 \

If you set flags that affect optimization (-Onumber), you must set the CMAKE_C_FLAGS_build_type and/or CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_build_type options, where build_type corresponds to the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE value. To specify a different optimization for the default build type (RelWithDebInfo) set the CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO options. For example, to compile on Linux with -O3 and with debug symbols, do this:


CMake Options for Compiling NDB Cluster

To compile MySQL with support for NDB Cluster, you can use -DWITH_NDB, which causes the build to include the NDB storage engine and all NDB programs. This option is enabled by default. To prevent building of the NDB storage engine plugin, use -DWITH_NDBCLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE=OFF. Other aspects of the build can be controlled using the other options listed in this section.

The following options apply when building the MySQL sources with NDB Cluster support.


    Controls whether NDB utilities such as ndb_drop_table are linked with ndbclient statically (OFF) or dynamically (ON); OFF (static linking) is the default. Normally static linking is used when building these to avoid problems with LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or when multiple versions of ndbclient are installed. This option is intended for creating Docker images and possibly other cases in which the target environment is subject to precise control and it is desirable to reduce image size.


    Sets the classpath for building MySQL NDB Cluster Connector for Java. The default is empty. This option is ignored if -DWITH_NDB_JAVA=OFF is used.


    Enables error injection in the NDB kernel. For testing only; not intended for use in building production binaries. The default is OFF.


    Build MySQL NDB Cluster; build the NDB plugin and all NDB Cluster programs.


    Build NDB API example programs in storage/ndb/ndbapi-examples/. See NDB API Examples, for information about these.


    Controls (only) whether the ndbcluster plugin is included in the build; WITH_NDB enables this option automatically, so it is recommended that you use WITH_NDB instead.


    Build and link in support for the NDB storage engine in mysqld.

    This option is deprecated and subject to eventual removal; use WITH_NDB instead.


    Build the multithreaded data node executable ndbmtd. The default is ON.


    Enable building the debug versions of the NDB Cluster binaries. This is OFF by default.


    Enable building NDB Cluster with Java support, including support for ClusterJ (see MySQL NDB Cluster Connector for Java).

    This option is ON by default. If you do not wish to compile NDB Cluster with Java support, you must disable it explicitly by specifying -DWITH_NDB_JAVA=OFF when running CMake. Otherwise, if Java cannot be found, configuration of the build fails.

  • -DWITH_NDB_PORT=port

    Causes the NDB Cluster management server (ndb_mgmd) that is built to use this port by default. If this option is unset, the resulting management server tries to use port 1186 by default.


    If enabled, include a set of NDB API test programs. The default is OFF.


    Set the default path searched by ndb_sign_keys and other NDB programs for TLS certificate and key files.

    The default for Windows platforms is $HOMEDIR/ndb-tls; for other platforms, such as Linux, it is $HOME/ndb-tls.