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MySQL 9.1 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  Using the MySQL SLES Repository

2.5.3 Using the MySQL SLES Repository

The MySQL SLES repository provides RPM packages for installing and managing the MySQL server, client, and other components on SUSE Enterprise Linux Server. This section contains information on obtaining and installing these packages.

Adding the MySQL SLES Repository

Add or update the official MySQL SLES repository for your system's repository list:


The beginning part of the configuration file name, such as mysql84, describes the default MySQL series that is enabled for installation. In this case, the subrepository for MySQL 8.4 LTS is enabled by default. It also contains other subrepository versions, such as MySQL 8.0 and the MySQL innovation series. MySQL 9.1 is the current innovation release.

New MySQL Repository Installation

If the MySQL repository is not yet present on the system then:

  1. Go to the download page for MySQL SLES repository at

  2. Select and download the release package for your SLES version.

  3. Install the downloaded release package with the following command, replacing package-name with the name of the downloaded package:

    $> sudo rpm -Uvh package-name.rpm

    For example, to install the SLES 15 package where # indicates the release number within a version such as 15-1:

    $> sudo rpm -Uvh mysql84-community-release-sl15-#.noarch.rpm
Update an Existing MySQL Repository Installation

If an older version is already present then update it:

  • $> sudo zypper update mysql84-community-release
  • Although this is not required for each MySQL release, it does update MySQL repository information to include the current information. For example, mysql84-community-release-sl15-7.noarch.rpm is the first SUSE 15 repository configuration file that adds the innovation release track that begins with MySQL 8.1. series.

Selecting a Release Series

Within the MySQL SLES repository, different release series of the MySQL Community Server are hosted in different subrepositories. The subrepository for the latest bugfix series (currently MySQL 8.4) is enabled by default, and the subrepositories for all other series are disabled. Use this command to see all of the subrepositories in the MySQL SLES repository, and to see which of them are enabled or disabled:

$> zypper repos | grep mysql.*community

The innovation track is available for SLES 15 with entries such as mysql-innovation-community.

To install the latest release from a specific series, before running the installation command, make sure that the subrepository for the series you want is enabled and the subrepositories for other series are disabled. For example, on SLES 15, to disable the subrepositories for MySQL 8.4 server and tools, which are enabled by default, use the following:

$> sudo zypper modifyrepo -d mysql-8.4-lts-community
$> sudo zypper modifyrepo -d mysql-tools-community

Then, enable the subrepositories for the release series you want. For example, to enable the Innovation track on SLES 15 which installs MySQL 9.1:

$> sudo zypper modifyrepo -e mysql-innovation-community
$> sudo zypper modifyrepo -e mysql-tools-innovation-community

You should only enable a subrepository for one release series at any time.

Verify that the correct subrepositories have been enabled by running the following command and checking its output:

$> zypper repos -E | grep mysql.*community

 7 | mysql-connectors-community       | MySQL Connectors Community                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | No
10 | mysql-innovation-community       | MySQL Innovation Release Community Server   | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | No
16 | mysql-tools-innovation-community | MySQL Tools Innovation Community            | Yes     | ( p) Yes  | No

After that, use the following command to refresh the repository information for the enabled subrepository:

$> sudo zypper refresh

Installing MySQL with Zypper

With the official MySQL repository enabled, install MySQL Server:

$> sudo zypper install mysql-community-server

This installs the package for the MySQL server, as well as other required packages.

Starting the MySQL Server

Start the MySQL server with the following command:

$> systemctl start mysql

You can check the status of the MySQL server with the following command:

$> systemctl status mysql

If the operating system is systemd enabled, standard systemctl (or alternatively, service with the arguments reversed) commands such as stop, start, status, and restart should be used to manage the MySQL server service. The mysql service is enabled by default, and it starts at system reboot. See Section 2.5.9, “Managing MySQL Server with systemd” for additional information.

MySQL Server Initialization: When the server is started for the first time, the server is initialized, and the following happens (if the data directory of the server is empty when the initialization process begins):

  • The SSL certificate and key files are generated in the data directory.

  • The validate_password plugin is installed and enabled.

  • A superuser account 'root'@'localhost' is created. A password for the superuser is set and stored in the error log file. To reveal it, use the following command:

    $> sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysql/mysqld.log

    Change the root password as soon as possible by logging in with the generated, temporary password and set a custom password for the superuser account:

    $> mysql -uroot -p
    mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'MyNewPass4!';

MySQL's validate_password plugin is installed by default. This will require that passwords contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one digit, and one special character, and that the total password length is at least 8 characters.

You can stop the MySQL Server with the following command:

$> sudo systemctl stop mysql

Installing Additional MySQL Products and Components

You can install more components of MySQL. List subrepositories in the MySQL SLES repository with the following command:

$> zypper repos | grep mysql.*community

Use the following command to list the packages for the MySQL components available for a certain subrepository, changing subrepo-name to the name of the subrepository you are interested in :

$> zypper packages subrepo-name

Install any packages of your choice with the following command, replacing package-name with name of the package (you might need to enable first the subrepository for the package, using the same method for selecting a subrepository for a specific release series outlined in Selecting a Release Series):

$> sudo zypper install package-name

For example, to install the MySQL benchmark suite from the subrepository for the release series you have already enabled:

$> sudo zypper install mysql-community-bench

Upgrading MySQL with the MySQL SLES Repository

  • Before performing any update to MySQL, follow carefully the instructions in Chapter 3, Upgrading MySQL. Among other instructions discussed there, it is especially important to back up your database before the update.

Use the MySQL SLES repository to perform an in-place update (that is, replacing the old version of the server and then running the new version using the old data files) for your MySQL installation by following these steps (they assume you have installed MySQL with the MySQL SLES repository; if that is not the case, following the instructions in Replacing MySQL Installed by an RPM from Other Sources instead):

  1. Selecting a Target Series

    During an update operation, by default, the MySQL SLES repository updates MySQL to the latest version in the release series you have chosen during installation (see Selecting a Release Series for details), which means. For example, an LTS series installation, such as 8.4, will not update to an innovation series, such as 9.1. To update to another release series, you need to first disable the subrepository for the series that has been selected (by default, or by yourself) and enable the subrepository for your target series. To do that, follow the general instructions given in Selecting a Release Series.

    As a general rule, to upgrade from one release series to another, go to the next series rather than skipping a series.


    In-place downgrading of MySQL is not supported by the MySQL SLES repository. Follow the instructions in Chapter 4, Downgrading MySQL.

  2. Upgrading MySQL

    Upgrade MySQL and its components by the following command:

    $> sudo zypper update mysql-community-server

    Alternatively, you can update MySQL by telling Zypper to update everything on your system (this might take considerably more time):

    $> sudo zypper update

You can also update a specific component only. Use the following command to list all the installed packages from the MySQL SLES repository:

$> zypper packages -i | grep mysql-.*community

After identifying the package name of the component of your choice, update the package with the following command, replacing package-name with the name of the package:

$> sudo zypper update package-name

Replacing MySQL Installed by an RPM from Other Sources

RPMs for installing the MySQL Community Server and its components can be downloaded from MySQL either from the MySQL Developer Zone, from the native software repository of SLES, or from the MySQL SLES repository. The RPMs from the those sources might be different, and they might install and configure MySQL in different ways.

If you have installed MySQL with RPMs from the MySQL Developer Zone or the native software repository of SLES and want to replace the installation using the RPM from the MySQL SLES repository, follow these steps:

  1. Back up your database to avoid data loss. See Chapter 9, Backup and Recovery on how to do that.

  2. Stop your MySQL Server, if it is running. If the server is running as a service, you can stop it with the following command:

    $> systemctl stop mysql

  3. Follow the steps given for Adding the MySQL SLES Repository.

  4. Follow the steps given for Selecting a Release Series.

  5. Follow the steps given for Installing MySQL with Zypper. You will be asked if you want to replace the old packages with the new ones; for example:

    Problem: mysql-community-server-5.6.22-2.sles11.x86_64 requires mysql-community-client = 5.6.22-2.sles11,
      but this requirement cannot be provided uninstallable providers:
     Solution 1: replacement of mysql-client-5.5.31-0.7.10.x86_64 with mysql-community-client-5.6.22-2.sles11.x86_64
     Solution 2: do not install mysql-community-server-5.6.22-2.sles11.x86_64
     Solution 3: break mysql-community-server-5.6.22-2.sles11.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies
    Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/3/c] (c)

    Choose the replacement option (Solution 1 in the example) to finish your installation from the MySQL SLES repository.

Installing MySQL NDB Cluster Using the SLES Repository

  • The following instructions assume that neither the MySQL Server nor MySQL NDB Cluster has already been installed on your system; if that is not the case, remove the MySQL Server or MySQL NDB Cluster, including all its executables, libraries, configuration files, log files, and data directories, before you continue. However there is no need to remove the release package you might have used to enable the MySQL SLES repository on your system.

  • The NDB Cluster Auto-Installer package has a dependency on the python2-crypto and python-paramiko packages. Zypper can take care of this dependency if the Python repository has been enabled on your system.

Selecting the MySQL NDB Cluster Subrepository

Within the MySQL SLES repository, the MySQL Community Server and MySQL NDB Cluster are hosted in different subrepositories. By default, the subrepository for the latest bugfix series of the MySQL Server is enabled and the subrepository for MySQL NDB Cluster is disabled. To install NDB Cluster, disable the subrepository for the MySQL Server and enable the subrepository for NDB Cluster. For example, disable the subrepository for MySQL 8.4, which is enabled by default, with the following command:

$> sudo zypper modifyrepo -d mysql-8.4-lts-community

Then, enable the subrepository for MySQL NDB Cluster:

$> sudo zypper modifyrepo -e mysql-cluster-8.4-community

Verify that the correct subrepositories have been enabled by running the following command and checking its output:

$> zypper repos -E | grep mysql.*community
10 | mysql-cluster-8.4-community | MySQL Cluster 8.4 Community | Yes     | No

After that, use the following command to refresh the repository information for the enabled subrepository:

$> sudo zypper refresh

Installing MySQL NDB Cluster

For a minimal installation of MySQL NDB Cluster, follow these steps:

  • Install the components for SQL nodes:

    $> sudo zypper install mysql-cluster-community-server

    After the installation is completed, start and initialize the SQL node by following the steps given in Starting the MySQL Server.

    If you choose to initialize the data directory manually using the mysqld --initialize command (see Section 2.9.1, “Initializing the Data Directory” for details), a root password is going to be generated and stored in the SQL node's error log; see Starting the MySQL Server for how to find the password, and for a few things you need to know about it.

  • Install the executables for management nodes:

    $> sudo zypper install mysql-cluster-community-management-server
  • Install the executables for data nodes:

    $> sudo zypper install mysql-cluster-community-data-node

To install more NDB Cluster components, see Installing Additional MySQL Products and Components.

See Section 25.3.3, “Initial Configuration of NDB Cluster” on how to configure MySQL NDB Cluster and Section 25.3.4, “Initial Startup of NDB Cluster” on how to start it for the first time.

Installing Additional MySQL NDB Cluster Products and Components

You can use Zypper to install individual components and additional products of MySQL NDB Cluster from the MySQL SLES repository. To do that, assuming you already have the MySQL SLES repository on your system's repository list (if not, follow Step 1 and 2 of Installing MySQL NDB Cluster Using the SLES Repository), follow the same steps given in Installing Additional MySQL NDB Cluster Products and Components.


Known issue: Currently, not all components required for running the MySQL NDB Cluster test suite are installed automatically when you install the test suite package (mysql-cluster-community-test). Install the following packages with zypper install before you run the test suite:

  • mysql-cluster-community-auto-installer

  • mysql-cluster-community-management-server

  • mysql-cluster-community-data-node

  • mysql-cluster-community-memcached

  • mysql-cluster-community-java

  • mysql-cluster-community-ndbclient-devel