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Info (Zip) - 4.1Mb The setup_metrics Table

The setup_metrics table lists the available metrics:

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mysql> select * from performance_schema.setup_metrics\G *************************** 34. row *************************** NAME: undo_tablespaces_active METER: mysql.inno METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC GAUGE COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: Number of active undo tablespaces, including implicit and explicit tablespaces (innodb_undo_tablespaces_active) ... *************************** 48. row *************************** NAME: wait_free METER: mysql.inno.buffer_pool METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: Number of times waited for free buffer (innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free) ... *************************** 55. row *************************** NAME: reads METER: METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: Number of reads initiated (innodb_data_reads) ... *************************** 101. row *************************** NAME: ssl_finished_accepts METER: mysql.x METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: The number of successful SSL connections to the server (Mysqlx_ssl_finished_accepts) ... *************************** 115. row *************************** NAME: list_clients METER: mysql.x.stmt METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: The number of list client statements received (Mysqlx_stmt_list_clients) ... *************************** 162. row *************************** NAME: slow_queries METER: mysql.stats METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: The number of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds (Slow_queries) ... *************************** 346. row *************************** NAME: stmt_reprepare METER: METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: Number of times corresponding command statement has been executed. ... *************************** 353. row *************************** NAME: errors_tcpwrap METER: mysql.stats.connection METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: The number of connections refused by the libwrap library (Connection_errors_tcpwrap) ... *************************** 370. row *************************** NAME: update METER: mysql.stats.handler METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: The number of requests to update a row in a table (Handler_update) ... *************************** 384. row *************************** NAME: callback_cache_hits METER: mysql.stats.ssl METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: The number of accepted SSL connections (Ssl_callback_cache_hits) ... *************************** 391. row *************************** NAME: key_writes METER: mysql.myisam METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: The number of physical writes of a key block from the MyISAM key cache to disk (Key_writes) ... *************************** 424. row *************************** NAME: users_lost METER: mysql.perf_schema METRIC_TYPE: ASYNC COUNTER NUM_TYPE: INTEGER UNIT: DESCRIPTION: The number of times a row could not be added to the users table because it was full (Performance_schema_users_lost)

The setup_metrics table has the following columns:

  • NAME: Name of the metric.

  • METER: Name of the meter group of the metric.

  • METRIC_TYPE: The OpenTelemetry metric type.

  • NUM_TYPE: The numeric type. INTEGER or DOUBLE.

  • DESCRIPTION: A string describing the metric's purpose.