Oracle provides RPM packages for installing MySQL Cluster Manager on Oracle Linux / Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
RPM packages for MySQL Cluster Manager are not available on the MySQL Yum Repository or MySQL SLES Repository.
You must install a copy of MySQL Cluster Manager on each computer that you intend to use as a MySQL NDB Cluster host. In other words, you need to install MySQL Cluster Manager on each host that will be a member of the MySQL Cluster Manager management site.
For ease of use, we recommend that you install MySQL Cluster Manager files at the same location on each host where you intend to run it.
Use the rpm
command (instead of your OS
distribution's package management system) to install the RPM
package. For example:
Press CTRL+C to copyrpm -ivh mcm-8.0.41-linux-distro-arch.rpm #install mcm by stand-alone rpm
The command installs MySQL Cluster Manager under the location
. Use the
option of the
command to install MySQL Cluster Manager somewhere
For information like the contents in the installation folder, the initialization script, and how to run mcm as a systemd service, see Section, “Installing MySQL Cluster Manager Using Tarballs”.