MySQL 9.0.0
Source Code Documentation
Collaboration diagram for Performance Schema Buffers:


class  Proc_purge_account
class  Proc_update_accounts_derived_flags
struct  PFS_account_key
 Hash key for an account. More...
struct  PFS_account
 Per account statistics. More...
struct  PFS_connection_slice
 A connection slice, an arbitrary grouping of several connections. More...
class  Proc_purge_host
struct  PFS_host_key
 Hash key for a host. More...
struct  PFS_host
 Per host statistics. More...
struct  PFS_instr
 Base structure for wait instruments. More...
struct  PFS_mutex
 Instrumented mutex implementation. More...
struct  PFS_rwlock
 Instrumented rwlock implementation. More...
struct  PFS_cond
 Instrumented condition implementation. More...
struct  PFS_file
 Instrumented File and FILE implementation. More...
struct  PFS_table
 Instrumented table implementation. More...
struct  PFS_socket
 Instrumented socket implementation. More...
struct  PFS_metadata_lock
 Instrumented metadata lock implementation. More...
struct  PFS_thread
 Instrumented thread implementation. More...
class  Proc_table_share_derived_flags
class  Proc_program_share_derived_flags
struct  PFS_instr_config
 User-defined instrument configuration. More...
class  PFS_instr_name
 Encapsulates the name of an instrumented entity. More...
struct  PFS_instr_class
 Information for all instrumentation. More...
struct  PFS_mutex_class
 Instrumentation metadata for a mutex. More...
struct  PFS_rwlock_class
 Instrumentation metadata for a read write lock. More...
struct  PFS_cond_class
 Instrumentation metadata for a condition. More...
struct  PFS_thread_class
 Instrumentation metadata of a thread. More...
struct  PFS_metric_class
 Instrumentation metadata for a metric. More...
struct  PFS_meter_class
 Instrumentation metadata for a meter. More...
struct  PFS_table_share_key
 Key identifying a table share. More...
struct  PFS_table_key
 Table index or 'key'. More...
struct  PFS_table_share_index
 Index statistics of a table. More...
struct  PFS_table_share_lock
 Lock statistics of a table. More...
struct  PFS_table_share
 Instrumentation metadata for a table share. More...
struct  PFS_error_class
 Instrumentation metadata for an error. More...
struct  PFS_file_class
 Instrumentation metadata for a file. More...
struct  PFS_stage_class
 Instrumentation metadata for a stage. More...
struct  PFS_statement_class
 Instrumentation metadata for a statement. More...
struct  PFS_transaction_class
 Instrumentation metadata for a transaction. More...
struct  PFS_socket_class
 Instrumentation metadata for a socket. More...
struct  PFS_memory_class
 Instrumentation metadata for a memory. More...
struct  pfs_optimistic_state
struct  pfs_dirty_state
struct  pfs_lock
 A 'lock' protecting performance schema internal buffers. More...
class  Proc_reset_setup_actor
struct  PFS_setup_actor_key
 Hash key for. More...
struct  PFS_setup_actor
 A setup_actor record. More...
class  Proc_reset_setup_object
struct  PFS_setup_object_key
 Hash key for. More...
struct  PFS_setup_object
 A setup_object record. More...
struct  PFS_single_stat
 Single statistic. More...
struct  PFS_byte_stat
 Combined statistic. More...
struct  PFS_mutex_stat
 Statistics for mutex usage. More...
struct  PFS_rwlock_stat
 Statistics for rwlock usage. More...
struct  PFS_cond_stat
 Statistics for conditions usage. More...
struct  PFS_file_io_stat
 Statistics for FILE I/O. More...
struct  PFS_file_stat
 Statistics for FILE usage. More...
struct  PFS_stage_stat
 Statistics for stage usage. More...
struct  PFS_sp_stat
 Statistics for stored program usage. More...
struct  PFS_prepared_stmt_stat
 Statistics for prepared statement usage. More...
struct  PFS_statement_stat
 Statistics for statement usage. More...
struct  PFS_transaction_stat
 Statistics for transaction usage. More...
struct  PFS_error_single_stat
 Statistics for a server error. More...
struct  PFS_error_stat
 Statistics for all server errors. More...
struct  PFS_table_io_stat
 Single table I/O statistic. More...
struct  PFS_table_lock_stat
 Statistics for table locks. More...
struct  PFS_table_stat
 Statistics for TABLE usage. More...
struct  PFS_socket_io_stat
 Statistics for SOCKET I/O. More...
struct  PFS_socket_stat
 Statistics for SOCKET usage. More...
struct  PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta
struct  PFS_memory_stat_free_delta
struct  PFS_memory_safe_stat
 Memory statistics. More...
struct  PFS_memory_shared_stat
struct  PFS_memory_monitoring_stat
struct  PFS_all_memory_stat
struct  PFS_session_all_memory_stat
struct  PFS_connection_stat
 Connections statistics. More...
class  Proc_purge_user
struct  PFS_user_key
 Hash key for a user. More...
struct  PFS_user
 Per user statistics. More...
class  All_THD_visitor_adapter
class  All_host_THD_visitor_adapter
class  All_user_THD_visitor_adapter
class  All_account_THD_visitor_adapter
class  Proc_all_table_shares
class  Proc_all_table_handles
class  Proc_one_table_share_handles
class  Proc_one_table_share_indexes
class  PFS_connection_visitor
 Interface class to visit groups of connections. More...
class  PFS_connection_iterator
 Iterator over groups of connections. More...
class  PFS_instance_visitor
 Interface class to visit groups of instrumentation point instances. More...
class  PFS_instance_iterator
 Iterator over groups of instrumentation point instances. More...
class  PFS_object_visitor
 Interface class to visit groups of SQL objects. More...
class  PFS_object_iterator
 Iterator over groups of SQL objects. More...
class  PFS_connection_wait_visitor
 A concrete connection visitor that aggregates wait statistics for a given event_name. More...
class  PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor
 A concrete connection visitor that aggregates wait statistics for all events. More...
class  PFS_connection_stage_visitor
 A concrete connection visitor that aggregates stage statistics. More...
class  PFS_connection_statement_visitor
 A concrete connection visitor that aggregates statement statistics for a given event_name. More...
class  PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor
 A concrete connection visitor that aggregates statement statistics for all events. More...
class  PFS_connection_transaction_visitor
 A concrete connection visitor that aggregates transaction statistics for a given event_name. More...
class  PFS_connection_error_visitor
 A concrete connection visitor that aggregates Error statistics for a given event_name. More...
class  PFS_connection_stat_visitor
 A concrete connection visitor that aggregates connection statistics. More...
class  PFS_connection_memory_visitor
 A concrete connection visitor that aggregates memory statistics for a given event_name. More...
class  PFS_connection_status_visitor
 A concrete connection visitor that aggregates status variables. More...
class  PFS_instance_wait_visitor
 A concrete instance visitor that aggregates wait statistics. More...
class  PFS_object_wait_visitor
 A concrete object visitor that aggregates object wait statistics. More...
class  PFS_table_io_wait_visitor
 A concrete object visitor that aggregates table I/O wait statistics. More...
class  PFS_table_io_stat_visitor
 A concrete object visitor that aggregates table I/O statistics. More...
class  PFS_index_io_stat_visitor
 A concrete object visitor that aggregates index I/O statistics. More...
class  PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor
 A concrete object visitor that aggregates table lock wait statistics. More...
class  PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor
 A concrete object visitor that aggregates table lock statistics. More...
class  PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor
 A concrete instance visitor that aggregates socket wait and byte count statistics. More...
class  PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor
 A concrete instance visitor that aggregates file wait and byte count statistics. More...


 Maximum number of nested waits. More...
 Maximum number dummy waits records. More...
 Physical size of the waits stack. More...
 Number of global wait events. More...
 Transaction events are not wait events . More...
#define PFS_LOCK_FREE   0x00
 State of a free record. More...
#define PFS_LOCK_DIRTY   0x01
 State of a dirty record. More...
#define PFS_LOCK_ALLOCATED   0x02
 State of an allocated record. More...
#define STATE_MASK   0x00000003
#define VERSION_INC   4


typedef unsigned int PFS_sync_key
 Key, naming a synch instrument (mutex, rwlock, cond). More...
typedef unsigned int PFS_thread_key
 Key, naming a thread instrument. More...
typedef unsigned int PFS_file_key
 Key, naming a file instrument. More...
typedef unsigned int PFS_stage_key
 Key, naming a stage instrument. More...
typedef unsigned int PFS_statement_key
 Key, naming a statement instrument. More...
typedef unsigned int PFS_transaction_key
 Key, naming a transaction instrument. More...
typedef unsigned int PFS_socket_key
 Key, naming a socket instrument. More...
typedef unsigned int PFS_memory_key
 Key, naming a memory instrument. More...
typedef unsigned int PFS_meter_key
 Key, naming a meter instrument. More...
typedef unsigned int PFS_metric_key
 Key, naming a metric instrument. More...
typedef Prealloced_array< PFS_instr_config *, 10 > Pfs_instr_config_array


enum  PFS_class_type {


int init_account (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the user buffers. More...
void cleanup_account ()
 Cleanup all the account buffers. More...
static const ucharaccount_hash_get_key (const uchar *entry, size_t *length)
static uint account_hash_func (const LF_HASH *, const uchar *key, size_t key_len)
static int account_hash_cmp_func (const uchar *key1, size_t key_len1, const uchar *key2, size_t key_len2)
int init_account_hash (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the user hash. More...
void cleanup_account_hash ()
 Cleanup the user hash. More...
static LF_PINSget_account_hash_pins (PFS_thread *thread)
static void set_account_key (PFS_account_key *key, const PFS_user_name *user, const PFS_host_name *host)
PFS_accountfind_or_create_account (PFS_thread *thread, const PFS_user_name *user, const PFS_host_name *host)
PFS_accountsanitize_account (PFS_account *unsafe)
static void purge_account (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *account)
void purge_all_account ()
 Purge non connected accounts, reset stats of connected account. More...
void update_accounts_derived_flags (PFS_thread *thread)
int init_host (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the host buffers. More...
void cleanup_host ()
 Cleanup all the host buffers. More...
static const ucharhost_hash_get_key (const uchar *entry, size_t *length)
static uint host_hash_func (const LF_HASH *, const uchar *key, size_t key_len)
static int host_hash_cmp_func (const uchar *key1, size_t key_len1, const uchar *key2, size_t key_len2)
int init_host_hash (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the host hash. More...
void cleanup_host_hash ()
 Cleanup the host hash. More...
static LF_PINSget_host_hash_pins (PFS_thread *thread)
static void set_host_key (PFS_host_key *key, const PFS_host_name *host)
PFS_hostfind_or_create_host (PFS_thread *thread, const PFS_host_name *host)
PFS_hostsanitize_host (PFS_host *unsafe)
static void purge_host (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_host *host)
void purge_all_host ()
 Purge non connected hosts, reset stats of connected hosts. More...
int init_instruments (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize all the instruments instance buffers. More...
void cleanup_instruments ()
 Cleanup all the instruments buffers. More...
static const ucharfilename_hash_get_key (const uchar *entry, size_t *length)
 Get hash table key for instrumented files. More...
static uint filename_hash_func (const LF_HASH *, const uchar *key, size_t key_len)
static int filename_hash_cmp_func (const uchar *key1, size_t key_len1, const uchar *key2, size_t key_len2)
int init_file_hash (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the file name hash. More...
void cleanup_file_hash ()
 Cleanup the file name hash. More...
PFS_mutexcreate_mutex (PFS_mutex_class *klass, const void *identity)
 Create instrumentation for a mutex instance. More...
void destroy_mutex (PFS_mutex *pfs)
 Destroy instrumentation for a mutex instance. More...
PFS_rwlockcreate_rwlock (PFS_rwlock_class *klass, const void *identity)
 Create instrumentation for a rwlock instance. More...
void destroy_rwlock (PFS_rwlock *pfs)
 Destroy instrumentation for a rwlock instance. More...
PFS_condcreate_cond (PFS_cond_class *klass, const void *identity)
 Create instrumentation for a condition instance. More...
void destroy_cond (PFS_cond *pfs)
 Destroy instrumentation for a condition instance. More...
void carry_global_memory_stat_alloc_delta (PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta *delta, uint index)
void carry_global_memory_stat_free_delta (PFS_memory_stat_free_delta *delta, uint index)
PFS_threadcreate_thread (PFS_thread_class *klass, PSI_thread_seqnum seqnum, const void *identity, ulonglong processlist_id)
 Create instrumentation for a thread instance. More...
PFS_threadfind_thread_by_internal_id (ulonglong thread_id)
 Find a PFS thread given an internal thread id. More...
PFS_threadfind_thread_by_processlist_id (ulonglong processlist_id)
 Find a PFS thread given a processlist id. More...
PFS_mutexsanitize_mutex (PFS_mutex *unsafe)
PFS_rwlocksanitize_rwlock (PFS_rwlock *unsafe)
PFS_condsanitize_cond (PFS_cond *unsafe)
PFS_threadsanitize_thread (PFS_thread *unsafe)
 Sanitize a PFS_thread pointer. More...
PFS_filesanitize_file (PFS_file *unsafe)
PFS_socketsanitize_socket (PFS_socket *unsafe)
PFS_metadata_locksanitize_metadata_lock (PFS_metadata_lock *unsafe)
void destroy_thread (PFS_thread *pfs)
 Destroy instrumentation for a thread instance. More...
static LF_PINSget_filename_hash_pins (PFS_thread *thread)
 Get the hash pins for filename_hash. More...
int normalize_filename (const char *filename, uint name_len, PFS_file_name &normalized)
 Normalize a filename with fully qualified path. More...
PFS_filefind_or_create_file (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_file_class *klass, const char *filename, uint len, bool create)
 Find or create instrumentation for a file instance by file name. More...
PFS_filestart_file_rename (PFS_thread *thread, const char *old_name)
 Before the rename operation: Find the file instrumentation by name, then delete the filename from the filename hash. More...
int end_file_rename (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_file *pfs, const char *new_name, int rename_result)
 After the rename operation: Assign the new filename to the file instrumentation instance, then add to the filename hash. More...
PFS_filefind_file (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_file_class *klass, const char *filename, uint len)
 Find a file instrumentation instance by name. More...
void release_file (PFS_file *pfs)
 Release instrumentation for a file instance. More...
void delete_file_name (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_file *pfs)
 Delete file name from the hash table. More...
void destroy_file (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_file *pfs, bool delete_name)
 Destroy instrumentation for a file instance. More...
PFS_tablecreate_table (PFS_table_share *share, PFS_thread *opening_thread, const void *identity)
 Create instrumentation for a table instance. More...
void destroy_table (PFS_table *pfs)
 Destroy instrumentation for a table instance. More...
PFS_socketcreate_socket (PFS_socket_class *klass, const my_socket *fd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len)
 Create instrumentation for a socket instance. More...
void destroy_socket (PFS_socket *pfs)
 Destroy instrumentation for a socket instance. More...
PFS_metadata_lockcreate_metadata_lock (void *identity, const MDL_key *mdl_key, opaque_mdl_type mdl_type, opaque_mdl_duration mdl_duration, opaque_mdl_status mdl_status, const char *src_file, uint src_line)
void destroy_metadata_lock (PFS_metadata_lock *pfs)
static void fct_reset_mutex_waits (PFS_mutex *pfs)
static void reset_mutex_waits_by_instance ()
static void fct_reset_rwlock_waits (PFS_rwlock *pfs)
static void reset_rwlock_waits_by_instance ()
static void fct_reset_cond_waits (PFS_cond *pfs)
static void reset_cond_waits_by_instance ()
static void fct_reset_file_waits (PFS_file *pfs)
static void reset_file_waits_by_instance ()
static void fct_reset_socket_waits (PFS_socket *pfs)
static void reset_socket_waits_by_instance ()
void reset_events_waits_by_instance ()
 Reset the wait statistics per object instance. More...
static void fct_reset_file_io (PFS_file *pfs)
void reset_file_instance_io ()
 Reset the I/O statistics per file instance. More...
static void fct_reset_socket_io (PFS_socket *pfs)
void reset_socket_instance_io ()
 Reset the I/O statistics per socket instance. More...
void reset_histogram_global ()
void aggregate_all_event_names (PFS_single_stat *from_array, PFS_single_stat *to_array)
void aggregate_all_event_names (PFS_single_stat *from_array, PFS_single_stat *to_array_1, PFS_single_stat *to_array_2)
void aggregate_all_stages (PFS_stage_stat *from_array, PFS_stage_stat *to_array)
void aggregate_all_stages (PFS_stage_stat *from_array, PFS_stage_stat *to_array_1, PFS_stage_stat *to_array_2)
void aggregate_all_statements (PFS_statement_stat *from_array, PFS_statement_stat *to_array)
void aggregate_all_statements (PFS_statement_stat *from_array, PFS_statement_stat *to_array_1, PFS_statement_stat *to_array_2)
void aggregate_all_transactions (PFS_transaction_stat *from_array, PFS_transaction_stat *to_array)
void aggregate_all_transactions (PFS_transaction_stat *from_array, PFS_transaction_stat *to_array_1, PFS_transaction_stat *to_array_2)
void aggregate_all_errors (PFS_error_stat *from_array, PFS_error_stat *to_array)
void aggregate_all_errors (PFS_error_stat *from_array, PFS_error_stat *to_array_1, PFS_error_stat *to_array_2)
void aggregate_all_memory_with_reassign (bool alive, PFS_memory_safe_stat *from_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *global_array)
void aggregate_all_memory (bool alive, PFS_memory_safe_stat *from_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array)
void aggregate_all_memory (bool alive, PFS_memory_shared_stat *from_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array)
void aggregate_all_memory_with_reassign (bool alive, PFS_memory_safe_stat *from_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array_1, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array_2, PFS_memory_shared_stat *global_array)
void aggregate_all_memory (bool alive, PFS_memory_shared_stat *from_array, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array_1, PFS_memory_shared_stat *to_array_2)
void aggregate_thread_status (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
static void aggregate_thread_stats (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void aggregate_thread (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void aggregate_thread_waits (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void aggregate_thread_stages (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void aggregate_thread_statements (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void aggregate_thread_transactions (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void aggregate_thread_errors (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void aggregate_thread_memory (bool alive, PFS_thread *thread, PFS_account *safe_account, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void clear_thread_account (PFS_thread *thread)
void set_thread_account (PFS_thread *thread)
static void fct_update_mutex_derived_flags (PFS_mutex *pfs)
void update_mutex_derived_flags ()
 Update derived flags for all mutex instances. More...
static void fct_update_rwlock_derived_flags (PFS_rwlock *pfs)
void update_rwlock_derived_flags ()
 Update derived flags for all rwlock instances. More...
static void fct_update_cond_derived_flags (PFS_cond *pfs)
void update_cond_derived_flags ()
 Update derived flags for all condition instances. More...
static void fct_update_file_derived_flags (PFS_file *pfs)
void update_file_derived_flags ()
 Update derived flags for all file handles. More...
static void fct_update_table_derived_flags (PFS_table *pfs)
void update_table_derived_flags ()
 Update derived flags for all table handles. More...
static void fct_update_socket_derived_flags (PFS_socket *pfs)
void update_socket_derived_flags ()
 Update derived flags for all socket instances. More...
static void fct_reset_metadata_source_file_pointers (PFS_metadata_lock *pfs)
static void fct_update_metadata_derived_flags (PFS_metadata_lock *pfs)
void update_metadata_derived_flags ()
 Update derived flags for all metadata instances. More...
static void fct_update_thread_derived_flags (PFS_thread *pfs)
void update_thread_derived_flags ()
 Update derived flags for all thread instances. More...
void update_instruments_derived_flags ()
 Update derived flags for all instruments. More...
static void fct_reset_source_file_pointers (PFS_thread *pfs_thread)
 For each thread, clear the source file pointers from all waits, stages, statements and transaction events. More...
void reset_source_file_pointers ()
 Clear the source file pointers from all waits, stages, statements and transaction events. More...
std::atomic< uint32pfs_unload_plugin_ref_count (0)
 Global performance schema reference count for plugin and component events. More...
static void configure_instr_class (PFS_instr_class *entry)
 Set user-defined configuration values for an instrument. More...
static void init_instr_class (PFS_instr_class *klass, const char *name, uint name_length, int flags, int volatility, const char *documentation, PFS_class_type class_type)
static uint safe_strlen (const char *s, uint max_len)
 Like strlen (or POSIX strnlen), but don't read past the max_len'th character. More...
void init_event_name_sizing (const PFS_global_param *param)
void register_global_classes ()
int init_sync_class (uint mutex_class_sizing, uint rwlock_class_sizing, uint cond_class_sizing)
 Initialize the instrument synch class buffers. More...
void cleanup_sync_class ()
 Cleanup the instrument synch class buffers. More...
int init_thread_class (uint thread_class_sizing)
 Initialize the thread class buffer. More...
void cleanup_thread_class ()
 Cleanup the thread class buffers. More...
int init_table_share (uint table_share_sizing)
 Initialize the table share buffer. More...
int init_meter_class (uint meter_class_sizing)
 Initialize the meter class buffer. More...
void cleanup_meter_class ()
 Cleanup the meter class buffers. More...
int init_metric_class (uint metric_class_sizing)
 Initialize the metric class buffer. More...
void cleanup_metric_class ()
 Cleanup the metric class buffers. More...
void cleanup_table_share ()
 Cleanup the table share buffers. More...
static const uchartable_share_hash_get_key (const uchar *entry, size_t *length)
 get_key function for table_share_hash. More...
static uint table_share_hash_func (const LF_HASH *, const uchar *key, size_t key_len)
static int table_share_hash_cmp_func (const uchar *key1, size_t key_len1, const uchar *key2, size_t key_len2)
int init_table_share_hash (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the table share hash table. More...
void cleanup_table_share_hash ()
 Cleanup the table share hash table. More...
static LF_PINSget_table_share_hash_pins (PFS_thread *thread)
 Get the hash pins for. More...
static void set_table_share_key (PFS_table_share_key *key, bool temporary, const char *schema_name, size_t schema_name_length, const char *table_name, size_t table_name_length)
 Set a table share hash key. More...
int init_table_share_lock_stat (uint table_stat_sizing)
 Initialize the table lock stat buffer. More...
PFS_table_share_lockcreate_table_share_lock_stat ()
 Create a table share lock instrumentation. More...
void release_table_share_lock_stat (PFS_table_share_lock *pfs)
 Release a table share lock instrumentation. More...
void cleanup_table_share_lock_stat ()
 Cleanup the table stat buffers. More...
int init_table_share_index_stat (uint index_stat_sizing)
 Initialize table index stat buffer. More...
PFS_table_share_indexcreate_table_share_index_stat (const TABLE_SHARE *server_share, uint server_index)
 Create a table share index instrumentation. More...
void release_table_share_index_stat (PFS_table_share_index *pfs)
 Release a table share index instrumentation. More...
void cleanup_table_share_index_stat ()
 Cleanup the table stat buffers. More...
int init_file_class (uint file_class_sizing)
 Initialize the file class buffer. More...
void cleanup_file_class ()
 Cleanup the file class buffers. More...
int init_stage_class (uint stage_class_sizing)
 Initialize the stage class buffer. More...
void cleanup_stage_class ()
 Cleanup the stage class buffers. More...
int init_statement_class (uint statement_class_sizing)
 Initialize the statement class buffer. More...
void cleanup_statement_class ()
 Cleanup the statement class buffers. More...
int init_socket_class (uint socket_class_sizing)
 Initialize the socket class buffer. More...
void cleanup_socket_class ()
 Cleanup the socket class buffers. More...
int init_memory_class (uint memory_class_sizing)
 Initialize the memory class buffer. More...
void cleanup_memory_class ()
 Cleanup the memory class buffers. More...
PFS_sync_key register_mutex_class (const char *name, uint name_length, PSI_mutex_info *info)
 Register a mutex instrumentation metadata. More...
PFS_sync_key register_rwlock_class (const char *name, uint name_length, PSI_rwlock_info *info)
 Register a rwlock instrumentation metadata. More...
PFS_sync_key register_cond_class (const char *name, uint name_length, PSI_cond_info *info)
 Register a condition instrumentation metadata. More...
PFS_mutex_classfind_mutex_class (PFS_sync_key key)
 Find a mutex instrumentation class by key. More...
PFS_mutex_classsanitize_mutex_class (PFS_mutex_class *unsafe)
PFS_rwlock_classfind_rwlock_class (PFS_sync_key key)
 Find a rwlock instrumentation class by key. More...
PFS_rwlock_classsanitize_rwlock_class (PFS_rwlock_class *unsafe)
PFS_cond_classfind_cond_class (PFS_sync_key key)
 Find a condition instrumentation class by key. More...
PFS_cond_classsanitize_cond_class (PFS_cond_class *unsafe)
PFS_meter_classfind_meter_class (PSI_meter_key key)
 Find a meter instrumentation class by key. More...
PFS_meter_classsanitize_meter_class (PFS_meter_class *unsafe)
PFS_metric_classfind_metric_class (PSI_metric_key key)
 Find a metric instrumentation class by key. More...
PFS_metric_classsanitize_metric_class (PFS_metric_class *unsafe)
PFS_thread_key register_thread_class (const char *name, uint name_length, PSI_thread_info *info)
 Register a thread instrumentation metadata. More...
PFS_thread_classfind_thread_class (PFS_sync_key key)
 Find a thread instrumentation class by key. More...
PFS_thread_classsanitize_thread_class (PFS_thread_class *unsafe)
PFS_file_key register_file_class (const char *name, uint name_length, PSI_file_info *info)
 Register a file instrumentation metadata. More...
PFS_stage_key register_stage_class (const char *name, uint prefix_length, uint name_length, PSI_stage_info *info)
 Register a stage instrumentation metadata. More...
PFS_statement_key register_statement_class (const char *name, uint name_length, PSI_statement_info *info)
 Register a statement instrumentation metadata. More...
PFS_file_classfind_file_class (PFS_file_key key)
 Find a file instrumentation class by key. More...
PFS_file_classsanitize_file_class (PFS_file_class *unsafe)
PFS_stage_classfind_stage_class (PFS_stage_key key)
 Find a stage instrumentation class by key. More...
PFS_stage_classsanitize_stage_class (PFS_stage_class *unsafe)
PFS_statement_classfind_statement_class (PFS_stage_key key)
 Find a statement instrumentation class by key. More...
PFS_statement_classsanitize_statement_class (PFS_statement_class *unsafe)
PFS_socket_key register_socket_class (const char *name, uint name_length, PSI_socket_info *info)
 Register a socket instrumentation metadata. More...
PFS_socket_classfind_socket_class (PFS_socket_key key)
 Find a socket instrumentation class by key. More...
PFS_socket_classsanitize_socket_class (PFS_socket_class *unsafe)
PFS_memory_key register_memory_class (const char *name, uint name_length, PSI_memory_info *info)
 Register a memory instrumentation metadata. More...
PFS_memory_classfind_memory_class (PFS_memory_key key)
 Find a memory instrumentation class by key. More...
PFS_memory_classsanitize_memory_class (PFS_memory_class *unsafe)
PFS_meter_key register_meter_class (const char *name, uint name_length, PSI_meter_info_v1 *info)
 Register a meter instrumentation metadata. More...
void unregister_meter_class (PSI_meter_info_v1 *info)
uint32 meter_class_count ()
PFS_metric_key register_metric_class (const char *name, uint name_length, PSI_metric_info_v1 *info, const char *meter)
 Register a metric instrumentation metadata. More...
void unregister_metric_class (PSI_metric_info_v1 *info)
uint32 metric_class_count ()
PFS_instr_classfind_table_class (uint index)
PFS_instr_classsanitize_table_class (PFS_instr_class *unsafe)
PFS_instr_classfind_idle_class (uint index)
PFS_instr_classsanitize_idle_class (PFS_instr_class *unsafe)
PFS_instr_classfind_metadata_class (uint index)
PFS_instr_classsanitize_metadata_class (PFS_instr_class *unsafe)
PFS_error_classfind_error_class (uint index)
PFS_error_classsanitize_error_class (PFS_error_class *unsafe)
PFS_transaction_classfind_transaction_class (uint index)
PFS_transaction_classsanitize_transaction_class (PFS_transaction_class *unsafe)
static int compare_keys (PFS_table_share *pfs, const TABLE_SHARE *share)
PFS_table_sharefind_or_create_table_share (PFS_thread *thread, bool temporary, const TABLE_SHARE *share)
 Find or create a table share instrumentation. More...
void release_table_share (PFS_table_share *pfs)
void drop_table_share (PFS_thread *thread, bool temporary, const char *schema_name, uint schema_name_length, const char *table_name, uint table_name_length)
 Drop the instrumented table share associated with a table. More...
PFS_table_sharesanitize_table_share (PFS_table_share *unsafe)
 Sanitize an unsafe table_share pointer. More...
void reset_events_waits_by_class ()
 Reset the wait statistics per instrument class. More...
void reset_file_class_io ()
 Reset the I/O statistics per file class. More...
void reset_socket_class_io ()
 Reset the I/O statistics per socket class. More...
void update_table_share_derived_flags (PFS_thread *thread)
 Update derived flags for all table shares. More...
void update_program_share_derived_flags (PFS_thread *thread)
 Update derived flags for all stored procedure shares. More...
ulonglong gtid_monitoring_getsystime ()
 Get current time for GTID monitoring. More...
uint sanitize_index_count (uint count)
PFS_error_classsanitize_error_class (PFS_instr_class *unsafe)
int init_setup_actor (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the setup actor buffers. More...
void cleanup_setup_actor ()
 Cleanup all the setup actor buffers. More...
static const ucharsetup_actor_hash_get_key (const uchar *entry, size_t *length)
static uint setup_actor_hash_func (const LF_HASH *, const uchar *key, size_t key_len)
static int setup_actor_hash_cmp_func (const uchar *key1, size_t key_len1, const uchar *key2, size_t key_len2)
int init_setup_actor_hash (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the setup actor hash. More...
void cleanup_setup_actor_hash ()
 Cleanup the setup actor hash. More...
static LF_PINSget_setup_actor_hash_pins (PFS_thread *thread)
static void set_setup_actor_key (PFS_setup_actor_key *key, const PFS_user_name *user, const PFS_host_name *host, const PFS_role_name *role)
int insert_setup_actor (const PFS_user_name *user, const PFS_host_name *host, const PFS_role_name *role, bool enabled, bool history)
int delete_setup_actor (const PFS_user_name *user, const PFS_host_name *host, const PFS_role_name *role)
int reset_setup_actor ()
long setup_actor_count ()
void lookup_setup_actor (PFS_thread *thread, const PFS_user_name *user, const PFS_host_name *host, bool *enabled, bool *history)
int update_setup_actors_derived_flags ()
 Update derived flags for all setup_actors. More...
int init_setup_object (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the setup object buffers. More...
void cleanup_setup_object ()
 Cleanup all the setup object buffers. More...
static const ucharsetup_object_hash_get_key (const uchar *entry, size_t *length)
static bool is_table (enum_object_type object_type)
static uint setup_object_hash_func (const LF_HASH *, const uchar *key, size_t key_len)
static int setup_object_hash_cmp_func (const uchar *key1, size_t key_len1, const uchar *key2, size_t key_len2)
int init_setup_object_hash (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the setup objects hash. More...
void cleanup_setup_object_hash ()
 Cleanup the setup objects hash. More...
static LF_PINSget_setup_object_hash_pins (PFS_thread *thread)
static void set_setup_object_key (PFS_setup_object_key *key, enum_object_type object_type, const PFS_schema_name *schema, const PFS_object_name *object)
int insert_setup_object (enum_object_type object_type, const PFS_schema_name *schema, const PFS_object_name *object, bool enabled, bool timed)
int delete_setup_object (enum_object_type object_type, const PFS_schema_name *schema, const PFS_object_name *object)
int reset_setup_object ()
long setup_object_count ()
static void lookup_setup_object (PFS_thread *thread, enum_object_type object_type, const PFS_schema_name *schema, const PFS_object_name *object, bool *enabled, bool *timed)
void lookup_setup_object_table (PFS_thread *thread, enum_object_type object_type, const PFS_schema_name *schema_name, const PFS_table_name *table_name, bool *enabled, bool *timed)
void lookup_setup_object_routine (PFS_thread *thread, enum_object_type object_type, const PFS_schema_name *schema_name, const PFS_routine_name *routine_name, bool *enabled, bool *timed)
void memory_partial_aggregate (PFS_memory_safe_stat *from, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat)
void memory_partial_aggregate (PFS_memory_shared_stat *from, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat)
void memory_partial_aggregate (PFS_memory_safe_stat *from, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat1, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat2)
void memory_partial_aggregate (PFS_memory_shared_stat *from, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat1, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat2)
void memory_full_aggregate_with_reassign (const PFS_memory_safe_stat *from, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat, PFS_memory_shared_stat *global)
 Aggregate thread memory statistics to the parent bucket. More...
void memory_full_aggregate_with_reassign (const PFS_memory_safe_stat *from, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat1, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat2, PFS_memory_shared_stat *global)
void memory_full_aggregate (const PFS_memory_safe_stat *from, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat)
void memory_full_aggregate (const PFS_memory_shared_stat *from, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat)
void memory_full_aggregate (const PFS_memory_shared_stat *from, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat1, PFS_memory_shared_stat *stat2)
void memory_monitoring_aggregate (const PFS_memory_safe_stat *from, PFS_memory_monitoring_stat *stat)
void memory_monitoring_aggregate (const PFS_memory_shared_stat *from, PFS_memory_monitoring_stat *stat)
int init_user (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the user buffers. More...
void cleanup_user ()
 Cleanup all the user buffers. More...
static const ucharuser_hash_get_key (const uchar *entry, size_t *length)
static uint user_hash_func (const LF_HASH *, const uchar *key, size_t key_len)
static int user_hash_cmp_func (const uchar *key1, size_t key_len1, const uchar *key2, size_t key_len2)
int init_user_hash (const PFS_global_param *param)
 Initialize the user hash. More...
void cleanup_user_hash ()
 Cleanup the user hash. More...
static LF_PINSget_user_hash_pins (PFS_thread *thread)
static void set_user_key (PFS_user_key *key, const PFS_user_name *user)
PFS_userfind_or_create_user (PFS_thread *thread, const PFS_user_name *user)
PFS_usersanitize_user (PFS_user *unsafe)
static void purge_user (PFS_thread *thread, PFS_user *user)
void purge_all_user ()
 Purge non connected users, reset stats of connected users. More...
static PFS_threadget_pfs_from_THD (THD *thd)
void PFS_account::aggregate (bool alive, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void PFS_account::aggregate_waits (PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void PFS_account::aggregate_stages (PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void PFS_account::aggregate_statements (PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void PFS_account::aggregate_transactions (PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void PFS_account::aggregate_errors (PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void PFS_account::aggregate_memory (bool alive, PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void PFS_account::aggregate_status (PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void PFS_account::aggregate_stats (PFS_user *safe_user, PFS_host *safe_host)
void PFS_account::aggregate_disconnect (ulonglong controlled_memory, ulonglong total_memory)
void PFS_account::release ()
void PFS_account::rebase_memory_stats ()
 Reset all memory statistics. More...
void PFS_account::carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta (PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta *delta, uint index)
void PFS_account::carry_memory_stat_free_delta (PFS_memory_stat_free_delta *delta, uint index)
void PFS_connection_slice::reset_waits_stats ()
 Reset all wait statistics. More...
void PFS_connection_slice::reset_stages_stats ()
 Reset all stages statistics. More...
void PFS_connection_slice::reset_statements_stats ()
 Reset all statements statistics. More...
void PFS_connection_slice::reset_transactions_stats ()
 Reset all transactions statistics. More...
void PFS_connection_slice::reset_errors_stats ()
 Reset all errors statistics. More...
void PFS_host::aggregate (bool alive)
void PFS_host::aggregate_waits ()
void PFS_host::aggregate_stages ()
void PFS_host::aggregate_statements ()
void PFS_host::aggregate_transactions ()
void PFS_host::aggregate_errors ()
void PFS_host::aggregate_memory (bool alive)
void PFS_host::aggregate_status ()
void PFS_host::aggregate_stats ()
void PFS_host::aggregate_stats_from (PFS_account *pfs)
void PFS_host::aggregate_disconnect (ulonglong controlled_memory, ulonglong total_memory)
void PFS_host::release ()
void PFS_host::rebase_memory_stats ()
 Reset all memory statistics. More...
void PFS_host::carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta (PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta *delta, uint index)
void PFS_host::carry_memory_stat_free_delta (PFS_memory_stat_free_delta *delta, uint index)
static PFS_threadPFS_thread::get_current_thread ()
void PFS_thread::reset_session_connect_attrs ()
 Reset session connect attributes. More...
void PFS_thread::set_history_derived_flags ()
void PFS_thread::rebase_memory_stats ()
 Reset all memory statistics. More...
void PFS_thread::carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta (PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta *delta, uint index)
void PFS_thread::carry_memory_stat_free_delta (PFS_memory_stat_free_delta *delta, uint index)
void PFS_thread::mem_cnt_alloc (size_t size)
void PFS_thread::mem_cnt_free (size_t size)
void PFS_table::sanitized_aggregate ()
 Aggregate this table handle statistics to the parents. More...
void PFS_table::sanitized_aggregate_io ()
 Aggregate this table handle I/O statistics to the parents. More...
void PFS_table::sanitized_aggregate_lock ()
 Aggregate this table handle lock statistics to the parents. More...
static void PFS_table::safe_aggregate_io (const TABLE_SHARE *optional_server_share, PFS_table_stat *stat, PFS_table_share *table_share)
static void PFS_table::safe_aggregate_lock (PFS_table_stat *stat, PFS_table_share *table_share)
const char * PFS_instr_name::str () const
 Return the name as a string. More...
uint PFS_instr_name::length () const
 Return the length of the string. More...
void PFS_instr_name::set (PFS_class_type class_type, const char *name, uint max_length_arg=max_length)
 Copy the specified name to this name. More...
PFS_table_share_lockPFS_table_share::find_lock_stat () const
 Find an existing table share lock instrumentation. More...
PFS_table_share_lockPFS_table_share::find_or_create_lock_stat ()
 Find or create a table share lock instrumentation. More...
void PFS_table_share::destroy_lock_stat ()
 Destroy a table share lock instrumentation. More...
PFS_table_share_indexPFS_table_share::find_index_stat (uint index) const
 Find an existing table share index instrumentation. More...
PFS_table_share_indexPFS_table_share::find_or_create_index_stat (const TABLE_SHARE *server_share, uint index)
 Find or create a table share index instrumentation. More...
void PFS_table_share::destroy_index_stats ()
 Destroy table share index instrumentation. More...
void PFS_table_share::refresh_setup_object_flags (PFS_thread *thread)
void PFS_table_share::aggregate_io ()
void PFS_table_share::sum_io (PFS_single_stat *result, uint key_count)
void PFS_table_share::sum_lock (PFS_single_stat *result)
void PFS_table_share::sum (PFS_single_stat *result, uint key_count)
void PFS_table_share::aggregate_lock ()
void PFS_memory_safe_stat::reset ()
void PFS_memory_safe_stat::rebase ()
PFS_memory_stat_alloc_deltaPFS_memory_safe_stat::count_alloc (size_t size, PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta *delta)
PFS_memory_stat_free_deltaPFS_memory_safe_stat::count_free (size_t size, PFS_memory_stat_free_delta *delta)
void PFS_memory_shared_stat::reset ()
void PFS_memory_shared_stat::rebase ()
void PFS_memory_shared_stat::count_builtin_alloc (size_t size)
void PFS_memory_shared_stat::count_builtin_free (size_t size)
PFS_memory_stat_alloc_deltaPFS_memory_shared_stat::count_alloc (size_t size, PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta *delta)
PFS_memory_stat_free_deltaPFS_memory_shared_stat::count_free (size_t size, PFS_memory_stat_free_delta *delta)
PFS_memory_stat_alloc_deltaPFS_memory_shared_stat::apply_alloc_delta (const PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta *delta, PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta *delta_buffer)
PFS_memory_stat_free_deltaPFS_memory_shared_stat::apply_free_delta (const PFS_memory_stat_free_delta *delta, PFS_memory_stat_free_delta *delta_buffer)
void PFS_memory_monitoring_stat::reset ()
void PFS_session_all_memory_stat::reset ()
void PFS_session_all_memory_stat::count_controlled_alloc (size_t size)
void PFS_session_all_memory_stat::count_uncontrolled_alloc (size_t size)
void PFS_session_all_memory_stat::count_controlled_free (size_t size)
void PFS_session_all_memory_stat::count_uncontrolled_free (size_t size)
void PFS_memory_monitoring_stat::normalize (bool global)
void PFS_user::aggregate (bool alive)
void PFS_user::aggregate_waits ()
void PFS_user::aggregate_stages ()
void PFS_user::aggregate_statements ()
void PFS_user::aggregate_transactions ()
void PFS_user::aggregate_errors ()
void PFS_user::aggregate_memory (bool alive)
void PFS_user::aggregate_status ()
void PFS_user::aggregate_stats ()
void PFS_user::aggregate_stats_from (PFS_account *pfs)
void PFS_user::aggregate_disconnect (ulonglong controlled_memory, ulonglong total_memory)
void PFS_user::release ()
void PFS_user::rebase_memory_stats ()
 Reset all memory statistics. More...
void PFS_user::carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta (PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta *delta, uint index)
void PFS_user::carry_memory_stat_free_delta (PFS_memory_stat_free_delta *delta, uint index)
static void PFS_connection_iterator::visit_global (bool with_hosts, bool with_users, bool with_accounts, bool with_threads, bool with_THDs, PFS_connection_visitor *visitor)
 Visit all connections. More...
static void PFS_connection_iterator::visit_host (PFS_host *host, bool with_accounts, bool with_threads, bool with_THDs, PFS_connection_visitor *visitor)
 Visit all connections of a host. More...
static void PFS_connection_iterator::visit_user (PFS_user *user, bool with_accounts, bool with_threads, bool with_THDs, PFS_connection_visitor *visitor)
 Visit all connections of a user. More...
static void PFS_connection_iterator::visit_account (PFS_account *account, bool with_threads, bool with_THDs, PFS_connection_visitor *visitor)
 Visit all connections of a user+host. More...
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_mutex (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_mutex_classes (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_mutex_instances (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_rwlock (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_rwlock_classes (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_rwlock_instances (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_cond (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_cond_classes (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_cond_instances (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_file (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_file_classes (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_file_instances (PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_mutex_instances (PFS_mutex_class *klass, PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
 Visit a mutex class and related instances. More...
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_rwlock_instances (PFS_rwlock_class *klass, PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
 Visit a rwlock class and related instances. More...
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_cond_instances (PFS_cond_class *klass, PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
 Visit a cond class and related instances. More...
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_file_instances (PFS_file_class *klass, PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
 Visit a file class and related instances. More...
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_socket_instances (PFS_socket_class *klass, PFS_instance_visitor *visitor)
 Visit a socket class and related instances. More...
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_socket_instances (PFS_socket_class *klass, PFS_instance_visitor *visitor, PFS_thread *thread, bool visit_class=true)
 Visit a socket class and related instances. More...
static void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_instances (PFS_instr_class *klass, PFS_instance_visitor *visitor, PFS_thread *thread, bool visit_class=true)
 Visit an instrument class and related instances. More...
static void PFS_object_iterator::visit_all (PFS_object_visitor *visitor)
 Visit all objects. More...
static void PFS_object_iterator::visit_all_tables (PFS_object_visitor *visitor)
 Visit all tables and related handles. More...
static void PFS_object_iterator::visit_tables (PFS_table_share *share, PFS_object_visitor *visitor)
 Visit a table and related table handles. More...
static void PFS_object_iterator::visit_table_indexes (PFS_table_share *share, uint index, PFS_object_visitor *visitor)
 Visit a table index and related table handles indexes. More...
 PFS_connection_wait_visitor::PFS_connection_wait_visitor (PFS_instr_class *klass)
 Constructor. More...
 PFS_connection_wait_visitor::~PFS_connection_wait_visitor () override
void PFS_connection_wait_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit all connections. More...
void PFS_connection_wait_visitor::visit_host (PFS_host *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a host. More...
void PFS_connection_wait_visitor::visit_user (PFS_user *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user. More...
void PFS_connection_wait_visitor::visit_account (PFS_account *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user+host. More...
void PFS_connection_wait_visitor::visit_thread (PFS_thread *pfs) override
 Visit a thread. More...
 PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor::PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor ()
 Constructor. More...
 PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor::~PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor () override
void PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit all connections. More...
void PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor::visit_connection_slice (PFS_connection_slice *pfs)
void PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor::visit_host (PFS_host *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a host. More...
void PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor::visit_user (PFS_user *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user. More...
void PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor::visit_account (PFS_account *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user+host. More...
void PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor::visit_thread (PFS_thread *pfs) override
 Visit a thread. More...
 PFS_connection_stage_visitor::PFS_connection_stage_visitor (PFS_stage_class *klass)
 Constructor. More...
 PFS_connection_stage_visitor::~PFS_connection_stage_visitor () override
void PFS_connection_stage_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit all connections. More...
void PFS_connection_stage_visitor::visit_host (PFS_host *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a host. More...
void PFS_connection_stage_visitor::visit_user (PFS_user *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user. More...
void PFS_connection_stage_visitor::visit_account (PFS_account *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user+host. More...
void PFS_connection_stage_visitor::visit_thread (PFS_thread *pfs) override
 Visit a thread. More...
 PFS_connection_statement_visitor::PFS_connection_statement_visitor (PFS_statement_class *klass)
 Constructor. More...
 PFS_connection_statement_visitor::~PFS_connection_statement_visitor () override
void PFS_connection_statement_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit all connections. More...
void PFS_connection_statement_visitor::visit_host (PFS_host *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a host. More...
void PFS_connection_statement_visitor::visit_user (PFS_user *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user. More...
void PFS_connection_statement_visitor::visit_account (PFS_account *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user+host. More...
void PFS_connection_statement_visitor::visit_thread (PFS_thread *pfs) override
 Visit a thread. More...
 PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor::PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor ()
 Constructor. More...
 PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor::~PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor () override
void PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit all connections. More...
void PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor::visit_connection_slice (PFS_connection_slice *pfs)
void PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor::visit_host (PFS_host *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a host. More...
void PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor::visit_user (PFS_user *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user. More...
void PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor::visit_account (PFS_account *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user+host. More...
void PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor::visit_thread (PFS_thread *pfs) override
 Visit a thread. More...
 PFS_connection_transaction_visitor::PFS_connection_transaction_visitor (PFS_transaction_class *klass)
 Constructor. More...
 PFS_connection_transaction_visitor::~PFS_connection_transaction_visitor () override
void PFS_connection_transaction_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit all connections. More...
void PFS_connection_transaction_visitor::visit_host (PFS_host *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a host. More...
void PFS_connection_transaction_visitor::visit_user (PFS_user *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user. More...
void PFS_connection_transaction_visitor::visit_account (PFS_account *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user+host. More...
void PFS_connection_transaction_visitor::visit_thread (PFS_thread *pfs) override
 Visit a thread. More...
 PFS_connection_error_visitor::PFS_connection_error_visitor (PFS_error_class *klass, uint index)
 Constructor. More...
 PFS_connection_error_visitor::~PFS_connection_error_visitor () override
void PFS_connection_error_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit all connections. More...
void PFS_connection_error_visitor::visit_host (PFS_host *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a host. More...
void PFS_connection_error_visitor::visit_user (PFS_user *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user. More...
void PFS_connection_error_visitor::visit_account (PFS_account *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user+host. More...
void PFS_connection_error_visitor::visit_thread (PFS_thread *pfs) override
 Visit a thread. More...
 PFS_connection_stat_visitor::PFS_connection_stat_visitor ()
 Constructor. More...
 PFS_connection_stat_visitor::~PFS_connection_stat_visitor () override
void PFS_connection_stat_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit all connections. More...
void PFS_connection_stat_visitor::visit_host (PFS_host *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a host. More...
void PFS_connection_stat_visitor::visit_user (PFS_user *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user. More...
void PFS_connection_stat_visitor::visit_account (PFS_account *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user+host. More...
void PFS_connection_stat_visitor::visit_thread (PFS_thread *pfs) override
 Visit a thread. More...
 PFS_connection_memory_visitor::PFS_connection_memory_visitor (PFS_memory_class *klass)
 Constructor. More...
 PFS_connection_memory_visitor::~PFS_connection_memory_visitor () override
void PFS_connection_memory_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit all connections. More...
void PFS_connection_memory_visitor::visit_host (PFS_host *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a host. More...
void PFS_connection_memory_visitor::visit_user (PFS_user *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user. More...
void PFS_connection_memory_visitor::visit_account (PFS_account *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user+host. More...
void PFS_connection_memory_visitor::visit_thread (PFS_thread *pfs) override
 Visit a thread. More...
 PFS_connection_status_visitor::PFS_connection_status_visitor (System_status_var *vars)
 Constructor. More...
 PFS_connection_status_visitor::~PFS_connection_status_visitor () override
void PFS_connection_status_visitor::visit_global () override
 Aggregate from global status. More...
void PFS_connection_status_visitor::visit_host (PFS_host *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a host. More...
void PFS_connection_status_visitor::visit_user (PFS_user *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user. More...
void PFS_connection_status_visitor::visit_account (PFS_account *pfs) override
 Visit all connections of a user+host. More...
void PFS_connection_status_visitor::visit_thread (PFS_thread *pfs) override
 Visit a thread. More...
void PFS_connection_status_visitor::visit_THD (THD *thd) override
 Visit a THD associated with a thread. More...
 PFS_instance_wait_visitor::PFS_instance_wait_visitor ()
 PFS_instance_wait_visitor::~PFS_instance_wait_visitor () override
void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_mutex_class (PFS_mutex_class *pfs) override
 Visit a mutex class. More...
void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_rwlock_class (PFS_rwlock_class *pfs) override
 Visit a rwlock class. More...
void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_cond_class (PFS_cond_class *pfs) override
 Visit a cond class. More...
void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_file_class (PFS_file_class *pfs) override
 Visit a file class. More...
void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_socket_class (PFS_socket_class *pfs) override
 Visit a socket class. More...
void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_mutex (PFS_mutex *pfs) override
 Visit a mutex instance. More...
void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_rwlock (PFS_rwlock *pfs) override
 Visit a rwlock instance. More...
void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_cond (PFS_cond *pfs) override
 Visit a cond instance. More...
void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_file (PFS_file *pfs) override
 Visit a file instance. More...
void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_socket (PFS_socket *pfs) override
 Visit a socket instance. More...
 PFS_object_wait_visitor::PFS_object_wait_visitor ()
 Table I/O wait visitor. More...
 PFS_object_wait_visitor::~PFS_object_wait_visitor () override
void PFS_object_wait_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit global data. More...
void PFS_object_wait_visitor::visit_table_share (PFS_table_share *pfs) override
 Visit a table share. More...
void PFS_object_wait_visitor::visit_table (PFS_table *pfs) override
 Visit a table. More...
 PFS_table_io_wait_visitor::PFS_table_io_wait_visitor ()
 PFS_table_io_wait_visitor::~PFS_table_io_wait_visitor () override
void PFS_table_io_wait_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit global data. More...
void PFS_table_io_wait_visitor::visit_table_share (PFS_table_share *pfs) override
 Visit a table share. More...
void PFS_table_io_wait_visitor::visit_table (PFS_table *pfs) override
 Visit a table. More...
 PFS_table_io_stat_visitor::PFS_table_io_stat_visitor ()
 Table I/O stat visitor. More...
 PFS_table_io_stat_visitor::~PFS_table_io_stat_visitor () override
void PFS_table_io_stat_visitor::visit_table_share (PFS_table_share *pfs) override
 Visit a table share. More...
void PFS_table_io_stat_visitor::visit_table (PFS_table *pfs) override
 Visit a table. More...
 PFS_index_io_stat_visitor::PFS_index_io_stat_visitor ()
 Index I/O stat visitor. More...
 PFS_index_io_stat_visitor::~PFS_index_io_stat_visitor () override
void PFS_index_io_stat_visitor::visit_table_share_index (PFS_table_share *pfs, uint index) override
 Visit a table share index. More...
void PFS_index_io_stat_visitor::visit_table_index (PFS_table *pfs, uint index) override
 Visit a table index. More...
 PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor::PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor ()
 Table lock wait visitor. More...
 PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor::~PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor () override
void PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor::visit_global () override
 Visit global data. More...
void PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor::visit_table_share (PFS_table_share *pfs) override
 Visit a table share. More...
void PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor::visit_table (PFS_table *pfs) override
 Visit a table. More...
 PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor::PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor ()
 Table lock stat visitor. More...
 PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor::~PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor () override
void PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor::visit_table_share (PFS_table_share *pfs) override
 Visit a table share. More...
void PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor::visit_table (PFS_table *pfs) override
 Visit a table. More...
 PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor::PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor ()
 PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor::~PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor () override
void PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor::visit_socket_class (PFS_socket_class *pfs) override
 Visit a socket class. More...
void PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor::visit_socket (PFS_socket *pfs) override
 Visit a socket instance. More...
 PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor::PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor ()
 PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor::~PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor () override
void PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor::visit_file_class (PFS_file_class *pfs) override
 Visit a file class. More...
void PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor::visit_file (PFS_file *pfs) override
 Visit a file instance. More...


LF_HASH account_hash
static bool account_hash_inited = false
LF_HASH account_hash
LF_HASH host_hash
static bool host_hash_inited = false
LF_HASH host_hash
long file_handle_max = 0
 Size of the file handle array. More...
bool file_handle_full
 True when file_handle_array is full. More...
ulong file_handle_lost = 0
 Number of file handle lost. More...
ulong events_waits_history_per_thread = 0
 Number of EVENTS_WAITS_HISTORY records per thread. More...
ulong events_stages_history_per_thread = 0
 Number of EVENTS_STAGES_HISTORY records per thread. More...
ulong events_statements_history_per_thread = 0
 Number of EVENTS_STATEMENTS_HISTORY records per thread. More...
uint statement_stack_max = 0
 Max size of the statements stack. More...
size_t pfs_max_digest_length = 0
 Max size of the digests token array. More...
size_t pfs_max_sqltext = 0
 Max size of SQL TEXT. More...
ulong locker_lost = 0
 Number of locker lost. More...
ulong statement_lost = 0
 Number of statements lost. More...
ulong session_connect_attrs_size_per_thread
 Size of connection attribute storage per thread. More...
ulong session_connect_attrs_longest_seen = 0
 Longest connection attributes string seen so far, pre-truncation. More...
ulong session_connect_attrs_lost = 0
 Number of connection attributes lost. More...
ulong events_transactions_history_per_thread = 0
 Number of EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_HISTORY records per thread. More...
PFS_file ** file_handle_array = nullptr
 File instrumentation handle array. More...
PFS_stage_statglobal_instr_class_stages_array = nullptr
PFS_statement_statglobal_instr_class_statements_array = nullptr
PFS_histogram global_statements_histogram
std::atomic< PFS_memory_shared_stat * > global_instr_class_memory_array {nullptr}
static PFS_cacheline_atomic_uint64 thread_internal_id_counter
LF_HASH filename_hash
 Hash table for instrumented files. More...
static bool filename_hash_inited = false
 True if filename_hash is initialized. More...
uint statement_stack_max
 Max size of the statements stack. More...
size_t pfs_max_digest_length
 Max size of the digests token array. More...
size_t pfs_max_sqltext
 Max size of SQL TEXT. More...
PFS_histogram global_statements_histogram
std::atomic< PFS_memory_shared_stat * > global_instr_class_memory_array
long file_handle_max
 Size of the file handle array. More...
ulong file_handle_lost
 Number of file handle lost. More...
ulong events_waits_history_per_thread
 Number of EVENTS_WAITS_HISTORY records per thread. More...
ulong events_stages_history_per_thread
 Number of EVENTS_STAGES_HISTORY records per thread. More...
ulong events_statements_history_per_thread
 Number of EVENTS_STATEMENTS_HISTORY records per thread. More...
ulong events_transactions_history_per_thread
 Number of EVENTS_TRANSACTIONS_HISTORY records per thread. More...
ulong locker_lost
 Number of locker lost. More...
ulong statement_lost
 Number of statements lost. More...
ulong session_connect_attrs_lost
 Number of connection attributes lost. More...
ulong session_connect_attrs_longest_seen
 Longest connection attributes string seen so far, pre-truncation. More...
ulong session_connect_attrs_size_per_thread
 Size of connection attribute storage per thread. More...
PFS_file ** file_handle_array
 File instrumentation handle array. More...
LF_HASH filename_hash
 Hash table for instrumented files. More...
bool pfs_enabled = true
 Global performance schema flag. More...
Pfs_instr_config_arraypfs_instr_config_array = nullptr
 PFS_INSTRUMENT option settings array. More...
static std::atomic< uint32mutex_class_dirty_count {0}
 Current number of elements in mutex_class_array. More...
static std::atomic< uint32mutex_class_allocated_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32rwlock_class_dirty_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32rwlock_class_allocated_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32cond_class_dirty_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32cond_class_allocated_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32meter_class_dirty_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32meter_class_allocated_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32metric_class_dirty_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32metric_class_allocated_count {0}
ulong mutex_class_max = 0
 Size of the mutex class array. More...
ulong mutex_class_lost = 0
 Number of mutex class lost. More...
ulong rwlock_class_max = 0
 Size of the rwlock class array. More...
ulong rwlock_class_lost = 0
 Number of rwlock class lost. More...
ulong cond_class_max = 0
 Size of the condition class array. More...
ulong cond_class_lost = 0
 Number of condition class lost. More...
ulong thread_class_max = 0
 Size of the thread class array. More...
ulong thread_class_lost = 0
 Number of thread class lost. More...
ulong file_class_max = 0
 Size of the file class array. More...
ulong file_class_lost = 0
 Number of file class lost. More...
ulong stage_class_max = 0
 Size of the stage class array. More...
ulong stage_class_lost = 0
 Number of stage class lost. More...
ulong statement_class_max = 0
 Size of the statement class array. More...
ulong statement_class_lost = 0
 Number of statement class lost. More...
ulong socket_class_max = 0
 Size of the socket class array. More...
ulong socket_class_lost = 0
 Number of socket class lost. More...
ulong memory_class_max = 0
 Size of the memory class array. More...
ulong memory_class_lost = 0
 Number of memory class lost. More...
ulong meter_class_max = 0
 Size of the meter class array. More...
ulong meter_class_lost = 0
 Number of meter class lost. More...
ulong metric_class_max = 0
 Size of the metric class array. More...
ulong metric_class_lost = 0
 Number of metric class lost. More...
ulong transaction_class_max = 0
 Number of transaction classes. More...
ulong error_class_max = 0
 Number of error classes. More...
PFS_mutex_classmutex_class_array = nullptr
PFS_rwlock_classrwlock_class_array = nullptr
PFS_cond_classcond_class_array = nullptr
PFS_meter_classmeter_class_array = nullptr
PFS_metric_classmetric_class_array = nullptr
static std::atomic< uint32thread_class_dirty_count {0}
 Current number or elements in thread_class_array. More...
static std::atomic< uint32thread_class_allocated_count {0}
static PFS_thread_classthread_class_array = nullptr
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_single_stat global_idle_stat
 Statistics for the IDLE instrument. More...
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_table_io_stat global_table_io_stat
 Statistics for dropped table I/O. More...
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_table_lock_stat global_table_lock_stat
 Statistics for dropped table lock. More...
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_single_stat global_metadata_stat
 Statistics for the METADATA instrument. More...
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_transaction_stat global_transaction_stat
 Statistics for the transaction instrument. More...
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_error_stat global_error_stat
 Statistics for the error instrument. More...
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_instr_class global_table_io_class
 Instrument controlling all table I/O. More...
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_instr_class global_table_lock_class
 Instrument controlling all table lock. More...
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_instr_class global_idle_class
 Instrument controlling all idle waits. More...
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_instr_class global_metadata_class
 Instrument controlling all metadata locks. More...
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_error_class global_error_class
 Instrument controlling all server errors. More...
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_transaction_class global_transaction_class
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_meter_class global_meter_class
PFS_ALIGNED PFS_metric_class global_metric_class
LF_HASH table_share_hash
 Hash index for instrumented table shares. More...
static bool table_share_hash_inited = false
 True if table_share_hash is initialized. More...
static std::atomic< uint32file_class_dirty_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32file_class_allocated_count {0}
PFS_file_classfile_class_array = nullptr
static std::atomic< uint32stage_class_dirty_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32stage_class_allocated_count {0}
static PFS_stage_classstage_class_array = nullptr
static std::atomic< uint32statement_class_dirty_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32statement_class_allocated_count {0}
static PFS_statement_classstatement_class_array = nullptr
static std::atomic< uint32socket_class_dirty_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32socket_class_allocated_count {0}
static PFS_socket_classsocket_class_array = nullptr
static std::atomic< uint32memory_class_dirty_count {0}
static std::atomic< uint32memory_class_allocated_count {0}
static std::atomic< PFS_memory_class * > memory_class_array {nullptr}
uint mutex_class_start = 0
uint rwlock_class_start = 0
uint cond_class_start = 0
uint file_class_start = 0
uint wait_class_max = 0
uint socket_class_start = 0
bool pfs_enabled
 Global performance schema flag. More...
std::atomic< uint32pfs_unload_plugin_ref_count
 Global ref count for plugin and component events. More...
 PFS_INSTRUMENT option settings array. More...
uint mutex_class_start
uint rwlock_class_start
uint cond_class_start
uint file_class_start
uint socket_class_start
uint wait_class_max
PFS_single_stat global_idle_stat
 Statistics for the IDLE instrument. More...
PFS_table_io_stat global_table_io_stat
 Statistics for dropped table I/O. More...
PFS_table_lock_stat global_table_lock_stat
 Statistics for dropped table lock. More...
PFS_single_stat global_metadata_stat
 Statistics for the METADATA instrument. More...
PFS_transaction_stat global_transaction_stat
 Statistics for the transaction instrument. More...
PFS_error_stat global_error_stat
 Statistics for the error instrument. More...
PFS_instr_class global_table_io_class
 Instrument controlling all table I/O. More...
PFS_instr_class global_table_lock_class
 Instrument controlling all table lock. More...
PFS_instr_class global_idle_class
 Instrument controlling all idle waits. More...
PFS_instr_class global_metadata_class
 Instrument controlling all metadata locks. More...
PFS_error_class global_error_class
 Instrument controlling all server errors. More...
PFS_transaction_class global_transaction_class
ulong mutex_class_max
 Size of the mutex class array. More...
ulong mutex_class_lost
 Number of mutex class lost. More...
ulong rwlock_class_max
 Size of the rwlock class array. More...
ulong rwlock_class_lost
 Number of rwlock class lost. More...
ulong cond_class_max
 Size of the condition class array. More...
ulong cond_class_lost
 Number of condition class lost. More...
ulong thread_class_max
 Size of the thread class array. More...
ulong thread_class_lost
 Number of thread class lost. More...
ulong file_class_max
 Size of the file class array. More...
ulong file_class_lost
 Number of file class lost. More...
ulong stage_class_max
 Size of the stage class array. More...
ulong stage_class_lost
 Number of stage class lost. More...
ulong statement_class_max
 Size of the statement class array. More...
ulong statement_class_lost
 Number of statement class lost. More...
ulong transaction_class_max
 Number of transaction classes. More...
ulong socket_class_max
 Size of the socket class array. More...
ulong socket_class_lost
 Number of socket class lost. More...
ulong memory_class_max
 Size of the memory class array. More...
ulong memory_class_lost
 Number of memory class lost. More...
ulong meter_class_max
 Size of the meter class array. More...
ulong meter_class_lost
 Number of meter class lost. More...
ulong metric_class_max
 Size of the metric class array. More...
ulong metric_class_lost
 Number of metric class lost. More...
ulong error_class_max
 Number of error classes. More...
LF_HASH table_share_hash
 Hash index for instrumented table shares. More...
LF_HASH setup_actor_hash
 Hash table for setup_actor records. More...
static bool setup_actor_hash_inited = false
 True if setup_actor_hash is initialized. More...
LF_HASH setup_actor_hash
 Hash table for setup_actor records. More...
uint setup_objects_version = 0
LF_HASH setup_object_hash
static bool setup_object_hash_inited = false
LF_HASH setup_object_hash
LF_HASH user_hash
static bool user_hash_inited = false
LF_HASH user_hash

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation



Number of global wait events.




#define FIND_CLASS_BODY (   KEY,
if ((KEY == 0) || (KEY > COUNT)) { \
return NULL; \
} \
return &ARRAY[KEY - 1]
Definition: key.h:113
#define NULL
Definition: types.h:55


#define FIND_CLASS_BODY_V2 (   KEY,
if ((KEY == 0) || (KEY > COUNT) || (ARRAY[KEY - 1].m_key == 0)) { \
return NULL; \
} \
return &ARRAY[KEY - 1]













Transaction events are not wait events .


#define PFS_LOCK_ALLOCATED   0x02

State of an allocated record.

Values of an allocated record are safe to read by a reader. A writer may modify some but not all properties of the record: only modifying values that can never cause the reader to crash is allowed.


#define PFS_LOCK_DIRTY   0x01

State of a dirty record.

Values of a dirty record should not be read by a reader, as the record is currently being modified. Only one writer, the writer which owns the record, should modify the record content.


#define PFS_LOCK_FREE   0x00

State of a free record.

Values of a free record should not be read by a reader. Writers can concurrently attempt to allocate a free record.




for (INDEX = 0; INDEX < MAX; ++INDEX) { \
entry = &ARRAY[INDEX]; \
if ((entry->m_name.length() == NAME_LENGTH) && \
(strncmp(entry->m_name.str(), NAME, NAME_LENGTH) == 0)) { \
assert(entry->m_flags == info->m_flags); \
return (INDEX + 1); \
} \
#define MAX(a, b)
const std::string INDEX("INDEX")
Definition: completion_hash.h:35
const char * str
Definition: completion_hash.h:36
#define NAME(f)


for (INDEX = 0; INDEX < MAX; ++INDEX) { \
entry = &ARRAY[INDEX]; \
if ((entry->m_key > 0) && (entry->m_name.length() == NAME_LENGTH) && \
(strncmp(entry->m_name.str(), NAME, NAME_LENGTH) == 0)) { \
assert(entry->m_flags == info->m_flags); \
return UINT_MAX; \
} \


#define STATE_MASK   0x00000003


#define VERSION_INC   4





Maximum number dummy waits records.

One dummy record is reserved for the parent stage / statement / transaction, at the bottom of the wait stack.



Maximum number of nested waits.

Some waits, such as:

  • "wait/io/table/sql/handler"
  • "wait/lock/table/sql/handler" are implemented by calling code in a storage engine, that can cause nested waits (file I/O, mutex, ...) Because of partitioned tables, a table I/O event (on the whole table) can contain a nested table I/O event (on a partition). Because of additional debug instrumentation, waiting on what looks like a "mutex" (safe_mutex, innodb sync0sync, ...) can cause nested waits to be recorded. For example, a wait on innodb mutexes can lead to:
  • wait/sync/mutex/innobase/some_mutex
    • wait/sync/mutex/innobase/sync0sync
      • wait/sync/mutex/innobase/os0sync The max depth of the event stack must be sufficient for these low level details to be visible.



Physical size of the waits stack.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PFS_file_key

typedef unsigned int PFS_file_key

Key, naming a file instrument.

◆ Pfs_instr_config_array

◆ PFS_memory_key

typedef unsigned int PFS_memory_key

Key, naming a memory instrument.

◆ PFS_meter_key

typedef unsigned int PFS_meter_key

Key, naming a meter instrument.

◆ PFS_metric_key

typedef unsigned int PFS_metric_key

Key, naming a metric instrument.

◆ PFS_socket_key

typedef unsigned int PFS_socket_key

Key, naming a socket instrument.

◆ PFS_stage_key

typedef unsigned int PFS_stage_key

Key, naming a stage instrument.

◆ PFS_statement_key

typedef unsigned int PFS_statement_key

Key, naming a statement instrument.

◆ PFS_sync_key

typedef unsigned int PFS_sync_key

Key, naming a synch instrument (mutex, rwlock, cond).

◆ PFS_thread_key

typedef unsigned int PFS_thread_key

Key, naming a thread instrument.

◆ PFS_transaction_key

typedef unsigned int PFS_transaction_key

Key, naming a transaction instrument.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ PFS_class_type




Function Documentation

◆ PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor()

PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor::PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor ( )


Instance wait visitor.

◆ PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor()

PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor::PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor ( )


◆ PFS_connection_error_visitor()

PFS_connection_error_visitor::PFS_connection_error_visitor ( PFS_error_class klass,
uint  index 


◆ PFS_connection_memory_visitor()

PFS_connection_memory_visitor::PFS_connection_memory_visitor ( PFS_memory_class klass)


◆ PFS_connection_stage_visitor()

PFS_connection_stage_visitor::PFS_connection_stage_visitor ( PFS_stage_class klass)


◆ PFS_connection_stat_visitor()

PFS_connection_stat_visitor::PFS_connection_stat_visitor ( )


◆ PFS_connection_statement_visitor()

PFS_connection_statement_visitor::PFS_connection_statement_visitor ( PFS_statement_class klass)


◆ PFS_connection_status_visitor()

PFS_connection_status_visitor::PFS_connection_status_visitor ( System_status_var vars)


◆ PFS_connection_transaction_visitor()

PFS_connection_transaction_visitor::PFS_connection_transaction_visitor ( PFS_transaction_class klass)


◆ PFS_connection_wait_visitor()

PFS_connection_wait_visitor::PFS_connection_wait_visitor ( PFS_instr_class klass)


Connection wait visitor.

◆ PFS_index_io_stat_visitor()

PFS_index_io_stat_visitor::PFS_index_io_stat_visitor ( )

Index I/O stat visitor.

◆ PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor()

PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor::PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor ( )

◆ PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor()

PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor::PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor ( )

◆ PFS_instance_wait_visitor()

PFS_instance_wait_visitor::PFS_instance_wait_visitor ( )

◆ PFS_object_wait_visitor()

PFS_object_wait_visitor::PFS_object_wait_visitor ( )

Table I/O wait visitor.

◆ PFS_table_io_stat_visitor()

PFS_table_io_stat_visitor::PFS_table_io_stat_visitor ( )

Table I/O stat visitor.

◆ PFS_table_io_wait_visitor()

PFS_table_io_wait_visitor::PFS_table_io_wait_visitor ( )

◆ PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor()

PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor::PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor ( )

Table lock stat visitor.

◆ PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor()

PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor::PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor ( )

Table lock wait visitor.

◆ ~PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor()

PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor::~PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor()

PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor::~PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_connection_error_visitor()

PFS_connection_error_visitor::~PFS_connection_error_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_connection_memory_visitor()

PFS_connection_memory_visitor::~PFS_connection_memory_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_connection_stage_visitor()

PFS_connection_stage_visitor::~PFS_connection_stage_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_connection_stat_visitor()

PFS_connection_stat_visitor::~PFS_connection_stat_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_connection_statement_visitor()

PFS_connection_statement_visitor::~PFS_connection_statement_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_connection_status_visitor()

PFS_connection_status_visitor::~PFS_connection_status_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_connection_transaction_visitor()

PFS_connection_transaction_visitor::~PFS_connection_transaction_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_connection_wait_visitor()

PFS_connection_wait_visitor::~PFS_connection_wait_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_index_io_stat_visitor()

PFS_index_io_stat_visitor::~PFS_index_io_stat_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor()

PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor::~PFS_instance_file_io_stat_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor()

PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor::~PFS_instance_socket_io_stat_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_instance_wait_visitor()

PFS_instance_wait_visitor::~PFS_instance_wait_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_object_wait_visitor()

PFS_object_wait_visitor::~PFS_object_wait_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_table_io_stat_visitor()

PFS_table_io_stat_visitor::~PFS_table_io_stat_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_table_io_wait_visitor()

PFS_table_io_wait_visitor::~PFS_table_io_wait_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor()

PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor::~PFS_table_lock_stat_visitor ( )

◆ ~PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor()

PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor::~PFS_table_lock_wait_visitor ( )

◆ account_hash_cmp_func()

static int account_hash_cmp_func ( const uchar key1,
size_t  key_len1,
const uchar key2,
size_t  key_len2 

◆ account_hash_func()

static uint account_hash_func ( const LF_HASH ,
const uchar key,
size_t  key_len 

◆ account_hash_get_key()

static const uchar * account_hash_get_key ( const uchar entry,
size_t *  length 

◆ aggregate() [1/3]

void PFS_host::aggregate ( bool  alive)

◆ aggregate() [2/3]

void PFS_user::aggregate ( bool  alive)

◆ aggregate() [3/3]

void PFS_account::aggregate ( bool  alive,
PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_all_errors() [1/2]

void aggregate_all_errors ( PFS_error_stat from_array,
PFS_error_stat to_array 

◆ aggregate_all_errors() [2/2]

void aggregate_all_errors ( PFS_error_stat from_array,
PFS_error_stat to_array_1,
PFS_error_stat to_array_2 

◆ aggregate_all_event_names() [1/2]

void aggregate_all_event_names ( PFS_single_stat from_array,
PFS_single_stat to_array 

◆ aggregate_all_event_names() [2/2]

void aggregate_all_event_names ( PFS_single_stat from_array,
PFS_single_stat to_array_1,
PFS_single_stat to_array_2 

◆ aggregate_all_memory() [1/3]

void aggregate_all_memory ( bool  alive,
PFS_memory_safe_stat from_array,
PFS_memory_shared_stat to_array 

◆ aggregate_all_memory() [2/3]

void aggregate_all_memory ( bool  alive,
PFS_memory_shared_stat from_array,
PFS_memory_shared_stat to_array 

◆ aggregate_all_memory() [3/3]

void aggregate_all_memory ( bool  alive,
PFS_memory_shared_stat from_array,
PFS_memory_shared_stat to_array_1,
PFS_memory_shared_stat to_array_2 

◆ aggregate_all_memory_with_reassign() [1/2]

void aggregate_all_memory_with_reassign ( bool  alive,
PFS_memory_safe_stat from_array,
PFS_memory_shared_stat to_array,
PFS_memory_shared_stat global_array 

◆ aggregate_all_memory_with_reassign() [2/2]

void aggregate_all_memory_with_reassign ( bool  alive,
PFS_memory_safe_stat from_array,
PFS_memory_shared_stat to_array_1,
PFS_memory_shared_stat to_array_2,
PFS_memory_shared_stat global_array 

◆ aggregate_all_stages() [1/2]

void aggregate_all_stages ( PFS_stage_stat from_array,
PFS_stage_stat to_array 

◆ aggregate_all_stages() [2/2]

void aggregate_all_stages ( PFS_stage_stat from_array,
PFS_stage_stat to_array_1,
PFS_stage_stat to_array_2 

◆ aggregate_all_statements() [1/2]

void aggregate_all_statements ( PFS_statement_stat from_array,
PFS_statement_stat to_array 

◆ aggregate_all_statements() [2/2]

void aggregate_all_statements ( PFS_statement_stat from_array,
PFS_statement_stat to_array_1,
PFS_statement_stat to_array_2 

◆ aggregate_all_transactions() [1/2]

void aggregate_all_transactions ( PFS_transaction_stat from_array,
PFS_transaction_stat to_array 

◆ aggregate_all_transactions() [2/2]

void aggregate_all_transactions ( PFS_transaction_stat from_array,
PFS_transaction_stat to_array_1,
PFS_transaction_stat to_array_2 

◆ aggregate_disconnect() [1/3]

void PFS_account::aggregate_disconnect ( ulonglong  controlled_memory,
ulonglong  total_memory 

◆ aggregate_disconnect() [2/3]

void PFS_host::aggregate_disconnect ( ulonglong  controlled_memory,
ulonglong  total_memory 

◆ aggregate_disconnect() [3/3]

void PFS_user::aggregate_disconnect ( ulonglong  controlled_memory,
ulonglong  total_memory 

◆ aggregate_errors() [1/3]

void PFS_host::aggregate_errors ( )

◆ aggregate_errors() [2/3]

void PFS_user::aggregate_errors ( )

◆ aggregate_errors() [3/3]

void PFS_account::aggregate_errors ( PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_io()

void PFS_table_share::aggregate_io ( )

◆ aggregate_lock()

void PFS_table_share::aggregate_lock ( )

◆ aggregate_memory() [1/3]

void PFS_host::aggregate_memory ( bool  alive)

◆ aggregate_memory() [2/3]

void PFS_user::aggregate_memory ( bool  alive)

◆ aggregate_memory() [3/3]

void PFS_account::aggregate_memory ( bool  alive,
PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_stages() [1/3]

void PFS_host::aggregate_stages ( )

◆ aggregate_stages() [2/3]

void PFS_user::aggregate_stages ( )

◆ aggregate_stages() [3/3]

void PFS_account::aggregate_stages ( PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_statements() [1/3]

void PFS_host::aggregate_statements ( )

◆ aggregate_statements() [2/3]

void PFS_user::aggregate_statements ( )

◆ aggregate_statements() [3/3]

void PFS_account::aggregate_statements ( PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_stats() [1/3]

void PFS_host::aggregate_stats ( )

◆ aggregate_stats() [2/3]

void PFS_user::aggregate_stats ( )

◆ aggregate_stats() [3/3]

void PFS_account::aggregate_stats ( PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_stats_from() [1/2]

void PFS_host::aggregate_stats_from ( PFS_account pfs)

◆ aggregate_stats_from() [2/2]

void PFS_user::aggregate_stats_from ( PFS_account pfs)

◆ aggregate_status() [1/3]

void PFS_host::aggregate_status ( )

◆ aggregate_status() [2/3]

void PFS_user::aggregate_status ( )

◆ aggregate_status() [3/3]

void PFS_account::aggregate_status ( PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_thread()

void aggregate_thread ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_account safe_account,
PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_thread_errors()

void aggregate_thread_errors ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_account safe_account,
PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_thread_memory()

void aggregate_thread_memory ( bool  alive,
PFS_thread thread,
PFS_account safe_account,
PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_thread_stages()

void aggregate_thread_stages ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_account safe_account,
PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_thread_statements()

void aggregate_thread_statements ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_account safe_account,
PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_thread_stats()

static void aggregate_thread_stats ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_account safe_account,
PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_thread_status()

void aggregate_thread_status ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_account safe_account,
PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_thread_transactions()

void aggregate_thread_transactions ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_account safe_account,
PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_thread_waits()

void aggregate_thread_waits ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_account safe_account,
PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_transactions() [1/3]

void PFS_host::aggregate_transactions ( )

◆ aggregate_transactions() [2/3]

void PFS_user::aggregate_transactions ( )

◆ aggregate_transactions() [3/3]

void PFS_account::aggregate_transactions ( PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ aggregate_waits() [1/3]

void PFS_host::aggregate_waits ( )

◆ aggregate_waits() [2/3]

void PFS_user::aggregate_waits ( )

◆ aggregate_waits() [3/3]

void PFS_account::aggregate_waits ( PFS_user safe_user,
PFS_host safe_host 

◆ apply_alloc_delta()

PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta * PFS_memory_shared_stat::apply_alloc_delta ( const PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta delta,
PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta delta_buffer 
Expand the high water marks.
@param [in] delta High watermark increments to apply
@param [in] delta_buffer Working buffer
@return High watermark increments to carry to the parent if any, or


◆ apply_free_delta()

PFS_memory_stat_free_delta * PFS_memory_shared_stat::apply_free_delta ( const PFS_memory_stat_free_delta delta,
PFS_memory_stat_free_delta delta_buffer 
Expand the low water marks.
@param [in] delta Low watermark decrements to apply
@param [in] delta_buffer Working buffer
@return Low watermark decrements to carry to the parent if any, or


◆ carry_global_memory_stat_alloc_delta()

void carry_global_memory_stat_alloc_delta ( PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta delta,
uint  index 

◆ carry_global_memory_stat_free_delta()

void carry_global_memory_stat_free_delta ( PFS_memory_stat_free_delta delta,
uint  index 

◆ carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta() [1/4]

void PFS_account::carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta ( PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta delta,
uint  index 

◆ carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta() [2/4]

void PFS_host::carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta ( PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta delta,
uint  index 

◆ carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta() [3/4]

void PFS_thread::carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta ( PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta delta,
uint  index 

◆ carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta() [4/4]

void PFS_user::carry_memory_stat_alloc_delta ( PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta delta,
uint  index 

◆ carry_memory_stat_free_delta() [1/4]

void PFS_account::carry_memory_stat_free_delta ( PFS_memory_stat_free_delta delta,
uint  index 

◆ carry_memory_stat_free_delta() [2/4]

void PFS_host::carry_memory_stat_free_delta ( PFS_memory_stat_free_delta delta,
uint  index 

◆ carry_memory_stat_free_delta() [3/4]

void PFS_thread::carry_memory_stat_free_delta ( PFS_memory_stat_free_delta delta,
uint  index 

◆ carry_memory_stat_free_delta() [4/4]

void PFS_user::carry_memory_stat_free_delta ( PFS_memory_stat_free_delta delta,
uint  index 

◆ cleanup_account()

void cleanup_account ( )

Cleanup all the account buffers.

◆ cleanup_account_hash()

void cleanup_account_hash ( )

Cleanup the user hash.

◆ cleanup_file_class()

void cleanup_file_class ( )

Cleanup the file class buffers.

◆ cleanup_file_hash()

void cleanup_file_hash ( )

Cleanup the file name hash.

◆ cleanup_host()

void cleanup_host ( )

Cleanup all the host buffers.

◆ cleanup_host_hash()

void cleanup_host_hash ( )

Cleanup the host hash.

◆ cleanup_instruments()

void cleanup_instruments ( )

Cleanup all the instruments buffers.

◆ cleanup_memory_class()

void cleanup_memory_class ( )

Cleanup the memory class buffers.

◆ cleanup_meter_class()

void cleanup_meter_class ( )

Cleanup the meter class buffers.

◆ cleanup_metric_class()

void cleanup_metric_class ( )

Cleanup the metric class buffers.

◆ cleanup_setup_actor()

void cleanup_setup_actor ( )

Cleanup all the setup actor buffers.

◆ cleanup_setup_actor_hash()

void cleanup_setup_actor_hash ( )

Cleanup the setup actor hash.

◆ cleanup_setup_object()

void cleanup_setup_object ( )

Cleanup all the setup object buffers.

◆ cleanup_setup_object_hash()

void cleanup_setup_object_hash ( )

Cleanup the setup objects hash.

◆ cleanup_socket_class()

void cleanup_socket_class ( )

Cleanup the socket class buffers.

◆ cleanup_stage_class()

void cleanup_stage_class ( )

Cleanup the stage class buffers.

◆ cleanup_statement_class()

void cleanup_statement_class ( )

Cleanup the statement class buffers.

◆ cleanup_sync_class()

void cleanup_sync_class ( )

Cleanup the instrument synch class buffers.

◆ cleanup_table_share()

void cleanup_table_share ( )

Cleanup the table share buffers.

◆ cleanup_table_share_hash()

void cleanup_table_share_hash ( )

Cleanup the table share hash table.

◆ cleanup_table_share_index_stat()

void cleanup_table_share_index_stat ( )

Cleanup the table stat buffers.

◆ cleanup_table_share_lock_stat()

void cleanup_table_share_lock_stat ( )

Cleanup the table stat buffers.

◆ cleanup_thread_class()

void cleanup_thread_class ( )

Cleanup the thread class buffers.

◆ cleanup_user()

void cleanup_user ( )

Cleanup all the user buffers.

◆ cleanup_user_hash()

void cleanup_user_hash ( )

Cleanup the user hash.

◆ clear_thread_account()

void clear_thread_account ( PFS_thread thread)

◆ compare_keys()

static int compare_keys ( PFS_table_share pfs,
const TABLE_SHARE share 

◆ configure_instr_class()

static void configure_instr_class ( PFS_instr_class entry)

Set user-defined configuration values for an instrument.

Compare class name to all configuration entries. In case of multiple matches, the longer specification wins. For example, the pattern 'ABC/DEF/GHI=ON' has precedence over 'ABC/DEF/%=OFF' regardless of position within the configuration file or command line.

Consecutive wildcards affect the count.

◆ count_alloc() [1/2]

PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta * PFS_memory_safe_stat::count_alloc ( size_t  size,
PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta delta 

◆ count_alloc() [2/2]

PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta * PFS_memory_shared_stat::count_alloc ( size_t  size,
PFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta delta 

◆ count_builtin_alloc()

void PFS_memory_shared_stat::count_builtin_alloc ( size_t  size)

◆ count_builtin_free()

void PFS_memory_shared_stat::count_builtin_free ( size_t  size)

◆ count_controlled_alloc()

void PFS_session_all_memory_stat::count_controlled_alloc ( size_t  size)

◆ count_controlled_free()

void PFS_session_all_memory_stat::count_controlled_free ( size_t  size)

◆ count_free() [1/2]

PFS_memory_stat_free_delta * PFS_memory_safe_stat::count_free ( size_t  size,
PFS_memory_stat_free_delta delta 

◆ count_free() [2/2]

PFS_memory_stat_free_delta * PFS_memory_shared_stat::count_free ( size_t  size,
PFS_memory_stat_free_delta delta 

◆ count_uncontrolled_alloc()

void PFS_session_all_memory_stat::count_uncontrolled_alloc ( size_t  size)

◆ count_uncontrolled_free()

void PFS_session_all_memory_stat::count_uncontrolled_free ( size_t  size)

◆ create_cond()

PFS_cond * create_cond ( PFS_cond_class klass,
const void *  identity 

Create instrumentation for a condition instance.

klassthe condition class
identitythe condition address
a condition instance, or NULL

◆ create_metadata_lock()

PFS_metadata_lock * create_metadata_lock ( void *  identity,
const MDL_key mdl_key,
opaque_mdl_type  mdl_type,
opaque_mdl_duration  mdl_duration,
opaque_mdl_status  mdl_status,
const char *  src_file,
uint  src_line 

◆ create_mutex()

PFS_mutex * create_mutex ( PFS_mutex_class klass,
const void *  identity 

Create instrumentation for a mutex instance.

klassthe mutex class
identitythe mutex address
a mutex instance, or NULL

◆ create_rwlock()

PFS_rwlock * create_rwlock ( PFS_rwlock_class klass,
const void *  identity 

Create instrumentation for a rwlock instance.

klassthe rwlock class
identitythe rwlock address
a rwlock instance, or NULL

◆ create_socket()

PFS_socket * create_socket ( PFS_socket_class klass,
const my_socket fd,
const struct sockaddr addr,
socklen_t  addr_len 

Create instrumentation for a socket instance.

klassthe socket class
fdthe socket file descriptor
addrthe socket address
addr_lenthe socket address length
a socket instance, or NULL

◆ create_table()

PFS_table * create_table ( PFS_table_share share,
PFS_thread opening_thread,
const void *  identity 

Create instrumentation for a table instance.

sharethe table share
opening_threadthe opening thread
identitythe table address
a table instance, or NULL

◆ create_table_share_index_stat()

PFS_table_share_index * create_table_share_index_stat ( const TABLE_SHARE server_share,
uint  server_index 

Create a table share index instrumentation.

table share index instrumentation, or NULL

◆ create_table_share_lock_stat()

PFS_table_share_lock * create_table_share_lock_stat ( )

Create a table share lock instrumentation.

table share lock instrumentation, or NULL

◆ create_thread()

PFS_thread * create_thread ( PFS_thread_class klass,
PSI_thread_seqnum  seqnum,
const void *  identity,
ulonglong  processlist_id 

Create instrumentation for a thread instance.

klassthe thread class
seqnumthe thread instance sequence number
identitythe thread address, or a value characteristic of this thread
processlist_idthe PROCESSLIST id, or 0 if unknown
a thread instance, or NULL

◆ delete_file_name()

void delete_file_name ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_file pfs 

Delete file name from the hash table.

threadthe executing thread instrumentation
pfsthe file instrumentation

◆ delete_setup_actor()

int delete_setup_actor ( const PFS_user_name user,
const PFS_host_name host,
const PFS_role_name role 

◆ delete_setup_object()

int delete_setup_object ( enum_object_type  object_type,
const PFS_schema_name schema,
const PFS_object_name object 

◆ destroy_cond()

void destroy_cond ( PFS_cond pfs)

Destroy instrumentation for a condition instance.

pfsthe condition to destroy

◆ destroy_file()

void destroy_file ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_file pfs,
bool  delete_name 

Destroy instrumentation for a file instance.

threadthe executing thread instrumentation
pfsthe file to destroy
delete_nameif true, delete the filename from the hash

◆ destroy_index_stats()

void PFS_table_share::destroy_index_stats ( )

Destroy table share index instrumentation.

◆ destroy_lock_stat()

void PFS_table_share::destroy_lock_stat ( )

Destroy a table share lock instrumentation.

◆ destroy_metadata_lock()

void destroy_metadata_lock ( PFS_metadata_lock pfs)

◆ destroy_mutex()

void destroy_mutex ( PFS_mutex pfs)

Destroy instrumentation for a mutex instance.

pfsthe mutex to destroy

◆ destroy_rwlock()

void destroy_rwlock ( PFS_rwlock pfs)

Destroy instrumentation for a rwlock instance.

pfsthe rwlock to destroy

◆ destroy_socket()

void destroy_socket ( PFS_socket pfs)

Destroy instrumentation for a socket instance.

pfsthe socket to destroy

◆ destroy_table()

void destroy_table ( PFS_table pfs)

Destroy instrumentation for a table instance.

pfsthe table to destroy

◆ destroy_thread()

void destroy_thread ( PFS_thread pfs)

Destroy instrumentation for a thread instance.

pfsthe thread to destroy

◆ drop_table_share()

void drop_table_share ( PFS_thread thread,
bool  temporary,
const char *  schema_name,
uint  schema_name_length,
const char *  table_name,
uint  table_name_length 

Drop the instrumented table share associated with a table.

threadThe running thread
temporaryTrue for TEMPORARY TABLE
schema_nameThe table schema name
schema_name_lengthThe table schema name length
table_nameThe table name
table_name_lengthThe table name length

◆ end_file_rename()

int end_file_rename ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_file pfs,
const char *  new_name,
int  rename_result 

After the rename operation: Assign the new filename to the file instrumentation instance, then add to the filename hash.

threadthe executing instrumented thread
pfsthe file instrumentation
new_namethe new filename, null-terminated
rename_resultthe result from rename operation
0 for success

◆ fct_reset_cond_waits()

static void fct_reset_cond_waits ( PFS_cond pfs)

◆ fct_reset_file_io()

static void fct_reset_file_io ( PFS_file pfs)

◆ fct_reset_file_waits()

static void fct_reset_file_waits ( PFS_file pfs)

◆ fct_reset_metadata_source_file_pointers()

static void fct_reset_metadata_source_file_pointers ( PFS_metadata_lock pfs)

◆ fct_reset_mutex_waits()

static void fct_reset_mutex_waits ( PFS_mutex pfs)

◆ fct_reset_rwlock_waits()

static void fct_reset_rwlock_waits ( PFS_rwlock pfs)

◆ fct_reset_socket_io()

static void fct_reset_socket_io ( PFS_socket pfs)

◆ fct_reset_socket_waits()

static void fct_reset_socket_waits ( PFS_socket pfs)

◆ fct_reset_source_file_pointers()

static void fct_reset_source_file_pointers ( PFS_thread pfs_thread)

For each thread, clear the source file pointers from all waits, stages, statements and transaction events.

◆ fct_update_cond_derived_flags()

static void fct_update_cond_derived_flags ( PFS_cond pfs)

◆ fct_update_file_derived_flags()

static void fct_update_file_derived_flags ( PFS_file pfs)

◆ fct_update_metadata_derived_flags()

static void fct_update_metadata_derived_flags ( PFS_metadata_lock pfs)

◆ fct_update_mutex_derived_flags()

static void fct_update_mutex_derived_flags ( PFS_mutex pfs)

◆ fct_update_rwlock_derived_flags()

static void fct_update_rwlock_derived_flags ( PFS_rwlock pfs)

◆ fct_update_socket_derived_flags()

static void fct_update_socket_derived_flags ( PFS_socket pfs)

◆ fct_update_table_derived_flags()

static void fct_update_table_derived_flags ( PFS_table pfs)

◆ fct_update_thread_derived_flags()

static void fct_update_thread_derived_flags ( PFS_thread pfs)

◆ filename_hash_cmp_func()

static int filename_hash_cmp_func ( const uchar key1,
size_t  key_len1,
const uchar key2,
size_t  key_len2 

◆ filename_hash_func()

static uint filename_hash_func ( const LF_HASH ,
const uchar key,
size_t  key_len 

◆ filename_hash_get_key()

static const uchar * filename_hash_get_key ( const uchar entry,
size_t *  length 

Get hash table key for instrumented files.

◆ find_cond_class()

PFS_cond_class * find_cond_class ( PFS_sync_key  key)

Find a condition instrumentation class by key.

keythe instrument key
the instrument class, or NULL

◆ find_error_class()

PFS_error_class * find_error_class ( uint  index)

◆ find_file()

PFS_file * find_file ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_file_class klass,
const char *  filename,
uint  len 

Find a file instrumentation instance by name.

threadthe executing instrumented thread
klassthe file class
filenamethe file name
lenthe length in bytes of filename
a file instance, or nullptr

◆ find_file_class()

PFS_file_class * find_file_class ( PFS_file_key  key)

Find a file instrumentation class by key.

keythe instrument key
the instrument class, or NULL

◆ find_idle_class()

PFS_instr_class * find_idle_class ( uint  index)

◆ find_index_stat()

PFS_table_share_index * PFS_table_share::find_index_stat ( uint  index) const

Find an existing table share index instrumentation.

a table share index

◆ find_lock_stat()

PFS_table_share_lock * PFS_table_share::find_lock_stat ( ) const

Find an existing table share lock instrumentation.

a table share lock.

◆ find_memory_class()

PFS_memory_class * find_memory_class ( PFS_memory_key  key)

Find a memory instrumentation class by key.

keythe instrument key
the instrument class, or NULL

◆ find_metadata_class()

PFS_instr_class * find_metadata_class ( uint  index)

◆ find_meter_class()

PFS_meter_class * find_meter_class ( PSI_meter_key  key)

Find a meter instrumentation class by key.

keythe instrument key
the instrument class, or NULL

◆ find_metric_class()

PFS_metric_class * find_metric_class ( PSI_metric_key  key)

Find a metric instrumentation class by key.

keythe instrument key
the instrument class, or NULL

◆ find_mutex_class()

PFS_mutex_class * find_mutex_class ( PFS_sync_key  key)

Find a mutex instrumentation class by key.

keythe instrument key
the instrument class, or NULL

◆ find_or_create_account()

PFS_account * find_or_create_account ( PFS_thread thread,
const PFS_user_name user,
const PFS_host_name host 

◆ find_or_create_file()

PFS_file * find_or_create_file ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_file_class klass,
const char *  filename,
uint  len,
bool  create 

Find or create instrumentation for a file instance by file name.

threadthe executing instrumented thread
klassthe file class
filenamethe file name
lenthe length in bytes of filename
createcreate a file instance if none found
a file instance, or nullptr

◆ find_or_create_host()

PFS_host * find_or_create_host ( PFS_thread thread,
const PFS_host_name host 

◆ find_or_create_index_stat()

PFS_table_share_index * PFS_table_share::find_or_create_index_stat ( const TABLE_SHARE server_share,
uint  index 

Find or create a table share index instrumentation.

server_sharethe server TABLE_SHARE structure
indexthe index
a table share index, or NULL

◆ find_or_create_lock_stat()

PFS_table_share_lock * PFS_table_share::find_or_create_lock_stat ( )

Find or create a table share lock instrumentation.

a table share lock, or NULL.

◆ find_or_create_table_share()

PFS_table_share * find_or_create_table_share ( PFS_thread thread,
bool  temporary,
const TABLE_SHARE share 

Find or create a table share instrumentation.

threadthe executing instrumented thread
temporarytrue for TEMPORARY TABLE
sharetable share
a table share, or NULL

◆ find_or_create_user()

PFS_user * find_or_create_user ( PFS_thread thread,
const PFS_user_name user 

◆ find_rwlock_class()

PFS_rwlock_class * find_rwlock_class ( PFS_sync_key  key)

Find a rwlock instrumentation class by key.

keythe instrument key
the instrument class, or NULL

◆ find_socket_class()

PFS_socket_class * find_socket_class ( PFS_socket_key  key)

Find a socket instrumentation class by key.

keythe instrument key
the instrument class, or NULL

◆ find_stage_class()

PFS_stage_class * find_stage_class ( PFS_stage_key  key)

Find a stage instrumentation class by key.

keythe instrument key
the instrument class, or NULL

◆ find_statement_class()

PFS_statement_class * find_statement_class ( PFS_stage_key  key)

Find a statement instrumentation class by key.

keythe instrument key
the instrument class, or NULL

◆ find_table_class()

PFS_instr_class * find_table_class ( uint  index)

◆ find_thread_by_internal_id()

PFS_thread * find_thread_by_internal_id ( ulonglong  thread_id)

Find a PFS thread given an internal thread id.

thread_idinternal thread id
pfs pointer if found, else NULL

◆ find_thread_by_processlist_id()

PFS_thread * find_thread_by_processlist_id ( ulonglong  processlist_id)

Find a PFS thread given a processlist id.

pfs pointer if found, else NULL

◆ find_thread_class()

PFS_thread_class * find_thread_class ( PFS_sync_key  key)

Find a thread instrumentation class by key.

keythe instrument key
the instrument class, or NULL

◆ find_transaction_class()

PFS_transaction_class * find_transaction_class ( uint  index)

◆ get_account_hash_pins()

static LF_PINS * get_account_hash_pins ( PFS_thread thread)

◆ get_current_thread()

PFS_thread * PFS_thread::get_current_thread ( )

◆ get_filename_hash_pins()

static LF_PINS * get_filename_hash_pins ( PFS_thread thread)

Get the hash pins for filename_hash.

threadThe running thread.
The LF_HASH pins for the thread.

◆ get_host_hash_pins()

static LF_PINS * get_host_hash_pins ( PFS_thread thread)

◆ get_pfs_from_THD()

static PFS_thread * get_pfs_from_THD ( THD thd)

◆ get_setup_actor_hash_pins()

static LF_PINS * get_setup_actor_hash_pins ( PFS_thread thread)

◆ get_setup_object_hash_pins()

static LF_PINS * get_setup_object_hash_pins ( PFS_thread thread)

◆ get_table_share_hash_pins()

static LF_PINS * get_table_share_hash_pins ( PFS_thread thread)

Get the hash pins for.

See also
threadThe running thread.
The LF_HASH pins for the thread.

◆ get_user_hash_pins()

static LF_PINS * get_user_hash_pins ( PFS_thread thread)

◆ gtid_monitoring_getsystime()

ulonglong gtid_monitoring_getsystime ( )

Get current time for GTID monitoring.

Time in microseconds when PFS monitoring is enabled.
0 when PFS monitoring is disabled.

◆ host_hash_cmp_func()

static int host_hash_cmp_func ( const uchar key1,
size_t  key_len1,
const uchar key2,
size_t  key_len2 

◆ host_hash_func()

static uint host_hash_func ( const LF_HASH ,
const uchar key,
size_t  key_len 

◆ host_hash_get_key()

static const uchar * host_hash_get_key ( const uchar entry,
size_t *  length 

◆ init_account()

int init_account ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the user buffers.

paramsizing parameters
0 on success

◆ init_account_hash()

int init_account_hash ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the user hash.

0 on success

◆ init_event_name_sizing()

void init_event_name_sizing ( const PFS_global_param param)

◆ init_file_class()

int init_file_class ( uint  file_class_sizing)

Initialize the file class buffer.

file_class_sizingmax number of file class
0 on success

◆ init_file_hash()

int init_file_hash ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the file name hash.

0 on success

◆ init_host()

int init_host ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the host buffers.

paramsizing parameters
0 on success

◆ init_host_hash()

int init_host_hash ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the host hash.

0 on success

◆ init_instr_class()

static void init_instr_class ( PFS_instr_class klass,
const char *  name,
uint  name_length,
int  flags,
int  volatility,
const char *  documentation,
PFS_class_type  class_type 

◆ init_instruments()

int init_instruments ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize all the instruments instance buffers.

paramsizing parameters
0 on success

◆ init_memory_class()

int init_memory_class ( uint  memory_class_sizing)

Initialize the memory class buffer.

memory_class_sizingmax number of memory class
0 on success

◆ init_meter_class()

int init_meter_class ( uint  meter_class_sizing)

Initialize the meter class buffer.

meter_class_sizingmax number of meter class
0 on success

◆ init_metric_class()

int init_metric_class ( uint  metric_class_sizing)

Initialize the metric class buffer.

metric_class_sizingmax number of metric class
0 on success

◆ init_setup_actor()

int init_setup_actor ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the setup actor buffers.

paramsizing parameters
0 on success

◆ init_setup_actor_hash()

int init_setup_actor_hash ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the setup actor hash.

0 on success

◆ init_setup_object()

int init_setup_object ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the setup object buffers.

paramsizing parameters
0 on success

◆ init_setup_object_hash()

int init_setup_object_hash ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the setup objects hash.

0 on success

◆ init_socket_class()

int init_socket_class ( uint  socket_class_sizing)

Initialize the socket class buffer.

socket_class_sizingmax number of socket class
0 on success

◆ init_stage_class()

int init_stage_class ( uint  stage_class_sizing)

Initialize the stage class buffer.

stage_class_sizingmax number of stage class
0 on success

◆ init_statement_class()

int init_statement_class ( uint  statement_class_sizing)

Initialize the statement class buffer.

statement_class_sizingmax number of statement class
0 on success

◆ init_sync_class()

int init_sync_class ( uint  mutex_class_sizing,
uint  rwlock_class_sizing,
uint  cond_class_sizing 

Initialize the instrument synch class buffers.

mutex_class_sizingmax number of mutex class
rwlock_class_sizingmax number of rwlock class
cond_class_sizingmax number of condition class
0 on success

◆ init_table_share()

int init_table_share ( uint  table_share_sizing)

Initialize the table share buffer.

table_share_sizingmax number of table share
0 on success

◆ init_table_share_hash()

int init_table_share_hash ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the table share hash table.

◆ init_table_share_index_stat()

int init_table_share_index_stat ( uint  index_stat_sizing)

Initialize table index stat buffer.

index_stat_sizingmax number of index statistics
0 on success

◆ init_table_share_lock_stat()

int init_table_share_lock_stat ( uint  table_stat_sizing)

Initialize the table lock stat buffer.

table_stat_sizingmax number of table lock statistics
0 on success

◆ init_thread_class()

int init_thread_class ( uint  thread_class_sizing)

Initialize the thread class buffer.

thread_class_sizingmax number of thread class
0 on success

◆ init_user()

int init_user ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the user buffers.

paramsizing parameters
0 on success

◆ init_user_hash()

int init_user_hash ( const PFS_global_param param)

Initialize the user hash.

0 on success

◆ insert_setup_actor()

int insert_setup_actor ( const PFS_user_name user,
const PFS_host_name host,
const PFS_role_name role,
bool  enabled,
bool  history 

◆ insert_setup_object()

int insert_setup_object ( enum_object_type  object_type,
const PFS_schema_name schema,
const PFS_object_name object,
bool  enabled,
bool  timed 

◆ is_table()

static bool is_table ( enum_object_type  object_type)

◆ length()

uint PFS_instr_name::length ( ) const

Return the length of the string.

◆ lookup_setup_actor()

void lookup_setup_actor ( PFS_thread thread,
const PFS_user_name user,
const PFS_host_name host,
bool *  enabled,
bool *  history 

◆ lookup_setup_object()

static void lookup_setup_object ( PFS_thread thread,
enum_object_type  object_type,
const PFS_schema_name schema,
const PFS_object_name object,
bool *  enabled,
bool *  timed 

◆ lookup_setup_object_routine()

void lookup_setup_object_routine ( PFS_thread thread,
enum_object_type  object_type,
const PFS_schema_name schema_name,
const PFS_routine_name routine_name,
bool *  enabled,
bool *  timed 

◆ lookup_setup_object_table()

void lookup_setup_object_table ( PFS_thread thread,
enum_object_type  object_type,
const PFS_schema_name schema_name,
const PFS_table_name table_name,
bool *  enabled,
bool *  timed 

◆ mem_cnt_alloc()

void PFS_thread::mem_cnt_alloc ( size_t  size)

◆ mem_cnt_free()

void PFS_thread::mem_cnt_free ( size_t  size)

◆ memory_full_aggregate() [1/3]

void memory_full_aggregate ( const PFS_memory_safe_stat from,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat 

◆ memory_full_aggregate() [2/3]

void memory_full_aggregate ( const PFS_memory_shared_stat from,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat 

◆ memory_full_aggregate() [3/3]

void memory_full_aggregate ( const PFS_memory_shared_stat from,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat1,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat2 

◆ memory_full_aggregate_with_reassign() [1/2]

void memory_full_aggregate_with_reassign ( const PFS_memory_safe_stat from,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat,
PFS_memory_shared_stat global 

Aggregate thread memory statistics to the parent bucket.

Also, reassign net memory contributed by this thread to the global bucket. This is necessary to balance globally allocations done by one thread with deallocations done by another thread.

◆ memory_full_aggregate_with_reassign() [2/2]

void memory_full_aggregate_with_reassign ( const PFS_memory_safe_stat from,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat1,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat2,
PFS_memory_shared_stat global 

◆ memory_monitoring_aggregate() [1/2]

void memory_monitoring_aggregate ( const PFS_memory_safe_stat from,
PFS_memory_monitoring_stat stat 

◆ memory_monitoring_aggregate() [2/2]

void memory_monitoring_aggregate ( const PFS_memory_shared_stat from,
PFS_memory_monitoring_stat stat 

◆ memory_partial_aggregate() [1/4]

void memory_partial_aggregate ( PFS_memory_safe_stat from,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat 

◆ memory_partial_aggregate() [2/4]

void memory_partial_aggregate ( PFS_memory_safe_stat from,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat1,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat2 

◆ memory_partial_aggregate() [3/4]

void memory_partial_aggregate ( PFS_memory_shared_stat from,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat 

◆ memory_partial_aggregate() [4/4]

void memory_partial_aggregate ( PFS_memory_shared_stat from,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat1,
PFS_memory_shared_stat stat2 

◆ meter_class_count()

uint32 meter_class_count ( )

◆ metric_class_count()

uint32 metric_class_count ( )

◆ normalize()

void PFS_memory_monitoring_stat::normalize ( bool  global)

◆ normalize_filename()

int normalize_filename ( const char *  filename,
uint  name_len,
PFS_file_name normalized 

Normalize a filename with fully qualified path.

filenamefile to be normalized, null-terminatd
name_lenlength in bytes of the filename
[out]normalizedNormalized file name

◆ pfs_unload_plugin_ref_count()

std::atomic< uint32 > pfs_unload_plugin_ref_count ( )

Global performance schema reference count for plugin and component events.

Incremented when a shared library is being unloaded, decremented when the performance schema is finished processing the event.

◆ purge_account()

static void purge_account ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_account account 

◆ purge_all_account()

void purge_all_account ( )

Purge non connected accounts, reset stats of connected account.

◆ purge_all_host()

void purge_all_host ( )

Purge non connected hosts, reset stats of connected hosts.

◆ purge_all_user()

void purge_all_user ( )

Purge non connected users, reset stats of connected users.

◆ purge_host()

static void purge_host ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_host host 

◆ purge_user()

static void purge_user ( PFS_thread thread,
PFS_user user 

◆ rebase() [1/2]

void PFS_memory_safe_stat::rebase ( )

◆ rebase() [2/2]

void PFS_memory_shared_stat::rebase ( )

◆ rebase_memory_stats() [1/4]

void PFS_account::rebase_memory_stats ( )

Reset all memory statistics.

◆ rebase_memory_stats() [2/4]

void PFS_host::rebase_memory_stats ( )

Reset all memory statistics.

◆ rebase_memory_stats() [3/4]

void PFS_thread::rebase_memory_stats ( )

Reset all memory statistics.

◆ rebase_memory_stats() [4/4]

void PFS_user::rebase_memory_stats ( )

Reset all memory statistics.

◆ refresh_setup_object_flags()

void PFS_table_share::refresh_setup_object_flags ( PFS_thread thread)

◆ register_cond_class()

PFS_sync_key register_cond_class ( const char *  name,
uint  name_length,
PSI_cond_info info 

Register a condition instrumentation metadata.

namethe instrumented name
name_lengthlength in bytes of name
infothe instrumentation properties
a condition instrumentation key

◆ register_file_class()

PFS_file_key register_file_class ( const char *  name,
uint  name_length,
PSI_file_info info 

Register a file instrumentation metadata.

namethe instrumented name
name_lengthlength in bytes of name
infothe instrumentation properties
a file instrumentation key

◆ register_global_classes()

void register_global_classes ( )

◆ register_memory_class()

PFS_memory_key register_memory_class ( const char *  name,
uint  name_length,
PSI_memory_info info 

Register a memory instrumentation metadata.

namethe instrumented name
name_lengthlength in bytes of name
infothe instrumentation properties
a memory instrumentation key

◆ register_meter_class()

PFS_meter_key register_meter_class ( const char *  name,
uint  name_length,
PSI_meter_info_v1 info 

Register a meter instrumentation metadata.

namethe instrumented name
name_lengthlength in bytes of name
infothe instrumentation properties
a meter instrumentation key, 0 on error, UINT_MAX on duplicate

◆ register_metric_class()

PFS_metric_key register_metric_class ( const char *  name,
uint  name_length,
PSI_metric_info_v1 info,
const char *  meter 

Register a metric instrumentation metadata.

namethe instrumented name
name_lengthlength in bytes of name
infothe instrumentation properties
metergroup name for this metric
a metric instrumentation key, 0 on error, UINT_MAX on duplicate

◆ register_mutex_class()

PFS_sync_key register_mutex_class ( const char *  name,
uint  name_length,
PSI_mutex_info info 

Register a mutex instrumentation metadata.

namethe instrumented name
name_lengthlength in bytes of name
infothe instrumentation properties
a mutex instrumentation key

◆ register_rwlock_class()

PFS_sync_key register_rwlock_class ( const char *  name,
uint  name_length,
PSI_rwlock_info info 

Register a rwlock instrumentation metadata.

namethe instrumented name
name_lengthlength in bytes of name
infothe instrumentation properties
a rwlock instrumentation key

◆ register_socket_class()

PFS_socket_key register_socket_class ( const char *  name,
uint  name_length,
PSI_socket_info info 

Register a socket instrumentation metadata.

namethe instrumented name
name_lengthlength in bytes of name
infothe instrumentation properties
a socket instrumentation key

◆ register_stage_class()

PFS_stage_key register_stage_class ( const char *  name,
uint  prefix_length,
uint  name_length,
PSI_stage_info info 

Register a stage instrumentation metadata.

namethe instrumented name
prefix_lengthlength in bytes of the name prefix
name_lengthlength in bytes of name
infothe instrumentation properties
a stage instrumentation key

◆ register_statement_class()

PFS_statement_key register_statement_class ( const char *  name,
uint  name_length,
PSI_statement_info info 

Register a statement instrumentation metadata.

namethe instrumented name
name_lengthlength in bytes of name
infothe instrumentation properties
a statement instrumentation key

◆ register_thread_class()

PFS_thread_key register_thread_class ( const char *  name,
uint  name_length,
PSI_thread_info info 

Register a thread instrumentation metadata.

namethe instrumented name
name_lengthlength in bytes of name
infothe instrumentation properties
a thread instrumentation key

◆ release() [1/3]

void PFS_account::release ( )

◆ release() [2/3]

void PFS_host::release ( )

◆ release() [3/3]

void PFS_user::release ( )

◆ release_file()

void release_file ( PFS_file pfs)

Release instrumentation for a file instance.

pfsthe file to release

◆ release_table_share()

void release_table_share ( PFS_table_share pfs)

◆ release_table_share_index_stat()

void release_table_share_index_stat ( PFS_table_share_index pfs)

Release a table share index instrumentation.

◆ release_table_share_lock_stat()

void release_table_share_lock_stat ( PFS_table_share_lock pfs)

Release a table share lock instrumentation.

◆ reset() [1/4]

void PFS_memory_safe_stat::reset ( void  )

◆ reset() [2/4]

void PFS_memory_shared_stat::reset ( void  )

◆ reset() [3/4]

void PFS_memory_monitoring_stat::reset ( void  )

◆ reset() [4/4]

void PFS_session_all_memory_stat::reset ( void  )

◆ reset_cond_waits_by_instance()

static void reset_cond_waits_by_instance ( )

◆ reset_errors_stats()

void PFS_connection_slice::reset_errors_stats ( )

Reset all errors statistics.

◆ reset_events_waits_by_class()

void reset_events_waits_by_class ( )

Reset the wait statistics per instrument class.

◆ reset_events_waits_by_instance()

void reset_events_waits_by_instance ( )

Reset the wait statistics per object instance.

◆ reset_file_class_io()

void reset_file_class_io ( )

Reset the I/O statistics per file class.

◆ reset_file_instance_io()

void reset_file_instance_io ( )

Reset the I/O statistics per file instance.

◆ reset_file_waits_by_instance()

static void reset_file_waits_by_instance ( )

◆ reset_histogram_global()

void reset_histogram_global ( )

◆ reset_mutex_waits_by_instance()

static void reset_mutex_waits_by_instance ( )

◆ reset_rwlock_waits_by_instance()

static void reset_rwlock_waits_by_instance ( )

◆ reset_session_connect_attrs()

void PFS_thread::reset_session_connect_attrs ( )

Reset session connect attributes.

◆ reset_setup_actor()

int reset_setup_actor ( )

◆ reset_setup_object()

int reset_setup_object ( )

◆ reset_socket_class_io()

void reset_socket_class_io ( )

Reset the I/O statistics per socket class.

◆ reset_socket_instance_io()

void reset_socket_instance_io ( )

Reset the I/O statistics per socket instance.

◆ reset_socket_waits_by_instance()

static void reset_socket_waits_by_instance ( )

◆ reset_source_file_pointers()

void reset_source_file_pointers ( )

Clear the source file pointers from all waits, stages, statements and transaction events.

Clear source file pointers for all statements, stages, waits and transactions.

This function is called whenever a plugin or component is unloaded.

The Performance Schema stores the source file and line number for wait, stage, statement, transaction and metadata lock events. The source file string pointer is taken from the FILE macro. Source file pointers that reference files within a shared library become invalid when the shared library is unloaded, therefore all source file pointers are set to NULL whenever a plugin or component is unloaded.

◆ reset_stages_stats()

void PFS_connection_slice::reset_stages_stats ( )

Reset all stages statistics.

◆ reset_statements_stats()

void PFS_connection_slice::reset_statements_stats ( )

Reset all statements statistics.

◆ reset_transactions_stats()

void PFS_connection_slice::reset_transactions_stats ( )

Reset all transactions statistics.

◆ reset_waits_stats()

void PFS_connection_slice::reset_waits_stats ( )

Reset all wait statistics.

◆ safe_aggregate_io()

void PFS_table::safe_aggregate_io ( const TABLE_SHARE optional_server_share,
PFS_table_stat stat,
PFS_table_share table_share 

◆ safe_aggregate_lock()

void PFS_table::safe_aggregate_lock ( PFS_table_stat stat,
PFS_table_share table_share 

◆ safe_strlen()

static uint safe_strlen ( const char *  s,
uint  max_len 

Like strlen (or POSIX strnlen), but don't read past the max_len'th character.

This is useful when the string may be terminated without '\0' at the end of the buffer.

sThe string
max_lenThe maxmium length
The length of the string, or max_len if the string is longer than that.

◆ sanitize_account()

PFS_account * sanitize_account ( PFS_account unsafe)

◆ sanitize_cond()

PFS_cond * sanitize_cond ( PFS_cond unsafe)

◆ sanitize_cond_class()

PFS_cond_class * sanitize_cond_class ( PFS_cond_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_error_class() [1/2]

PFS_error_class * sanitize_error_class ( PFS_error_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_error_class() [2/2]

PFS_error_class * sanitize_error_class ( PFS_instr_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_file()

PFS_file * sanitize_file ( PFS_file unsafe)

◆ sanitize_file_class()

PFS_file_class * sanitize_file_class ( PFS_file_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_host()

PFS_host * sanitize_host ( PFS_host unsafe)

◆ sanitize_idle_class()

PFS_instr_class * sanitize_idle_class ( PFS_instr_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_index_count()

uint sanitize_index_count ( uint  count)

◆ sanitize_memory_class()

PFS_memory_class * sanitize_memory_class ( PFS_memory_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_metadata_class()

PFS_instr_class * sanitize_metadata_class ( PFS_instr_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_metadata_lock()

PFS_metadata_lock * sanitize_metadata_lock ( PFS_metadata_lock unsafe)

◆ sanitize_meter_class()

PFS_meter_class * sanitize_meter_class ( PFS_meter_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_metric_class()

PFS_metric_class * sanitize_metric_class ( PFS_metric_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_mutex()

PFS_mutex * sanitize_mutex ( PFS_mutex unsafe)

◆ sanitize_mutex_class()

PFS_mutex_class * sanitize_mutex_class ( PFS_mutex_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_rwlock()

PFS_rwlock * sanitize_rwlock ( PFS_rwlock unsafe)

◆ sanitize_rwlock_class()

PFS_rwlock_class * sanitize_rwlock_class ( PFS_rwlock_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_socket()

PFS_socket * sanitize_socket ( PFS_socket unsafe)

◆ sanitize_socket_class()

PFS_socket_class * sanitize_socket_class ( PFS_socket_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_stage_class()

PFS_stage_class * sanitize_stage_class ( PFS_stage_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_statement_class()

PFS_statement_class * sanitize_statement_class ( PFS_statement_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_table_class()

PFS_instr_class * sanitize_table_class ( PFS_instr_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_table_share()

PFS_table_share * sanitize_table_share ( PFS_table_share unsafe)

Sanitize an unsafe table_share pointer.

unsafeThe possibly corrupt pointer.
A valid table_safe_pointer, or NULL.

◆ sanitize_thread()

PFS_thread * sanitize_thread ( PFS_thread unsafe)

Sanitize a PFS_thread pointer.

Validate that the PFS_thread is part of thread_array. Sanitizing data is required when the data can be damaged with expected race conditions, for example involving EVENTS_WAITS_HISTORY_LONG.

unsafethe pointer to sanitize
a valid pointer, or NULL

◆ sanitize_thread_class()

PFS_thread_class * sanitize_thread_class ( PFS_thread_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_transaction_class()

PFS_transaction_class * sanitize_transaction_class ( PFS_transaction_class unsafe)

◆ sanitize_user()

PFS_user * sanitize_user ( PFS_user unsafe)

◆ sanitized_aggregate()

void PFS_table::sanitized_aggregate ( )

Aggregate this table handle statistics to the parents.

This method is safe to call on handles not owned by the calling code.

See also

◆ sanitized_aggregate_io()

void PFS_table::sanitized_aggregate_io ( )

Aggregate this table handle I/O statistics to the parents.

This method is safe to call on handles not owned by the calling code.

◆ sanitized_aggregate_lock()

void PFS_table::sanitized_aggregate_lock ( )

Aggregate this table handle lock statistics to the parents.

This method is safe to call on handles not owned by the calling code.

◆ set()

void PFS_instr_name::set ( PFS_class_type  class_type,
const char *  name,
uint  max_length_arg = max_length 

Copy the specified name to this name.

class_typeThe class type of this name, i.e., whether it is the name of a mutex, thread, etc.
nameThe buffer to read from.
max_length_argIf is given, at most that many chars are copied, plus the terminating '\0'. Otherwise, up to buffer_size-1 characters are copied, plus the terminating '\0'.

◆ set_account_key()

static void set_account_key ( PFS_account_key key,
const PFS_user_name user,
const PFS_host_name host 

◆ set_history_derived_flags()

void PFS_thread::set_history_derived_flags ( )

◆ set_host_key()

static void set_host_key ( PFS_host_key key,
const PFS_host_name host 

◆ set_setup_actor_key()

static void set_setup_actor_key ( PFS_setup_actor_key key,
const PFS_user_name user,
const PFS_host_name host,
const PFS_role_name role 

◆ set_setup_object_key()

static void set_setup_object_key ( PFS_setup_object_key key,
enum_object_type  object_type,
const PFS_schema_name schema,
const PFS_object_name object 

◆ set_table_share_key()

static void set_table_share_key ( PFS_table_share_key key,
bool  temporary,
const char *  schema_name,
size_t  schema_name_length,
const char *  table_name,
size_t  table_name_length 

Set a table share hash key.

[out]keyThe key to populate.
temporaryTrue for TEMPORARY TABLE.
schema_nameThe table schema name.
schema_name_lengthThe table schema name length.
table_nameThe table name.
table_name_lengthThe table name length.

◆ set_thread_account()

void set_thread_account ( PFS_thread thread)

◆ set_user_key()

static void set_user_key ( PFS_user_key key,
const PFS_user_name user 

◆ setup_actor_count()

long setup_actor_count ( )

◆ setup_actor_hash_cmp_func()

static int setup_actor_hash_cmp_func ( const uchar key1,
size_t  key_len1,
const uchar key2,
size_t  key_len2 

◆ setup_actor_hash_func()

static uint setup_actor_hash_func ( const LF_HASH ,
const uchar key,
size_t  key_len 

◆ setup_actor_hash_get_key()

static const uchar * setup_actor_hash_get_key ( const uchar entry,
size_t *  length 

◆ setup_object_count()

long setup_object_count ( )

◆ setup_object_hash_cmp_func()

static int setup_object_hash_cmp_func ( const uchar key1,
size_t  key_len1,
const uchar key2,
size_t  key_len2 

◆ setup_object_hash_func()

static uint setup_object_hash_func ( const LF_HASH ,
const uchar key,
size_t  key_len 

◆ setup_object_hash_get_key()

static const uchar * setup_object_hash_get_key ( const uchar entry,
size_t *  length 

◆ start_file_rename()

PFS_file * start_file_rename ( PFS_thread thread,
const char *  old_name 

Before the rename operation: Find the file instrumentation by name, then delete the filename from the filename hash.

threadthe executing instrumented thread
old_namethe file to be renamed, null-terminated
a file instance or nullptr

◆ str()

const char * PFS_instr_name::str ( ) const

Return the name as a string.

◆ sum()

void PFS_table_share::sum ( PFS_single_stat result,
uint  key_count 

◆ sum_io()

void PFS_table_share::sum_io ( PFS_single_stat result,
uint  key_count 

◆ sum_lock()

void PFS_table_share::sum_lock ( PFS_single_stat result)

◆ table_share_hash_cmp_func()

static int table_share_hash_cmp_func ( const uchar key1,
size_t  key_len1,
const uchar key2,
size_t  key_len2 

◆ table_share_hash_func()

static uint table_share_hash_func ( const LF_HASH ,
const uchar key,
size_t  key_len 

◆ table_share_hash_get_key()

static const uchar * table_share_hash_get_key ( const uchar entry,
size_t *  length 

get_key function for table_share_hash.

◆ unregister_meter_class()

void unregister_meter_class ( PSI_meter_info_v1 info)

◆ unregister_metric_class()

void unregister_metric_class ( PSI_metric_info_v1 info)

◆ update_accounts_derived_flags()

void update_accounts_derived_flags ( PFS_thread thread)

◆ update_cond_derived_flags()

void update_cond_derived_flags ( )

Update derived flags for all condition instances.

◆ update_file_derived_flags()

void update_file_derived_flags ( )

Update derived flags for all file handles.

◆ update_instruments_derived_flags()

void update_instruments_derived_flags ( )

Update derived flags for all instruments.

◆ update_metadata_derived_flags()

void update_metadata_derived_flags ( )

Update derived flags for all metadata instances.

◆ update_mutex_derived_flags()

void update_mutex_derived_flags ( )

Update derived flags for all mutex instances.

◆ update_program_share_derived_flags()

void update_program_share_derived_flags ( PFS_thread thread)

Update derived flags for all stored procedure shares.

◆ update_rwlock_derived_flags()

void update_rwlock_derived_flags ( )

Update derived flags for all rwlock instances.

◆ update_setup_actors_derived_flags()

int update_setup_actors_derived_flags ( )

Update derived flags for all setup_actors.

◆ update_socket_derived_flags()

void update_socket_derived_flags ( )

Update derived flags for all socket instances.

◆ update_table_derived_flags()

void update_table_derived_flags ( )

Update derived flags for all table handles.

◆ update_table_share_derived_flags()

void update_table_share_derived_flags ( PFS_thread thread)

Update derived flags for all table shares.

◆ update_thread_derived_flags()

void update_thread_derived_flags ( )

Update derived flags for all thread instances.

◆ user_hash_cmp_func()

static int user_hash_cmp_func ( const uchar key1,
size_t  key_len1,
const uchar key2,
size_t  key_len2 

◆ user_hash_func()

static uint user_hash_func ( const LF_HASH ,
const uchar key,
size_t  key_len 

◆ user_hash_get_key()

static const uchar * user_hash_get_key ( const uchar entry,
size_t *  length 

◆ visit_account() [1/11]

void PFS_connection_iterator::visit_account ( PFS_account account,
bool  with_threads,
bool  with_THDs,
PFS_connection_visitor visitor 

Visit all connections of a user+host.

accountthe user+host to visit.
with_threadswhen true, visit also all related threads.
with_THDswhen true, visit also all related threads THD.
visitorthe visitor to call

◆ visit_account() [2/11]

void PFS_connection_wait_visitor::visit_account ( PFS_account )

Visit all connections of a user+host.

Reimplemented from PFS_connection_visitor.

◆ visit_account() [3/11]

void PFS_connection_all_wait_visitor::visit_account ( PFS_account )

Visit all connections of a user+host.

Reimplemented from PFS_connection_visitor.

◆ visit_account() [4/11]

void PFS_connection_stage_visitor::visit_account ( PFS_account )

Visit all connections of a user+host.

Reimplemented from PFS_connection_visitor.

◆ visit_account() [5/11]

void PFS_connection_statement_visitor::visit_account ( PFS_account )

Visit all connections of a user+host.

Reimplemented from PFS_connection_visitor.

◆ visit_account() [6/11]

void PFS_connection_all_statement_visitor::visit_account ( PFS_account )

Visit all connections of a user+host.

Reimplemented from PFS_connection_visitor.

◆ visit_account() [7/11]

void PFS_connection_transaction_visitor::visit_account ( PFS_account )

Visit all connections of a user+host.

Reimplemented from PFS_connection_visitor.

◆ visit_account() [8/11]

void PFS_connection_error_visitor::visit_account ( PFS_account )

Visit all connections of a user+host.

Reimplemented from PFS_connection_visitor.

◆ visit_account() [9/11]

void PFS_connection_stat_visitor::visit_account ( PFS_account )

Visit all connections of a user+host.

Reimplemented from PFS_connection_visitor.

◆ visit_account() [10/11]

void PFS_connection_memory_visitor::visit_account ( PFS_account )

Visit all connections of a user+host.

Reimplemented from PFS_connection_visitor.

◆ visit_account() [11/11]

void PFS_connection_status_visitor::visit_account ( PFS_account )

Visit all connections of a user+host.

Reimplemented from PFS_connection_visitor.

◆ visit_all() [1/2]

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all() [2/2]

void PFS_object_iterator::visit_all ( PFS_object_visitor visitor)

Visit all objects.

Object iterator.

◆ visit_all_cond()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_cond ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_cond_classes()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_cond_classes ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_cond_instances()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_cond_instances ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_file()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_file ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_file_classes()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_file_classes ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_file_instances()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_file_instances ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_mutex()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_mutex ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_mutex_classes()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_mutex_classes ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_mutex_instances()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_mutex_instances ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_rwlock()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_rwlock ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_rwlock_classes()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_rwlock_classes ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_rwlock_instances()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_all_rwlock_instances ( PFS_instance_visitor visitor)

◆ visit_all_tables()

void PFS_object_iterator::visit_all_tables ( PFS_object_visitor visitor)

Visit all tables and related handles.

◆ visit_cond()

void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_cond ( PFS_cond )

Visit a cond instance.

Reimplemented from PFS_instance_visitor.

◆ visit_cond_class()

void PFS_instance_wait_visitor::visit_cond_class ( PFS_cond_class )

Visit a cond class.

Reimplemented from PFS_instance_visitor.

◆ visit_cond_instances()

void PFS_instance_iterator::visit_cond_instances ( PFS_cond_class klass,
PFS_instance_visitor visitor 