MySQL Workbench Manual  /  ...  /  Modeling Preferences

3.2.4 Modeling Preferences

This section provides configuration options that affect the modeling functionality in MySQL Workbench (see the figure that follows). Modeling preferences include specific categories of options:

Preferences: Modeling: Main

Figure 3.11 Preferences: Modeling

Content is described in the surrounding text.

EER Modeler

  • Automatically reopen previous model at start

    Select this check box if you want the model on which you previously worked to be automatically reopened when you start MySQL Workbench.

  • Force use of software based rendering for EER diagrams

    MySQL Workbench uses OpenGL for rendering when available. However, due to faulty drivers, problems do occasionally occur. These issues can be resolved by selecting the software rendering option here.

  • Model undo history size: [ 10 ]

    You can limit the size of the undo history here. Set this value to 0 to have an unlimited undo history. Defaults to 10 undo history operations.

  • Auto-save model interval: [ 1 minute ]

    An open model that has not been saved will automatically be saved after this period. On loading a model file, MySQL Workbench notifies you if the file was not previously saved correctly (possibly due to an unexpected shutdown or power failure). MySQL Workbench can then attempt to recover the last autosaved version. For automatic recovery to be available on a new file, save the file at least one time.

Preferences: Modeling: Defaults

Sets default values for modeling object names (see the figure that follows).

Figure 3.12 Preferences: Modeling: Defaults

Content is described in the surrounding text.

The following tables show the object names and their default values.

Column Defaults

Object Name Default Value
PK Column Name id%table%
PK Column Type INT
Column Name %table%col
Column Type VARCHAR(45)

Foreign Key/Relationship Defaults

Object Name Default Value
FK Name fk%stable_%dtable%
Column Name %table%_%column%
Associative Table Name %stable%_has_%dtable%

Preferences: Modeling: MySQL

This preference group enables you to set model-related options specific to your MySQL version (see the figure that follows).

Figure 3.13 Preferences: Modeling: MySQL

Content is described in the surrounding text.


  • Default Target MySQL Version: [ version ]

    A limited subset of validation procedures and table editor options are affected by this MySQL version number. Specify the version number in either MAJOR.MINOR (8.0) or MAJOR.MINOR.RELEASE (8.0.40) format.

Model Table Defaults

  • Default Storage Engine:

    Tables created in MySQL Workbench are defined using this default storage engine. Values include: InnoDB, MyISAM, ndbcluster, MEMORY, FEDERATED, ARCHIVE, CSV, BLACKHOLE, and MRG_MyISAM.

Forward Engineering and Synchronization

  • SQL_MODE to be used in generated scripts:


Preferences: Modeling: Diagram

The following figure shows the preference options that apply to model-related diagrams.

Figure 3.14 Preferences: Modeling: Diagram

Content is described in the surrounding text.

All Objects

  • Expand New Objects

    Enabled by default. Sets the initial state of newly created objects to expanded (or collapsed, if disabled).

  • Propagate Object Color Changes to All Diagrams

    Enabled by default. If an object's Figure color is changed, all figures in all diagrams that represent the same object are also updated.


  • Show Column Types

    Enabled by default. Shows the column types along their names in table figures.

  • Show Schema Name

    Shows the owning schema name in the title bar of table figures.

  • Max. Length of ENUMs and SETs to Display: [20]

  • Show Column Flags

    Shows column flags, such as NOT NULL and UNSIGNED, along their names in table figures.

  • Max. Number of Columns to Display [30] Larger tables will be truncated.


  • Trim Routine Names Longer Than [20] characters.


  • Draw Line Crossings (slow in large diagrams)

  • Show Captions

  • Center Captions Over Line

Preferences: Modeling: Appearance

Use this preference group to set the available colors for the objects that appear on an EER diagram canvas. As the following figure shows, you can also add colors as needed.

For related information, see Section 3.1, “User Accessibility Options”.

Figure 3.15 Preferences: Modeling: Appearance

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Color Presets

These are the available colors used while modeling, and they are divided into two sections. First, the colors used when creating tables and views. The second section are available colors for items such as layers and notes.


These define the fonts and font sizes used while modeling.