Updated the following components to the version listed: Apache Struts v2.5.31, Apache Tomcat v8.5.93, Commons IO v2.13.0, Commons Math v4.0-beta1, Guava v32.1.2, Handlebars v4.7.8, jackson-annotations v2.15.2, jackson-core v2.15.2, jackson-databind v2.15.2, JRE v8u391, MySQL Server v8.0.35, OpenSSL v3.0.10, Spring Framework v5.3.29, Spring Security v5.7.10, and StackBlur v2.6.0.
On the Events page, the Advisors filter did not show previously selected (actively filtered) advisors. (Bug #35770124)
Executing an installation using an existing database would exit with an error about not finding libcrypto related files to unpack. (Bug #35742273)
For Metrics tables, the "Show / Hide columns" popup would not reopen after opening and closing it. (Bug #35276379)