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MySQL Enterprise Monitor 8.0 Release Notes  /  Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 8.0.32 (2022-10-27)

Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 8.0.32 (2022-10-27)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Removed the integrated My Oracle Support (MOS) functionality. This also removed HTTP Proxy Settings from Global Settings.

  • The MySQL server bundled with MySQL Enterprise Service Manager was upgraded from version 8.0.30 to 8.0.31.

  • The bundled JRE was updated to 8u351.b10 for both the Agent and Service Manager.

    For more information, see JDK 8 Release Notes.

  • Removed the "What's New" page and its associated settings.

  • Updated many components, and listed here are the component names with their associated version in this release:

    ANTLR v2.7.7, AOP Alliance v1.0.0, Apache Commons Daemon v1.3.0, Apache Struts v2.5.30, canvg v1.5.3, cglib v3.3.0, Commons Beanutils v1.9.4, Commons Codec v1.15-744c1c9, Commons Collections (v3.2.2 and v4.5-7998208), Commons Exec v1.3, Commons IO v2.11.0, Commons Lang v3.12.0, Commons Math v3.6.1, D3 v7.3.0, DataTables ColReorderWithResize v1.0.7, DataTables ColVis v1.0.8, DataTables v1.9.4, Ehcache v2.10.9.2, EZMorph v3.0.0, Flexmark-java v0.62.6-d05c68b, Fugue Icons v3.5.6, gettext.js v0.1.0, Google SMP patch v200806, Guava v30.1, Handlebars v4.7.7, handlebars-helpers v0.5.8, Hibernate ORM v5.6.1, highlight.js v11.5.1, html2canvas v1.4.1, HttpComponents Client v5.1.3, HttpCore v5.1.4, jackson-annotations v2.13.0, jackson-core v2.13.0, jackson-databind v2.13.3, JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET) v11.1.5, Javassist v3.29.0-GA, jopt-simple v5.0.4, jQuery Sparklines Plugin v2.1.2, jQuery Templating Plugin vbeta1, jQuery v3.6.0, jquery-migrate v3.3.2, jQueryUI v1.13.1, JSON-lib v3.0.2, json2.js v2017-06-12, junixsocket v2.5.1, Log4J v2.17.1, lz-string v1.4.4, moment-timezone v0.5.33, Moment.js v2.29.4, Mustache for Java v0.9.10, open-sans-fontface, OpenSSL v1.1.1q, PersistJS v0.3.0, RGB color parser in JavaScript v2022-05-23, Rickshaw v1.7.1, SIGAR software, Agent software, Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) v1.7.36, SNMP4J v2.8.10, Spring Framework v5.3.19, Spring LDAP v2.4.1, Spring Security v5.4.8, StackBlur v2.5.0, Tomcat v8.5.82, and WebCola v3.3.8.

  • Fixed the general tooltip width in multiple places.

  • The agent list under Configuration->Agents was not showing information for Instance Uptime, Last Contact, and Data Dir. As a workaround, this information is available in the "MySQL Instances" tab.