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MySQL Connector/J Release Notes  /  Changes in MySQL Connector/J Version 8.x  /  Changes in MySQL Connector/J 8.0.19 (2020-01-13, General Availability)

Changes in MySQL Connector/J 8.0.19 (2020-01-13, General Availability)

Version 8.0.19 is the latest General Availability release of the 8.0 series of MySQL Connector/J. It is suitable for use with MySQL Server versions 8.0, 5.7, and 5.6. It supports the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 4.2 API, and implements the X DevAPI.

Functionality Added or Changed

  • X DevAPI: The server failover support for connections using X DevAPI has been enhanced with the following features:

    • When the priority property is NOT set for each host in the connection URL, failover connections are attempted on the hosts in a random order, until a connection is successfully established (Connector/J used to attempt connections to the hosts in the sequence they appear in the connection URL).

    • Once all hosts have been tried and no connections can be made, Connector/J throws a com.mysql.cj.exceptions.CJCommunicationsException and returns the message Unable to connect to any of the target hosts.

    • When using connection pooling, Connector/J keeps track of any host it failed to connect to and, for a short waiting period after the failure, avoids connecting to it during the creation or retrieval of a Session. However, if all other hosts have already been tried, those excluded hosts will be retried without waiting. Once all hosts have been tried and no connections can be established, Connector/J throws a com.mysql.cj.exceptions.CJCommunicationsException and returns the message Unable to connect to any of the target hosts.

    (WL #13346)

  • X DevAPI: The allowed TLS versions and cipher suites for X DevAPI connections can now be restricted by two new connection properties:

    • xdevapi.tls-versions restricts the allowable TLS protocol versions to be used for X DevAPI connections.

    • xdevapi.tls-ciphersuites restricts the allowable cipher suites to be used for X DevAPI connections.

    See the descriptions for them in Configuration Properties and also Connecting Securely Using SSL for details. (WL #12736)

  • MySQL Server 8.0.17 deprecated the display width for the TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, INT, and BIGINT data types when the ZEROFILL modifier is not used, and MySQL Server 8.0.19 has removed the display width for those data types from results of SHOW CREATE TABLE, SHOW CREATE FUNCTION, and queries on INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES, and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARAMETERS (except for the display width for signed TINYINT(1)). This patch adjusts Connector/J to those recent changes of MySQL Server and, as a result, DatabaseMetaData, ParameterMetaData, and ResultSetMetaData now report identical results for all the above-mentioned integer types and also for the FLOAT and DOUBLE data types. (Bug #30477722)

  • The cipher suites usable by Connector/J are now pre-restricted by a properties file that can be found at src/main/resources/com/mysql/cj/ inside the src folder on the source tree or in the platform-independent distribution archive (in .tar.gz or .zip format) for Connector/J. See Connecting Securely Using SSL for details.

  • Connector/J now supports the use of DNS SRV records for connections. Here is a brief summary for Connector/J's support for DNS SRV records:

    • These new schemas in the connection URLs enable DNS SRV support:

      • jdbc:mysql+srv: For ordinary and basic failover JDBC connections that make use of DNS SRV records.

      • jdbc:mysql+srv:loadbalance: For load-balancing JDBC connections that make use of DNS SRV records.

      • jdbc:mysql+srv:replication: For replication JDBC connections that make use of DNS SRV records.

      • mysqlx+srv: For X DevAPI connections that make use of DNS SRV records.

    • Besides using the new schemas in the connection URLs, DNS SRV record support can also be enabled or disabled using the two new connection properties, dnsSrv and xdevapi.dns-srv, for JDBC and X DevAPI connections respectively.

    See Support for DNS SRV Records in the MySQL Connector/J Developer Guide for details. (WL #13367)

  • The allowable versions of TLS protocol used for connecting to the server, when no restrictions have been set using the connection properties enabledTLSProtocols, have been changed to:

    • TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, and TLSv1.3 for MySQL Community Servers 8.0, 5.7.28 and later, and 5.6.46 and later, and for all commercial versions of MySQL Servers.

    • TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 for all other versions of MySQL Servers.

    (WL #12736)

Bugs Fixed

  • The RPM package for Connection/J provided by the MySQL Yum repository did not have its epoch set; as a result, the package could not be installed on an Enterprise Linux or Fedora system even if the MySQL Yum repository has been enabled, because the Connector/J package in the native repository had the epoch set to 1. This fix sets the epoch also to 1 for the RPM package provided by the MySQL Yum repository, in order to prevent the installation problem. (Bug #30566384, Bug #97700)

  • For some prepared statements, calling getMetaData() on them resulted in an Incorrect DATE error, even when no DATE values were involved. This was due to some recent changes on the MySQL Server, to which this patch adjusts Connector/J. (Bug #30151808, Bug #96442)

    References: See also: Bug #29025656, Bug #28940878.

  • When retrieving TIME values using ResultSet.getTimestamp(), the fractional seconds are truncated when useCursorFetch=true. This patch corrects the problem by fixing the TIME value decoding in the MysqlBinaryValueDecoder. It also corrects some inconsistencies in formatting the fractional seconds when returning the TIME values as strings. (Bug #30119545, Bug #96383)

  • Streaming of multiple result sets failed with an error. It was due to an error in switching the streamer source from one result set to another, and this fix corrects the issue. (Bug #29999318, Bug #96059)