Enterprise Manager
Lists the InnoDB Memcached Configuration configuration metrics and provides a brief description of each.
Table 7.16 InnoDB Memcached Configuration Configuration Metrics
Name | Description |
Bk Commit Interval | Specifies how often to auto-commit idle connections that use the InnoDB memcached interface. |
Disable Rowlock Enabled | Disables row locks for op via the InnoDB memcached interface. |
Enable Binlog Enabled | Enables binary logging of changes made via the InnoDB Memcached API. |
Enable Mdl Enabled | Locks the table used by the InnoDB memcached plugin, so that it cannot be dropped or altered by DDL through the SQL interface. |
Engine Lib Name | Specifies the shared library that implements the InnoDB memcached plugin. |
Engine Lib Path | The path of the directory containing the shared library that implements the InnoDB memcached plugin. |
Options | Space-separated options that are passed to the underlying memcached daemon on startup. |
Read Batch Size | Specifies how many memcached read operations (get) to perform before doing a COMMIT to start a new transaction. |
Trx Level | Lets you control the transaction isolation level on queries processed by the memcached interface. 0 = READ UNCOMMITTED, 1 = READ COMMITTED, 2 = REPEATABLE READ 3 = SERIALIZABLE. |
Write Batch Size | Specifies how many memcached write operations, such as add, set, or incr, to perform before doing a COMMIT to start a new transaction. |