HeatWave User Guide  /  HeatWave Quickstarts  /  Iris Data Set Machine Learning Quickstart

8.4 Iris Data Set Machine Learning Quickstart

This tutorial illustrates an end-to-end example of creating and using a predictive machine learning model using HeatWave AutoML. It steps through preparing data, using the ML_TRAIN routine to train a model, and using ML_PREDICT_* and ML_EXPLAIN_* routines to generate predictions and explanations. The tutorial also demonstrates how to assess the quality of a model using the ML_SCORE routine, and how to view a model explanation to understand how the model works.

For an online workshop based on this tutorial, see Get started with MySQL HeatWave AutoML.

The tutorial uses the publicly available Iris Data Set from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.

Dua, D. and Graff, C. (2019). UCI Machine Learning Repository [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml]. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information.

This quickstart contains the following sections:


The Iris Data Set has the following data, where the sepal and petal features are used to predict the class label, which is the type of Iris plant:

  • sepal length (cm)

  • sepal width (cm)

  • petal length (cm)

  • petal width (cm)

  • class. Possible values include:

    • Iris Setosa

    • Iris Versicolour

    • Iris Virginica

Data is stored in the MySQL database in the following schema and tables:

  • ml_data schema: The schema containing training and test dataset tables.

  • iris_train table: The training dataset (labeled). Includes feature columns (sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width) and a populated class target column with ground truth values.

  • iris_test table: The test dataset (unlabeled). Includes feature columns (sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width) but no target column.

  • iris_validate table: The validation dataset (labeled). Includes feature columns (sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width) and a populated class target column with ground truth values.

Before You Begin

Review the HeatWave Quickstart Requirements.

Creating, Training, and Testing Datasets

Create the example schema and tables on the MySQL DB System with the following statements:

mysql> CREATE SCHEMA ml_data;

USE ml_data;

CREATE TABLE `iris_train` (
          `sepal length` float DEFAULT NULL,
          `sepal width` float DEFAULT NULL,
          `petal length` float DEFAULT NULL,
          `petal width` float DEFAULT NULL,
          `class` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL);

INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.4,2.8,5.6,2.2,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.0,2.3,3.3,1.0,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.9,2.5,4.5,1.7,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.9,3.1,1.5,0.1,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.7,3.8,1.7,0.3,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.4,3.2,1.3,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.4,3.4,1.5,0.4,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.9,3.1,5.1,2.3,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.7,3.1,4.4,1.4,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.1,3.7,1.5,0.4,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.2,2.7,3.9,1.4,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.9,3.1,4.9,1.5,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.8,4.0,1.2,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.4,3.9,1.7,0.4,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.7,3.8,6.7,2.2,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.3,3.3,4.7,1.6,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.8,3.2,5.9,2.3,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.6,3.0,6.6,2.1,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.4,3.2,5.3,2.3,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.7,4.4,1.5,0.4,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.7,3.3,5.7,2.1,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.4,2.8,5.6,2.1,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.4,3.9,1.3,0.4,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.1,2.6,5.6,1.4,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.2,3.0,5.8,1.6,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.2,3.5,1.5,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.8,2.6,4.0,1.2,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.9,3.0,5.1,1.8,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.4,3.0,4.5,1.5,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.7,3.0,5.0,1.7,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.3,2.3,4.4,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.1,2.5,3.0,1.1,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.4,3.2,4.5,1.5,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.8,3.0,5.5,2.1,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.2,2.8,4.8,1.8,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.9,3.2,5.7,2.3,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.5,3.2,5.1,2.0,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.8,2.8,5.1,2.4,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.1,3.8,1.5,0.3,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.8,3.0,1.4,0.3,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.9,3.8,6.4,2.0,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.8,2.7,5.1,1.9,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.7,3.0,5.2,2.3,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.1,3.8,1.9,0.4,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.7,3.2,1.6,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.0,2.2,5.0,1.5,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.8,3.4,1.6,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.7,2.6,6.9,2.3,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.6,3.6,1.0,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.2,3.2,6.0,1.8,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.0,3.3,1.4,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.6,3.0,4.4,1.4,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.1,2.8,4.0,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.0,3.2,1.2,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.0,3.2,4.7,1.4,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.0,3.0,4.8,1.8,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.4,2.8,6.1,1.9,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.8,2.7,5.1,1.9,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.2,3.4,5.4,2.3,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.0,2.0,3.5,1.0,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.6,2.5,3.9,1.1,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.7,3.1,5.6,2.4,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.3,2.5,5.0,1.9,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.4,3.1,5.5,1.8,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.2,2.2,4.5,1.5,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.3,2.9,6.3,1.8,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.4,3.0,1.3,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.2,3.6,6.1,2.5,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.5,3.0,5.5,1.8,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.0,3.4,1.5,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.7,3.2,1.3,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.6,2.9,4.6,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.5,3.5,1.3,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.7,3.0,6.1,2.3,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.1,3.0,4.9,1.8,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.9,3.1,1.5,0.1,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.5,2.4,3.8,1.1,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.7,2.9,4.2,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.0,2.9,4.5,1.5,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.4,2.7,5.3,1.9,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.4,3.7,1.5,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.1,2.9,4.7,1.4,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.5,2.8,4.6,1.5,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.6,2.7,4.2,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.3,3.4,5.6,2.4,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.9,3.1,1.5,0.1,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.8,2.8,4.8,1.4,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.7,2.8,4.5,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.0,2.7,5.1,1.6,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.0,3.5,1.3,0.3,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.5,3.0,5.2,2.0,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.1,2.8,4.7,1.2,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.1,3.5,1.4,0.3,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.6,3.1,1.5,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.5,3.0,5.8,2.2,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.6,3.4,1.4,0.3,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.6,3.2,1.4,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(7.7,2.8,6.7,2.0,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.9,3.2,4.8,1.8,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.1,3.8,1.6,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.9,3.0,1.4,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.9,2.4,3.3,1.0,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.5,2.3,1.3,0.3,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.8,2.7,4.1,1.0,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.0,3.4,1.6,0.4,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.2,3.4,1.4,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.3,3.7,1.5,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.0,3.6,1.4,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.6,2.9,3.6,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.8,3.1,1.6,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.3,2.7,4.9,1.8,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.7,2.8,4.1,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.0,3.0,1.6,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(6.3,3.3,6.0,2.5,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.0,3.5,1.6,0.6,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.5,2.6,4.4,1.2,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.7,3.0,4.2,1.2,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.4,2.9,1.4,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(4.8,3.0,1.4,0.1,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_train VALUES(5.5,2.4,3.7,1.0,'Iris-setosa');

CREATE TABLE `iris_test` LIKE `iris_train`;

INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.9,3.0,4.2,1.5,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.9,3.1,5.4,2.1,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.1,3.3,1.7,0.5,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.0,3.4,4.5,1.6,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.5,2.5,4.0,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.2,2.9,4.3,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.5,4.2,1.4,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.3,2.8,5.1,1.5,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.6,3.0,4.1,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.7,2.5,5.8,1.8,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(7.1,3.0,5.9,2.1,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(4.3,3.0,1.1,0.1,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.6,2.8,4.9,2.0,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.5,2.3,4.0,1.3,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.0,2.2,4.0,1.0,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.7,2.6,3.5,1.0,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(4.8,3.4,1.9,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.1,3.4,1.5,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.7,2.5,5.0,2.0,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.4,3.4,1.7,0.2,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.6,3.0,4.5,1.5,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.3,2.9,5.6,1.8,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.3,2.5,4.9,1.5,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.8,2.7,3.9,1.2,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.1,3.0,4.6,1.4,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(5.2,4.1,1.5,0.1,'Iris-versicolor');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.7,3.1,4.7,1.5,'Iris-setosa');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.7,3.3,5.7,2.5,'Iris-virginica');
INSERT INTO iris_test VALUES(6.4,2.9,4.3,1.3,'Iris-setosa');

CREATE TABLE `iris_validate` LIKE `iris_test`;

INSERT INTO `iris_validate` SELECT * FROM `iris_test`;

Training the Model

Train the model with ML_TRAIN. Since this is a classification dataset, use the classification task to create a classification model:

mysql> CALL sys.ML_TRAIN('ml_data.iris_train', 'class', 
          JSON_OBJECT('task', 'classification'), @iris_model);

When the training operation finishes, the model handle is assigned to the @iris_model session variable, and the model is stored in the model catalog. View the entry in the model catalog with the following query. Replace user1 with the MySQL account name:

mysql> SELECT model_id, model_handle, train_table_name FROM ML_SCHEMA_user1.MODEL_CATALOG;
| model_id | model_handle                          | train_table_name   |
|        1 | ml_data.iris_train_user1_1648140791   | ml_data.iris_train |

Loading the Model

Load the model into HeatWave AutoML using ML_MODEL_LOAD routine:

mysql> CALL sys.ML_MODEL_LOAD(@iris_model, NULL);

A model must be loaded before you can use it. The model remains loaded until you unload it or the HeatWave Cluster is restarted.

Making Predictions

You can make predictions on a single row of data or on the table of data.

  • Make a prediction for a single row of data using the ML_PREDICT_ROW routine. In this example, data is assigned to a @row_input session variable, and the variable is called by the routine. The model handle is called using the @iris_model session variable:

    mysql> SET @row_input = JSON_OBJECT(
               "sepal length", 7.3,
               "sepal width", 2.9,
               "petal length", 6.3,
               "petal width", 1.8);
    mysql> SELECT sys.ML_PREDICT_ROW(@row_input, @iris_model, NULL);
    | sys.ML_PREDICT_ROW('{"sepal length": 7.3, "sepal width": 2.9, "petal length": 6.3, "petal width": 1.8}', @iris_model, NULL)                                                                                                                                              |
    | {"Prediction": "Iris-virginica", "ml_results": "{'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-virginica'}, 'probabilities': {'Iris-setosa': 0.0, 'Iris-versicolor': 0.13, 'Iris-virginica': 0.87}}", "petal width": 1.8, "sepal width": 2.9, "petal length": 6.3, "sepal length": 7.3} |
    1 row in set (1.12 sec)

    Based on the feature inputs that were provided, the model predicts that the Iris plant is of the class Iris-virginica. The feature values used to make the prediction are also shown.

  • Make predictions for a table of data using the ML_PREDICT_TABLE routine. The routine takes data from the iris_test table as input and writes the predictions to an iris_predictions output table.

    mysql> CALL sys.ML_PREDICT_TABLE('ml_data.iris_test', @iris_model, 
              'ml_data.iris_predictions', NULL);

    To view ML_PREDICT_TABLE results, query the output table; for example:

    mysql> SELECT * from ml_data.iris_predictions LIMIT 5;
    | _id | sepal length | sepal width | petal length | petal width | class           | Prediction      | ml_results                                                                                                                            |
    |   1 |          7.3 |         2.9 |          6.3 |         1.8 | Iris-virginica  | Iris-virginica  | {'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-virginica'}, 'probabilities': {'Iris-setosa': 0.0, 'Iris-versicolor': 0.13, 'Iris-virginica': 0.87}}  |
    |   2 |          6.1 |         2.9 |          4.7 |         1.4 | Iris-versicolor | Iris-versicolor | {'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-versicolor'}, 'probabilities': {'Iris-setosa': 0.0, 'Iris-versicolor': 1.0, 'Iris-virginica': 0.0}}   |
    |   3 |          6.3 |         2.8 |          5.1 |         1.5 | Iris-virginica  | Iris-versicolor | {'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-versicolor'}, 'probabilities': {'Iris-setosa': 0.0, 'Iris-versicolor': 0.6, 'Iris-virginica': 0.4}}   |
    |   4 |          6.3 |         3.3 |          4.7 |         1.6 | Iris-versicolor | Iris-versicolor | {'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-versicolor'}, 'probabilities': {'Iris-setosa': 0.0, 'Iris-versicolor': 0.99, 'Iris-virginica': 0.01}} |
    |   5 |          6.1 |           3 |          4.9 |         1.8 | Iris-virginica  | Iris-virginica  | {'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-virginica'}, 'probabilities': {'Iris-setosa': 0.0, 'Iris-versicolor': 0.32, 'Iris-virginica': 0.68}}  |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    The table shows the predictions and the feature column values used to make each prediction.

Generating Explanations

After creating predictions (either on a single row of data or the table of data), you can generate explanations to understand how the predictions were made and review which features had the most influence on predictions.

  • Generate an explanation for a prediction made on a row of data using the ML_EXPLAIN_ROW routine with the Permutation Importance prediction explainer:

    mysql> SELECT sys.ML_EXPLAIN_ROW(JSON_OBJECT("sepal length", 7.3, "sepal width", 2.9,  "petal 
    length", 6.3, "petal width", 1.8), @iris_model, JSON_OBJECT('prediction_explainer', 
    | sys.ML_EXPLAIN_ROW(JSON_OBJECT("sepal length", 7.3, "sepal width", 2.9, "petal length", 6.3, "petal width", 1.8),  @iris_model, NULL)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
    | {"Notes": "petal width (1.8) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-virginica", "Prediction": "Iris-virginica", "ml_results": "{'attributions': {'petal length': 0.57, 'petal width': 0.73}, 'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-virginica'}, 'notes': 'petal width (1.8) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-virginica'}", "petal width": 1.8, "sepal width": 2.9, "petal length": 6.3, "sepal length": 7.3, "petal width_attribution": 0.73, "petal length_attribution": 0.57} |
    1 row in set (5.92 sec)

    The attribution values show which features contributed most to the prediction, with petal length and petal width being the most important features. The other features have a 0 value indicating that they did not contribute to the prediction.

  • Generate explanations for predictions made for a table of data using the ML_EXPLAIN_TABLE routine with the Permutation Importance prediction explainer.

    Feature importance is presented as an attribution value ranging from -1 to 1. A positive value indicates that a feature contributed toward the prediction. A negative value indicates that the feature contributes positively towards one of the other possible predictions.

    mysql> CALL sys.ML_EXPLAIN_TABLE('ml_data.iris_test', @iris_model, 
    'ml_data.iris_explanations', JSON_OBJECT('prediction_explainer', 

    To view ML_EXPLAIN_TABLE results, query the output table; for example:

    mysql> SELECT * FROM ml_data.iris_explanations LIMIT 5;
    | _id | sepal length | sepal width | petal length | petal width | class           | Prediction      | Notes                                                                                                                                                                         | petal length_attribution | petal width_attribution | ml_results                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
    |   1 |          7.3 |         2.9 |          6.3 |         1.8 | Iris-virginica  | Iris-virginica  | petal width (1.7999999523162842) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-virginica                                                                                     |                     0.57 |                    0.73 | {'attributions': {'petal length': 0.57, 'petal width': 0.73}, 'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-virginica'}, 'notes': 'petal width (1.7999999523162842) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-virginica'}                                                                                       |
    |   2 |          6.1 |         2.9 |          4.7 |         1.4 | Iris-versicolor | Iris-versicolor | petal width (1.399999976158142) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-versicolor                                                                                     |                     0.14 |                     0.6 | {'attributions': {'petal length': 0.14, 'petal width': 0.6}, 'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-versicolor'}, 'notes': 'petal width (1.399999976158142) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-versicolor'}                                                                                       |
    |   3 |          6.3 |         2.8 |          5.1 |         1.5 | Iris-virginica  | Iris-versicolor | petal width (1.5) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-versicolor, whereas petal length (5.099999904632568) contributed the most against predicting Iris-versicolor |                    -0.25 |                    0.31 | {'attributions': {'petal length': -0.25, 'petal width': 0.31}, 'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-versicolor'}, 'notes': 'petal width (1.5) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-versicolor, whereas petal length (5.099999904632568) contributed the most against predicting Iris-versicolor'} |
    |   4 |          6.3 |         3.3 |          4.7 |         1.6 | Iris-versicolor | Iris-versicolor | petal width (1.600000023841858) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-versicolor                                                                                     |                     0.14 |                    0.58 | {'attributions': {'petal length': 0.14, 'petal width': 0.58}, 'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-versicolor'}, 'notes': 'petal width (1.600000023841858) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-versicolor'}                                                                                      |
    |   5 |          6.1 |           3 |          4.9 |         1.8 | Iris-virginica  | Iris-virginica  | petal width (1.7999999523162842) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-virginica                                                                                     |                     0.38 |                    0.61 | {'attributions': {'petal length': 0.38, 'petal width': 0.61}, 'predictions': {'class': 'Iris-virginica'}, 'notes': 'petal width (1.7999999523162842) had the largest impact towards predicting Iris-virginica'}                                                                                       |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Scoring the Model

Score the model with ML_SCORE to assess the reliability of the model. This example uses the balanced_accuracy metric, which is one of the many scoring metrics that HeatWave AutoML supports.

mysql> CALL sys.ML_SCORE('ml_data.iris_validate', 'class', @iris_model, 'balanced_accuracy', 
@score, NULL);

To retrieve the computed score, query the @score session variable.

mysql> SELECT @score;
| @score             |
| 0.9583333134651184 |

Unloading the Model

Unload the model using ML_MODEL_UNLOAD:

mysql> CALL sys.ML_MODEL_UNLOAD(@iris_model);

To avoid consuming too much space, it is good practice to unload a model when you are finished using it.