HeatWave User Guide  /  ...  /  Change Propagation Monitoring

7.1.4 Change Propagation Monitoring

  • To determine if change propagation is enabled globally, query the rapid_change_propagation_status variable:

    mysql> SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE FROM performance_schema.global_status
              WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'rapid_change_propagation_status';
    | ON             |
  • To determine if change propagation is enabled for a particular table, query the POOL_TYPE data from the HeatWave Performance Schema tables. RAPID_LOAD_POOL_TRANSACTIONAL indicates that change propagation is enabled for the table. RAPID_LOAD_POOL_SNAPSHOT indicates that change propagation is disabled.

    mysql> USE performance_schema;
    mysql> SELECT NAME, POOL_TYPE FROM rpd_tables,rpd_table_id 
              WHERE rpd_tables.ID = rpd_table_id.ID AND SCHEMA_NAME LIKE 'tpch';
    | NAME          | POOL_TYPE                     |
    | tpch.orders   | RAPID_LOAD_POOL_TRANSACTIONAL |
    | tpch.region   | RAPID_LOAD_POOL_TRANSACTIONAL |
    | tpch.lineitem | RAPID_LOAD_POOL_TRANSACTIONAL |
    | tpch.supplier | RAPID_LOAD_POOL_TRANSACTIONAL |
    | tpch.partsupp | RAPID_LOAD_POOL_TRANSACTIONAL |
    | tpch.part     | RAPID_LOAD_POOL_TRANSACTIONAL |
    | tpch.customer | RAPID_LOAD_POOL_TRANSACTIONAL |