HeatWave User Guide  /  HeatWave GenAI  /  Troubleshooting Issues and Errors

4.7 Troubleshooting Issues and Errors

This section describes some commonly encountered issues and errors for HeatWave GenAI and their workarounds.

  • Issue: When you try to verify whether the vector embeddings were correctly loaded, if you see a message which indicates that the vector embeddings or table did not load in HeatWave, then it could be due one of the following reasons:

    • The task that loads the vector embeddings into the vector store table might still be running.

      Workaround: Check the task status by using the query that was printed by the VECTOR_STORE_LOAD routine:

      SELECT * from mysql_task_management.task_status where id = TaskID;

      Or, to see the log messages, check the task logs table:

      SELECT * from mysql_task_management.task_log where task_id = TaskID;

      Replace TaskID with the ID for the task which was printed by the VECTOR_STORE_LOAD routine.

    • The folder you are trying to load might contain unsupported format files or the file that you are trying to load might be of an unsupported format.

      Workaround: The supported file formats are: PDF, TXT, PPT, HTML, and DOC.

      If you find unsupported format files, then try one of the following:

      • Delete the files with unsupported formats from the folder, and run the VECTOR_STORE_LOAD command again to load the vector embeddings into the vector store table again.

      • Move the files with supported formats to another folder, create a new PAR and run the VECTOR_STORE_LOAD command with the new PAR to load the vector embeddings into the vector store table again.

  • Issue: the VECTOR_STORE_LOAD command fails unexpectedly.

    Workaround: Ensure that you use the --sqlc flag when you connect to your database system:

    mysqlsh -uAdmin -pPassword -hPrivateIP --sqlc

    Replace the following:

    • Admin: the admin name.

    • Password: the database system password.

    • PrivateIP: the private IP address of the database system.

    If you are still not able to ingest files using VECTOR_STORE_LOAD routine, then try Ingesting Files Using Auto Parallel Load.