MySQL Shell 9.1  /  ...  /  Deploying Sandbox Instances

6.8.1 Deploying Sandbox Instances

Rather than using a production setup, where each instance runs on a separate host, AdminAPI provides the dba.deploySandboxInstance(port_number) operation. The port_number argument is the TCP port number where the MySQL Server instance listens for connections. To deploy a new sandbox instance which is bound to port 3310, issue:

mysql-js> dba.deploySandboxInstance(3310)

By default the sandbox is created in a directory named $HOME/mysql-sandboxes/port on Unix systems. For Microsoft Windows systems the directory is %userprofile%\MySQL\mysql-sandboxes\port. Each sandbox instance is stored in a directory named after the port_number.

You are prompted for the root user's password.


Each sandbox instance uses the root user and password, and it must be the same on all sandbox instances which should work together. This is not recommended in production.

To deploy another sandbox server instance, repeat the steps followed for the sandbox instance at port 3310, choosing different port numbers for each instance.

To change the directory which sandboxes are stored in, for example to run multiple sandboxes on one host for testing purposes, use the MySQL Shell sandboxDir option. For example, to use a sandbox in the /home/user/sandbox1 directory, issue:

mysql-js> shell.options.sandboxDir='/home/user/sandbox1'

All subsequent sandbox related operations are then executed against the instances found at /home/user/sandbox1.

When you deploy sandboxes, MySQL Shell searches for the mysqld binary, which it then uses to create the sandbox instance. You can configure where MySQL Shell searches for the mysqld binary by configuring the PATH environment variable. This can be useful to test a new version of MySQL locally before deploying it to production. For example, to use a mysqld binary at the path /home/user/mysql-latest/bin/ issue:


Then run MySQL Shell from the terminal where the PATH environment variable is set. Any sandboxes you deploy, then use the mysqld binary found at the configured path.

The following options are supported by the dba.deploySandboxInstance() operation:

  • allowRootFrom configures which host the root user can connect from. Defaults to root@%.

  • ignoreSslError configures secure connections on the sandbox instance. When ignoreSslError is true, which is the default, no error is issued during the operation if SSL support cannot be provided and the server instance is deployed without SSL support. When ignoreSslError is set to false, the sandbox instance is deployed with SSL support, issuing an error if SSL support cannot be configured.

  • mysqldOptions configures additional options on the sandbox instance. Defaults to an empty string, and accepts a list of strings that specify options and values. For example mysqldOptions: ["lower_case_table_names=1", "report_host=""]}. The specified options are written to the sandbox instance's option file.

  • portX configures the port used for X Protocol connections. The default is calculated by multiplying the port value by 10. The value is an integer between 1024 and 65535.