Enterprise Manager
Lists the InnoDB IO Activity metrics and provides a brief description of each.
Table 6.13 InnoDB IO Activity Metrics
Name | Description |
Bytes Per Read | The average bytes per read within InnoDB for the snapshot interval. |
Open Files | The number of open files within InnoDB. |
Os File Fsyncs (Delta) | The total number of fsync() operations performed by InnoDB. |
Os File Reads (Delta) | The total number of files reads performed by read threads within InnoDB. |
Os File Writes (Delta) | The total number of file writes performed by write threads within InnoDB. |
Pending Flushes Bp | The number of pending buffer flush operations within InnoDB. |
Pending Flushes Log | The number of pending redo log flush operations within InnoDB. |
Pending Ibuf Reads | The number of pending asynchronous read requests for the secondary index insert buffer within InnoDB. |
Pending Reads | The number of pending normal asynchronous IO read requests for data within InnoDB. |
Pending Redo Log | The number of pending IO requests (read or write) for the InnoDB redo logs. |
Pending Sync | The number of pending synchronous IO requests (from user threads rather than background threads) within InnoDB. |
Pending Writes | The number of pending normal asynchronous IO write requests for data within InnoDB. |
Reads Per Sec | The average number of file reads per second within InnoDB for the snapshot interval. |
Syncs Per Sec | The average number of fsync() operations per second within InnoDB for the snapshot interval. |
Writes Per Sec | The average number of file writes per second within InnoDB for the snapshot interval. |