HeatWave User Guide  /  ...  /  Lakehouse Limitations for the Parquet File Format

5.8.5 Lakehouse Limitations for the Parquet File Format

  • NaN values in Parquet files are loaded as NULL.

  • Lakehouse does not support Parquet files with a row group size of more than 500MB.

  • Lakehouse does not support the following data types in Parquet files. Lakehouse marks columns with these data types as NOT SECONDARY, and does not load them.

    • BSON.

    • ENUM.

    • Interval.

    • List.

    • Map.

    • Unknown.

    • UUID.

  • Do not use strict SQL mode if the inferred schema differs from the table schema.

  • Before MySQL 8.3.0-u2, Lakehouse does not support the JSON data type in Parquet files. MySQL 8.3.0-u2 removes this limitation.