C.5.2 The Shell Window

The Workbench Scripting Shell is primarily used for running Python scripts, or directly typing commands in Python. However, you can also use it to access the Workbench Scripting Shell Scripting Library functions and global functions and objects. To see the available commands, type ?. You can also cut and paste text to and from the shell window.

The Snippets tab is a scratch pad for saving code snippets, which makes it easy to reuse and execute code in MySQL Workbench. The following figure shows the Snippets tab selected.

Figure C.2 The Workbench Scripting Shell: Snippets

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Opened script file tabs are to the right of the Snippets tab. Script tabs are labeled with the script's filename, or Unnamed for snippets without a name. You can cut-and-paste to and from the tabs, or right-click on a snippet to open a context menu with options to Execute Snippet, Send to Script Editor, or Copy To Clipboard.

While individual commands can be entered into the shell, it is also possible to run a longer script, stored in an external file, using the main menu item Scripting, Run Workbench Script File. When scripts are run outside of the shell, to see the output use the main menu item View, Output.

It is also possible to run script files directly from the shell. For details on running script files, type ? run at the Workbench Scripting Shell prompt. The following message is displayed:

Press CTRL+C to copy
Help Topics ----------- grt General information about the Workbench runtime scripting Practical information when working on scripts and modules for Workbench wbdata Summary about Workbench model data organization modules Information about Workbench module usage plugins Information about writing Plugins and Modules for Workbench Type '? [topic]' to get help on the topic. Custom Python Modules --------------------- grt Module to work with Workbench runtime (grt) objects grt.root The root object in the internal Workbench object hierarchy grt.modules Location where Workbench modules are available grt.classes List of classes known to the GRT system mforms A Module to access the cross-platform UI toolkit used in some Workbench features wb Utility module for creating Workbench plugins Type 'help(module/object/function)' to get information about a module, object or function. Type 'dir(object)' to get a quick list of methods an object has. For an introductory tutorial on the Python language, visit http://docs.python.org/tutorial/ For general Python and library reference documentation, visit http://python.org/doc/

Within the Workbench Scripting Shell, there are five tabs on the top of the left side panel: Files, Globals, Classes, and Modules, and Notifications.


An exception is thrown while attempting to use input() or read from stdin.