MySQL Workbench Manual  /  Extending Workbench  /  GRT and Workbench Data Organization

C.1 GRT and Workbench Data Organization

The Generic RunTime (GRT) is the internal system used by MySQL Workbench to hold model document data. It is also the mechanism by which Workbench can interact with Modules and Plugins. Workbench model data, such as diagrams, schemas, and tables, is stored in a hierarchy of objects that can be accessed by any plugin. The information is represented using standard data types: integers, doubles, strings, dicts, lists, and objects.

The GRT can be accessed using the Python scripting language. Awareness is required of how the GRT data types map into Python. For example, the GRT integer, double, and string data types are seen as corresponding Python data types. Lists and dicts are kept in their internal representation, but can generally be treated as Python lists and dicts, and accessed in the usual way. Objects contain data fields and methods, but the GRT recognizes only objects from a pre-registered class hierarchy.

It is possible to fully examine the classes contained within the GRT using the Workbench Scripting Shell. Dots in class names are changed to underscores in their Python counterparts. For example, db.mysql.Table becomes db_mysql_Table in Python.

Application Objects Tree (GRT Tree)

As mentioned previously, MySQL Workbench document data is stored in an object hierarchy. This hierarchy is known as the GRT Tree. The GRT Tree can be accessed and modified using Python or C++. Be careful when modifying the GRT Tree as mistakes can lead to document corruption. Backups should be made before manipulating the tree. Read-only access to the tree is the safest approach, and is sufficient in most cases.

Main Nodes in the Application Object Tree

Table C.1 The main nodes in the Application Object Tree

Node Description
wb.registry Application data such as plugin registry, list of editors, and options.
wb.customData A generic dictionary for data you can use to store your own data. This dictionary is saved and reloaded with Workbench and is global (not document specific).
wb.options Contains some default options that are used by Workbench.
wb.rdbmsMgmt Internal registry of supported RDBMS modules, known data types.
wb.doc The currently loaded model document.
wb.doc.physicalModels[0] The currently loaded model object, containing the database catalog and diagrams.
wb.doc.physicalModels[0].catalog The database catalog for the model. Contains the list of schemas.
wb.doc.physicalModels[0]catalog.schemata List of schemas in the model. Individual schema can be accessed as a list: schemata[0], schemata[1] ...
wb.doc.physicalModels[0].catalog.schemata[0].tables (.views, .routines, ...) Lists of tables, views, routines in the schema.
wb.doc.physicalModels[0].diagrams List of EER diagrams in the model.
wb.doc.physicalModels[0].diagrams[0].figures (.layers, .connections, ...) List of figures, layers, connections (relationships) in the diagram.
Node Description