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Displaying 341 to 350 of 664 total results
For example: [mysqld] # server configuration datadir=<full_path_to_data>/data/s1 basedir=<full_path_to_bin>/mysql-8.0/ port=24801 socket=<full_path_to_sock_dir>/s1.sock These settings configure MySQL server to use the data directory created earlier ... The most common way to deploy Group Replication is using multiple server instances, to provide high ...
In a replication group, each member has a point-to-point communication channel to each other member, creating a fully connected graph. These connections are managed by the group communication engine (XCom, a Paxos variant) and use TCP/IP sockets.
In this state, it does not accept updates from any clients, even users who have the CONNECTION_ADMIN or SUPER privilege. When this member action is enabled, asynchronous connection failover for replicas is active for a replication channel on a Group ... The following functions can be used to enable and disable actions for members of a group to take in specified situations, and to reset the configuration to the default setting for all member ...
This is the same value displayed in the Id column of the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement, displayed in the PROCESSLIST_ID column of the Performance Schema threads table, and returned by the CONNECTION_ID() function within the thread. unauthenticated user ... Important INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST is deprecated and subject to removal in a future MySQL ...
memcached connections are blocked from accessing tables that contain an indexed virtual column. Accessing an indexed virtual column requires a callback to the server, but a memcached connection does not have access to the server code. This section ...
If this variable is not set, the keyring_hashicorp plugin opens an HTTPS connection without using server certificate verification, and trusts any certificate delivered by the HashiCorp Vault server. keyring_oci_user Command-Line Format ...These ...
Execution of log-flushing statements or commands requires connecting to the server using an account that has the RELOAD privilege. (See Section 6.10, “Unix Signal Handling in MySQL”.) Signals enable log flushing to be performed without having to ... As described in Section 7.4, “MySQL Server Logs”, MySQL Server can create several different log files to help you see what activity is taking ...
INET_NTOA(expr) Given a numeric IPv4 network address in network byte order, returns the dotted-quad string representation of the address as a string in the connection character set. INET6_NTOA(expr) Given an IPv6 or IPv4 network address represented ...The function return value and type are the same as the return value and type of its argument, but the function result is not checked for the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL ...
This parameter is used in the config.ini file [tcp] section, and denotes the amount of unsent data (in bytes) that must be present in the send buffer before the connection is considered overloaded. When such an overload condition occurs, ... The NDB ...
The error_messages table provides information about The error_messages table contains the following columns: error_code Numeric error code error_description Description of error error_status Error status code error_classification Error ...
Displaying 341 to 350 of 664 total results