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Point-in-time recovery refers to recovery of data changes up to a given point in time. Typically, this type of recovery is performed after restoring a full backup that brings the server to its state as of the time the backup was made. (The full ...
Most of them can be changed dynamically at runtime using the SET statement, which enables you to modify operation of the server without having to stop and restart it. Setting a global system variable runtime value normally requires the ... The MySQL ...
The database remains in a consistent state at all times — after each commit or rollback, and while transactions are in progress. In a sense, the adaptive hash index configures MySQL at runtime to take advantage of ample main memory, coming closer ... These terms are commonly used in information about the MySQL database ...
By default, source and replica servers assume that they are in the same time zone. If you are replicating between servers in different time zones, the time zone must be set on both source and replica. Otherwise, statements depending on the local ...
The mysql_tzinfo_to_sql program loads the time zone tables in the mysql database. It is used on systems that have a zoneinfo database (the set of files describing time zones). If your system does not have a zoneinfo database, you can use the ...One ...
There are many parameters which control buffer sizes, pool sizes, timeouts, and so forth. It is read only when the cluster is started for the first time, and cannot be used to reassign a data node to a different node group online. You are not ...
MySQL has fractional seconds support for TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP values, with up to microseconds (6 digits) precision: To define a column that includes a fractional seconds part, use the syntax type_name(fsp), where type_name is TIME, ...A ...
Point-in-time recovery—that is, recovery of data changes made since a given point in time—is performed after restoring a full backup that returns the server to its state when the backup was made. Performing point-in-time recovery of NDB Cluster ...At some later point, prior to restoring the cluster, make a backup of the mysql.ndb_binlog_index ...
If you have a problem with SELECT NOW() returning values in UTC and not your local time, you have to tell the server your current time zone. You can set the time zone for the server with the --timezone=timezone_name option to mysqld_safe. This ...
Log wait latency (log_waits column) is the length of time a page write must wait for the undo log to be flushed, which must be done prior to each page write. This table provides information regarding the latency of disk operations for NDB Cluster ...