The prepared statement API allows supported SQL statements (see SQL Syntax Permitted in Prepared Statements) to be re-executed without incurring the cost of parsing and optimization each time.
Prepared statements support parametrization. The question mark
or interrogation point (?
) is used as a
parameter marker; parameters are updated (bound to values)
beforehand, each time the statement is executed, using
. See
the description of this method for more information.
To free up resources taken up by parsed query and statement
parameters, call
which closes the prepared statement and frees its resources.
Omitting deallocation does not produce an error but memory
consumed during stored procedure execution is otherwise not
freed until routine execution has finished. Once a prepared
statement has been closed (deallocated), it is no longer
available for execution.
Execution flow for prepared statements consists of the following steps:
Prepare statement (
)Update parameters (
)Execute statement (
)Close statement (
Steps 2 and 3 can be repeated any number of times prior to closing the prepared statement.
The JavaScript stored procedure jssp_prep1()
whown here, accepts an arbitrary SQL statement containing two
parameter markers, prepares the statement, then executes it
twice, binding different values to the parameters each time, and
printing the result to stdout
Press CTRL+C to copyCREATE PROCEDURE jssp_prep1(IN query VARCHAR(200)) LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS $$ function print_result(result) { console.log(result.getColumnNames()) let row = result.fetchOne() while(row) { console.log(row.toArray()) row = result.fetchOne() } } function fetch_warnings(result) { console.log("Number of warnings: " + result.getWarningsCount()) for (var w in result.getWarnings()) { console.log(w.level + ", " + w.code + ", " + w.message) } } let stmt = session.prepare(query) stmt.bind(3, 4) let res1 = stmt.execute() print_result(res1) fetch_warnings(res1) stmt.bind(2, 3) let res2 = stmt.execute() print_result(res2) fetch_warnings(res2) stmt.bind(5) let res3 = stmt.execute() print_result(res3) fetch_warnings(res3) stmt.deallocate() $$;
When finished with the prepared statement, we close it, freeing
up any resources used in preparing and executing it, by calling
fewer arguments than there are parameters in the statement is
allowed after all parameters have been bound at least once. In
this case, calling stmt.bind(5)
previously having called stmt.bind(2,3)
the same as calling stmt.bind(5,3)
missing second value is reused from the previous invocation, as
we can see here:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> CALL jssp_prep1(" "> SELECT * "> FROM t1 "> WHERE c1 = ? OR c1 = ? "> "); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec) mysql> SELECT mle_session_state("stdout")\G *************************** 1. row *************************** mle_session_state('stdout'): c1,c2,c3 3,37,peach 4,221,watermelon Number of warnings: 0 c1,c2,c3 2,139,apple 3,37,peach Number of warnings: 0 c1,c2,c3 3,37,peach 5,83,pear Number of warnings: 0 1 row in set (0.00 sec)