MySQL Shell 9.1  /  MySQL Shell Utilities  /  Instance Dump Utility, Schema Dump Utility, and Table Dump Utility

11.5 Instance Dump Utility, Schema Dump Utility, and Table Dump Utility

MySQL Shell's instance dump utility util.dumpInstance() and schema dump utility util.dumpSchemas(), support the export of all schemas or a selected schema from an on-premise MySQL instance into an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage bucket or a set of local files. The table dump utility util.dumpTables() supports the same operations for a selection of tables or views from a schema. The exported items can then be imported into a HeatWave Service DB System or a MySQL Server instance using the util.loadDump() utility (see Section 11.6, “Dump Loading Utility”). To get the best functionality, always use the most recent version available of MySQL Shell's dump and dump loading utilities.

About the Utilities

MySQL Shell's instance dump utility, schema dump utility, and table dump utility provide Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage streaming, HeatWave Service compatibility checks and modifications, parallel dumping with multiple threads, and file compression, which are not provided by mysqldump. Progress information is displayed during the dump. You can carry out a dry run with your chosen set of dump options to show information about what actions would be performed, what items would be dumped, and (for the instance dump utility and schema dump utility) what HeatWave Service compatibility issues would need to be fixed, when you run the utility for real with those options.

When choosing a destination for the dump files, note that for import into a HeatWave Service DB System, the MySQL Shell instance where you run the dump loading utility must be installed on an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute instance that has access to the HeatWave Service DB System. If you dump the instance, schema, or tables to an Object Storage bucket, you can access the Object Storage bucket from the Compute instance. If you create the dump files on your local system, you need to transfer them to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute instance using the copy utility of your choice, depending on the operating system you chose for your Compute instance.

The dumps created by MySQL Shell's instance dump utility, schema dump utility, and table dump utility comprise DDL files specifying the schema structure, and tab-separated .tsv files containing the data. You can also choose to produce the DDL files only or the data files only, if you want to set up the exported schema as a separate exercise from populating it with the exported data. You can choose whether or not to lock the instance for backup during the dump for data consistency. By default, the dump utilities chunk table data into multiple data files and compress the files.

You can use options for the utilities to include or exclude specified schemas and tables, users and their roles and grants, events, routines, and triggers. If you specify conflicting include and exclude options or name an object that is not included in the dump, an error is reported and the dump stops so you can correct the options. If you need to dump the majority of the schemas in a MySQL instance, as an alternative strategy, you can use the instance dump utility rather than the schema dump utility, and specify the excludeSchemas option to list those schemas that are not to be dumped. Similarly, if you need to dump the majority of the tables in a schema, you can use the schema dump utility with the excludeTables option rather than the table dump utility.

The data for the mysql.apply_status, mysql.general_log, mysql.schema, and mysql.slow_log tables is always excluded from a dump created by MySQL Shell's schema dump utility, although their DDL statements are included. The information_schema, mysql, ndbinfo, performance_schema, and sys schemas are always excluded from an instance dump.

By default, the time zone is standardized to UTC in all the timestamp data in the dump output, which facilitates moving data between servers with different time zones and handling data that has multiple time zones. You can use the tzUtc: false option to keep the original timestamps if preferred.

The MySQL Shell dump loading utility util.loadDump() supports loading exported instances and schemas from an Object Storage bucket using a pre-authenticated request (PAR). For information about loading dumps using a PAR, see Section 11.6, “Dump Loading Utility”.

MySQL Shell's instance dump utility, schema dump utility, and table dump utility are partition aware (see Partitioning, in the MySQL Manual). When a table being dumped is partitioned, each partition is treated as an independent table; if the table has subpartitions each subpartition is treated as an independent table. This also means that, when chunking is enabled, each partition or subpartition of a partitioned or subpartitioned table is chunked independently. The base names of dump files created for partitioned tables use the format schema@table@partition, where schema and table are, respectively the names of the parent schema and table, and partition is the URL-encoded name of the partition or subpartition.

To manage additions of features that are not supported by earlier versions of the MySQL Shell utilities, util.dumpInstance(), util.dumpSchemas(), util.dumpTables(), and util.loadDump() write a list of features used in creating the dump to the dump metadata file; for each such feature, an element is added to the list. When the dump loading utility reads the metadata file and finds an unsupported feature listed, it reports an error; the error message includes a version of MySQL Shell that supports the feature.

Requirements and Restrictions

  • The instance dump utility, schema dump utility, and table dump utility only support General Availability (GA) releases of MySQL Server versions.

  • MySQL 5.7 or later is required for the destination MySQL instance where the dump will be loaded.

  • For the source MySQL instance, dumping from MySQL 5.7 or later is fully supported in all MySQL Shell releases where the utilities are available.

  • Object names in the instance or schema must be in the latin1 or utf8 characterset.

  • Data consistency is guaranteed only for tables that use the InnoDB storage engine.

  • The minimum required set of privileges that the user account used to run the utility must have on all the schemas involved is as follows: EVENT, RELOAD, SELECT, SHOW VIEW, and TRIGGER.

    • If the consistent option is set to true, which is the default, the LOCK TABLES privilege on all dumped tables can substitute for the RELOAD privilege if the latter is not available.

    • If the user account does not have the BACKUP_ADMIN privilege and LOCK INSTANCE FOR BACKUP cannot be executed, the utilities make an extra consistency check during the dump. If this check fails, an instance dump is stopped, but a schema dump or a table dump continues and returns an error message to alert the user that the consistency check failed.

    • If the consistent option is set to false, the BACKUP_ADMIN and RELOAD privileges are not required.

    • If the dump is from a MySQL 5.6 instance and includes user accounts (which is possible only with the instance dump utility), the SUPER privilege is also required.

  • The user account used to run the utility needs the REPLICATION CLIENT privilege in order for the utility to be able to include the binary log file name and position in the dump metadata. If the user ID does not have that privilege, the dump continues but does not include the binary log information. The binary log information can be used after loading the dumped data into the replica server to set up replication with a non-GTID source server, using the ASSIGN_GTIDS_TO_ANONYMOUS_TRANSACTIONS option of the CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement.

  • The upload method used to transfer files to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage bucket has a file size limit of 1.2 TiB.

  • The utilities convert columns with data types that are not safe to be stored in text form (such as BLOB) to Base64. The size of these columns therefore must not exceed approximately 0.74 times the value of the max_allowed_packet system variable (in bytes) that is configured on the target MySQL instance.

  • For the table dump utility, exported views and triggers must not use qualified names to reference other views or tables.

  • The table dump utility does not dump routines, so any routines referenced by the dumped objects (for example, by a view that uses a function) must already exist when the dump is loaded.

  • For import into a HeatWave Service DB System, set the ocimds option to true, to ensure compatibility with HeatWave Service.


    When migrating to HeatWave Service, it is recommended to always use the latest available version of MySQL Shell.

  • For compatibility with HeatWave Service, all tables must use the InnoDB storage engine. The ocimds option checks for any exceptions found in the dump, and the compatibility option alters the dump files to replace other storage engines with InnoDB.

  • For the instance dump utility and schema dump utility, for compatibility with HeatWave Service, all tables in the instance or schema must be located in the MySQL data directory and must use the default schema encryption. The ocimds option alters the dump files to apply these requirements.

  • HeatWave Service uses partial_revokes=ON, which means database-level user grants on schemas which contain wildcards, such as _ or %, are reported as errors.

    You can also use the compatibility options, ignore_wildcard_grants and strip_invalid_grants

    See Options for HeatWave Service and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for more information.

  • A number of other security related restrictions and requirements apply to items such as tablespaces and privileges for compatibility with HeatWave Service. The ocimds option checks for any exceptions found during the dump, and the compatibility option automatically alters the dump files to resolve some of the compatibility issues. You might need (or prefer) to make some changes manually. For more details, see the description for the compatibility option.

  • For HeatWave Service High Availability, which uses Group Replication, primary keys are required on every table. The ocimds option checks and reports an error for any tables in the dump that are missing primary keys. The compatibility option can be set to ignore missing primary keys if you do not need them, or to notify MySQL Shell’s dump loading utility to add primary keys in invisible columns where they are not present. For details, see the description for the compatibility option. If possible, instead of managing this in the utility, consider creating primary keys in the tables on the source server before dumping them again.

  • If any of the dump utilities are run against MySQL 5.7, with "ocimds": true, util.checkForServerUpgrade is run automatically, unless these checks are disabled by skipUpgradeChecks. Pre-upgrade checks are run depending on the type of objects included in the dump.

Running the Utilities

The instance dump utility, schema dump utility, and table dump utility use the MySQL Shell global session to obtain the connection details of the target MySQL server from which the export is carried out. You must open the global session (which can have an X Protocol connection or a classic MySQL protocol connection) before running one of the utilities. The utilities open their own sessions for each thread, copying options such as connection compression and SSL options from the global session, and do not make any further use of the global session.

In the MySQL Shell API, the instance dump utility, schema dump utility, and table dump utility are functions of the util global object, and have the following signatures:

util.dumpInstance(outputUrl[, options]) 
util.dumpSchemas(schemas, outputUrl[, options])
util.dumpTables(schema, tables, outputUrl[, options])

options is a dictionary of options that can be omitted if it is empty. The available options for the instance dump utility, schema dump utility, and table dump utility are listed in the remaining sections in this topic.

For the schema dump utility, schemas specifies a list of one or more schemas to be dumped from the MySQL instance.

For the table dump utility, schema specifies the schema that contains the items to be dumped, and tables is an array of strings specifying the tables or views to be dumped. The table dump includes the information required to set up the specified schema in the target MySQL instance, although it can be loaded into an alternative target schema by using the dump loading utility's schema option.

The table dump utility can be used to select individual tables from a schema, for example if you want to transfer tables between schemas. In this example in MySQL Shell's JavaScript mode, the tables employees and salaries from the hr schema are exported to the local directory emp, which the utility creates in the current working directory:

shell-js> util.dumpTables("hr", [ "employees", "salaries" ], "emp")

To dump all of the views and tables from the specified schema, use the all option and set the tables parameter to an empty array, as in this example:

shell-js> util.dumpTables("hr", [], "emp", { "all": true })

If you are dumping to the local filesystem, outputUrl is a string specifying the path to a local directory where the dump files are to be placed. You can specify an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory. You can prefix a local directory path with the file:// schema. In this example, the connected MySQL instance is dumped to a local directory, with some modifications made in the dump files for compatibility with HeatWave Service. The user first carries out a dry run to inspect the schemas and view the compatibility issues, then runs the dump with the appropriate compatibility options applied to remove the issues:

shell-js> util.dumpInstance("C:/Users/hanna/worlddump", {dryRun: true, ocimds: true})
Checking for compatibility with HeatWave Service 8.0.33
Compatibility issues with HeatWave Service 8.0.33 were found. Please use the 
'compatibility' option to apply compatibility adaptations to the dumped DDL.
Util.dumpInstance: Compatibility issues were found (RuntimeError)
shell-js> util.dumpInstance("C:/Users/hanna/worlddump", {
        > ocimds: true, compatibility: ["strip_definers", "strip_restricted_grants"]})

The target directory must be empty before the export takes place. If the directory does not yet exist in its parent directory, the utility creates it. For an export to a local directory, the directories created during the dump are created with the access permissions rwxr-x---, and the files are created with the access permissions rw-r----- (on operating systems where these are supported). The owner of the files and directories is the user account that is running MySQL Shell.

If you are dumping to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage bucket, outputUrl is a path that will be used to prefix the dump files in the bucket, to simulate a directory structure. Use the osBucketName option to provide the name of the Object Storage bucket, and the osNamespace option to identify the namespace for the bucket. In this example, the user dumps the world schema from the connected MySQL instance to an Object Storage bucket, with the same compatibility modifications as in the previous example:

shell-js> util.dumpSchemas(["world"], "worlddump", {
        > "osBucketName": "hanna-bucket", "osNamespace": "idx28w1ckztq", 
        > "ocimds": "true", "compatibility": ["strip_definers", "strip_restricted_grants"]})

In the Object Storage bucket, the dump files all appear with the prefix worlddump, for example:


The namespace for an Object Storage bucket is displayed in the Bucket Information tab of the bucket details page in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, or can be obtained using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure command line interface. A connection is established to the Object Storage bucket using the default profile in the default Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI configuration file, or alternative details that you specify using the ociConfigFile and ociProfile options. For instructions to set up a CLI configuration file, see SDK and CLI Configuration File.

Options for Dump Control

dryRun: [ true | false ]

Display information about what would be dumped with the specified set of options, and about the results of HeatWave Service compatibility checks (if the ocimds option is specified), but do not proceed with the dump. Setting this option enables you to list out all of the compatibility issues before starting the dump. The default is false.

showProgress: [ true | false ]

Display (true) or hide (false) progress information for the dump. The default is true if stdout is a terminal (tty), such as when MySQL Shell is in interactive mode, and false otherwise. The progress information includes the estimated total number of rows to be dumped, the number of rows dumped so far, the percentage complete, and the throughput in rows and bytes per second.

threads: int

The number of parallel threads to use to dump chunks of data from the MySQL instance. Each thread has its own connection to the MySQL instance. The default is 4.

maxRate: "string"

The maximum number of bytes per second per thread for data read throughput during the dump. The unit suffixes k for kilobytes, M for megabytes, and G for gigabytes can be used (for example, setting 100M limits throughput to 100 megabytes per second per thread). Setting 0 (which is the default value), or setting the option to an empty string, means no limit is set.

defaultCharacterSet: "string"

The character set to be used during the session connections that are opened by MySQL Shell to the server for the dump. The default is utf8mb4. The session value of the system variables character_set_client, character_set_connection, and character_set_results are set to this value for each connection. The character set must be permitted by the character_set_client system variable and supported by the MySQL instance.

consistent: [ true | false ]

Enable (true) or disable (false) consistent data dumps by locking the instance for backup during the dump. The default is true.

When true is set, the utility sets a global read lock using the FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK statement (if the user ID used to run the utility has the RELOAD privilege), or a series of table locks using LOCK TABLES statements (if the user ID does not have the RELOAD privilege but does have LOCK TABLES). The transaction for each thread is started using the statements SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ and START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT. When all threads have started their transactions, the instance is locked for backup (as described in LOCK INSTANCE FOR BACKUP and UNLOCK INSTANCE Statements) and the global read lock is released.

If the user account does not have the BACKUP_ADMIN privilege and LOCK INSTANCE FOR BACKUP cannot be executed, the utilities make an extra consistency check during the dump. If this check fails, an instance dump is stopped, but a schema dump or a table dump continues and returns an error message to alert the user that the consistency check failed.

skipConsistencyChecks: [ true | false ]

Enable (true) or disable (false) the extra consistency check performed when consistent: true. Default is false.

This option is ignored if consistent: false.

skipUpgradeChecks: [true | false]

Default is false. Enable to disable the upgrade checks which are normally run by default when ocimds: true.Compatibility issues related to MySQL version upgrades will not be checked. Use this option only when executing the Upgrade Checker separately.

Options for Dump Output

tzUtc: [ true | false ]

Include a statement at the start of the dump to set the time zone to UTC. All timestamp data in the dump output is converted to this time zone. The default is true, so timestamp data is converted by default. Setting the time zone to UTC facilitates moving data between servers with different time zones, or handling a set of data that has multiple time zones. Set this option to false to keep the original timestamps if preferred.

compression: "string;level=n"

The compression type and level of compression to use when creating the dump files. The following compression options are available:

  • none:No compression is applied.

  • gzip: Uses the gzip compression library. Compression level can be set from 0 to 9. Default compression level is 1. For example:

                      "compression": "gzip;level=4"
  • zstd: Default. Uses the zstd compression library. Compression level can be set from 1 to 22. Default compression level is 1. For example:

                      "compression": "zstd;level=15"
checksum: [ true | false ]

If enabled, a metadata file, @.checksums.json is generated with the dump. This file contains the checksum data for the dump, enabling data verification when loading the dump. See Options for Load Control.

The following conditions apply if checksum: true:

  • If ddlOnly:false and chunking:true, a checksum is generated for each dumped table and partition chunk.

  • If ddlOnly:false and chunking:false, a checksum is generated for each dumped table and table partition.

  • If ddlOnly:true, a checksum is generated for each dumped table and table partition.

chunking: [ true | false ]

Enable (true) or disable (false) chunking for table data, which splits the data for each table into multiple files. The default is true, so chunking is enabled by default. Use bytesPerChunk to specify the chunk size. If you set the chunking option to false, chunking does not take place and the utility creates one data file for each table.

If a table has no primary key or unique index, chunking is done based on the number of rows in the table, the average row length, and the bytesPerChunk value.

bytesPerChunk: "string"

Sets the approximate number of bytes to be written to each data file when chunking is enabled. The unit suffixes k for kilobytes, M for megabytes, and G for gigabytes can be used. The default is 64 MB . Specifying this option sets chunking to true implicitly. The utility aims to chunk the data for each table into files each containing this amount of data before compression is applied. The chunk size is an average and is calculated based on table statistics and explain plan estimates.

dialect: [default|csv|csv-unix|tsv]

Specify a set of field- and line-handling options for the format of the exported data file. You can use the selected dialect as a base for further customization, by also specifying one or more of the linesTerminatedBy, fieldsTerminatedBy, fieldsEnclosedBy, fieldsOptionallyEnclosed, and fieldsEscapedBy options to change the settings.

The default dialect produces a data file matching what would be created using a SELECT...INTO OUTFILE statement with the default settings for that statement. .txt is an appropriate file extension to assign to these output files. Other dialects are available to export CSV files for either DOS or UNIX systems (.csv), and TSV files (.tsv).

The settings applied for each dialect are as follows:

Table 11.3 Dialect settings for table export utility































  1. The carriage return and line feed values for the dialects are operating system independent.

  2. If you use the linesTerminatedBy, fieldsTerminatedBy, fieldsEnclosedBy, fieldsOptionallyEnclosed, and fieldsEscapedBy options, depending on the escaping conventions of your command interpreter, the backslash character (\) might need to be doubled if you use it in the option values.

  3. Like the MySQL server with the SELECT...INTO OUTFILE statement, MySQL Shell does not validate the field- and line-handling options that you specify. Inaccurate selections for these options can cause data to be exported partially or incorrectly. Always verify your settings before starting the export, and verify the results afterwards.

linesTerminatedBy: "characters"

One or more characters (or an empty string) with which the utility terminates each of the lines in the exported data file. The default is as for the specified dialect, or a linefeed character (\n) if the dialect option is omitted. This option is equivalent to the LINES TERMINATED BY option for the SELECT...INTO OUTFILE statement. Note that the utility does not provide an equivalent for the LINES STARTING BY option for the SELECT...INTO OUTFILE statement, which is set to the empty string.

fieldsTerminatedBy: "characters"

One or more characters (or an empty string) with which the utility terminates each of the fields in the exported data file. The default is as for the specified dialect, or a tab character (\t) if the dialect option is omitted. This option is equivalent to the FIELDS TERMINATED BY option for the SELECT...INTO OUTFILE statement.

fieldsEnclosedBy: "character"

A single character (or an empty string) with which the utility encloses each of the fields in the exported data file. The default is as for the specified dialect, or the empty string if the dialect option is omitted. This option is equivalent to the FIELDS ENCLOSED BY option for the SELECT...INTO OUTFILE statement.

fieldsOptionallyEnclosed: [ true | false ]

Whether the character given for fieldsEnclosedBy is to enclose all of the fields in the exported data file (false), or to enclose a field only if it has a string data type such as CHAR, BINARY, TEXT, or ENUM (true). The default is as for the specified dialect, or false if the dialect option is omitted. This option makes the fieldsEnclosedBy option equivalent to the FIELDS OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY option for the SELECT...INTO OUTFILE statement.

fieldsEscapedBy: "character"

The character that is to begin escape sequences in the exported data file. The default is as for the specified dialect, or a backslash (\) if the dialect option is omitted. This option is equivalent to the FIELDS ESCAPED BY option for the SELECT...INTO OUTFILE statement. If you set this option to the empty string, no characters are escaped, which is not recommended because special characters used by SELECT...INTO OUTFILE must be escaped.

Options for Filtering


A key-value pair comprising of a valid table identifier, of the form schemaName.tableName, and a valid SQL condition expression used to filter the data being exported.


The SQL is validated only when it is executed. If you are exporting many tables, any SQL-syntax-related issues will only be seen late in the process. As such, it is recommended you test your SQL condition before using it in a long-running export process.

In the following example, where exports only those rows of the and sakila.actor_info where the value of actor_id is greater than 150, to a local folder named out:

 util.dumpTables("sakila", ["actor","actor_info"], "out", {"where" : 
   {"": "actor_id > 150", "sakila.actor_info": "actor_id > 150"}})
partitions: {schemaName.tableName: ["string","string",..]}

A list of valid partition names which limits the export to the specified partitions.

For example, to export only the partitions named p1 and p2 from the table schema.table: partitions: {schema.table:["p1", "p2"]}.

The following example exports the partitions p1 and p2 from table1 and the partition p2 from table2:

util.dumpTables("schema", ["table","table2"], "out", {"partitions" : 
  { "schema.table1":  ["p1", "p2"],"schema.table2":  ["p2"]}})
ddlOnly: [ true | false ]

Setting this option to true includes only the DDL files for the dumped items in the dump, and does not dump the data. The default is false.

dataOnly: [ true | false ]

Setting this option to true includes only the data files for the dumped items in the dump, and does not include DDL files. The default is false.

users: [ true | false ]

(Instance dump utility only) Include (true) or exclude (false) users and their roles and grants in the dump. The default is true, so users are included by default. The schema dump utility and table dump utility do not include users, roles, and grants in a dump.

You can use the excludeUsers or includeUsers option to specify individual user accounts to be excluded or included in the dump files. These options can also be used with MySQL Shell's dump loading utility util.loadDump() to exclude or include individual user accounts at the point of import, depending on the requirements of the target MySQL instance.


If dumping users from a MySQL 5.6 instance, the user performing the copy must have the SUPER privilege.

excludeUsers: array of strings

(Instance dump utility only) Exclude the named user accounts from the dump files. You can use it to exclude user accounts that are not accepted for import to a HeatWave Service DB System, or that already exist or are not wanted on the target MySQL instance. Specify each user account string in the format "'user_name'@'host_name'" for an account that is defined with a user name and host name, or "'user_name'" for an account that is defined with a user name only. If you do not supply a host name, all accounts with that user name are excluded.

includeUsers: array of strings

(Instance dump utility only) Include only the named user accounts in the dump files. Specify each user account string as for the excludeUsers option. This option is an alternative to excludeUsers if only a few user accounts are required in the dump. You can also specify both options to include some accounts and exclude others.

excludeSchemas: array of strings

(Instance dump utility only) Exclude the named schemas from the dump. Note that the information_schema, mysql, ndbinfo, performance_schema, and sys schemas are always excluded from an instance dump.

includeSchemas: array of strings

(Instance dump utility only) Include only the named schemas in the dump. You cannot include the information_schema, mysql, ndbinfo, performance_schema, or sys schemas by naming them on this option. If you want to dump one or more of these schemas, you can do this using the schema dump utility util.dumpSchemas().

excludeTables: array of strings

(Instance dump utility and schema dump utility only) Exclude the named tables from the dump. Table names must be qualified with a valid schema name, and quoted with the backtick character if needed. Tables named by the excludeTables option do not have DDL files or data files in the dump. Note that the data for the mysql.apply_status, mysql.general_log, mysql.schema, and mysql.slow_log tables is always excluded from a schema dump, although their DDL statements are included, and you cannot include that data by naming the table in another option or utility.


Schema and table names containing multi-byte characters must be surrounded with backticks.

includeTables: array of strings

(Instance dump utility and schema dump utility only) Include only the named tables in the dump. Table names must be qualified with a valid schema name, and quoted with the backtick character if needed.


Schema and table names containing multi-byte characters must be surrounded with backticks.

events: [ true | false ]

(Instance dump utility and schema dump utility only) Include (true) or exclude (false) events for each schema in the dump. The default is true.

excludeEvents: array of strings

(Instance dump utility and schema dump utility only) Exclude the named events from the dump. Names of events must be qualified with a valid schema name, and quoted with the backtick character if needed.

includeEvents: array of strings

(Instance dump utility and schema dump utility only) Include only the named events in the dump. Event names must be qualified with a valid schema name, and quoted with the backtick character if needed.

routines: [ true | false ]

(Instance dump utility and schema dump utility only) Include (true) or exclude (false) functions and stored procedures for each schema in the dump. The default is true. Note that user-defined functions are not included, even when routines is set to true.

excludeRoutines: array of strings

(Instance dump utility and schema dump utility only) Exclude the named functions and stored procedures from the dump. Names of routines must be qualified with a valid schema name, and quoted with the backtick character if needed.

includeRoutines: array of strings

(Instance dump utility and schema dump utility only) Include only the named functions and stored procedures in the dump. Names of routines must be qualified with a valid schema name, and quoted with the backtick character if needed.

all: [ true | false ]

(Table dump utility only) Setting this option to true includes all views and tables from the specified schema in the dump. The default is false. When you use this option, set the tables parameter to an empty array, for example:

shell-js> util.dumpTables("hr", [], "emp", { "all": true })
triggers: [ true | false ]

(All dump utilities) Include (true) or exclude (false) triggers for each table in the dump. The default is true.

excludeTriggers: array of strings

(All dump utilities) Exclude the named triggers from the dump. Names of triggers must be qualified with a valid schema name and table name (schema.table.trigger), and quoted with the backtick character if needed. You can exclude all triggers for a specific table by specifying a schema name and table name with this option (schema.table).

includeTriggers: array of strings

(All dump utilities) Include only the named triggers in the dump. Names of triggers must be qualified with a valid schema name and table name (schema.table.trigger), and quoted with the backtick character if needed. You can include all triggers for a specific table by specifying a schema name and table name with this option (schema.table).

Options for HeatWave Service and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

osBucketName: "string"

The name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage bucket to which the dump is to be written. By default, the [DEFAULT] profile in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI configuration file located at ~/.oci/config is used to establish a connection to the bucket. You can substitute an alternative profile to be used for the connection with the ociConfigFile and ociProfile options. For instructions to set up a CLI configuration file, see SDK and CLI Configuration File.

osNamespace: "string"

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure namespace where the Object Storage bucket named by osBucketName is located. The namespace for an Object Storage bucket is displayed in the Bucket Information tab of the bucket details page in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, or can be obtained using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure command line interface.

ociConfigFile: "string"

An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI configuration file that contains the profile to use for the connection, instead of the one in the default location ~/.oci/config.

ociProfile: "string"

The profile name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure profile to use for the connection, instead of the [DEFAULT] profile in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI configuration file used for the connection.

ociAuth: "string"

The authentication method to use when connecting to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This option requires osBucketName is configured with a valid value.

The following options are available:

ocimds: [ true | false ]

Setting this option to true enables checks and modifications for compatibility with HeatWave Service. The default is false.


When migrating to HeatWave Service, it is recommended to always use the latest available version of MySQL Shell.

When this option is set to true, DATA DIRECTORY, INDEX DIRECTORY, and ENCRYPTION options in CREATE TABLE statements are commented out in the DDL files, to ensure that all tables are located in the MySQL data directory and use the default schema encryption. Checks are carried out for any storage engines in CREATE TABLE statements other than InnoDB, for grants of unsuitable privileges to users or roles, and for other compatibility issues. If any non-conforming SQL statement is found, an exception is raised and the dump is halted. Use the dryRun option to list out all of the issues with the items in the dump before the dumping process is started. Use the compatibility option to automatically fix the issues in the dump output.

This option is set to false by default and is only enabled if set to true explicitly.


If any of the dump utilities are run against MySQL 5.7, with "ocimds": true, util.checkForServerUpgrade is run automatically. Pre-upgrade checks are run depending on the type of objects included in the dump.

targetVersion: n.n.n

Define the version of the target MySQL instance, in n.n.n format. Such as 8.1.0, for example. If the value is not set, the MySQL Shell version is used.

The compatibility checks are adjusted depending on the value of targetVersion.

compatibility: array of strings

Apply the specified requirements for compatibility with HeatWave Service for all tables in the dump output, altering the dump files as necessary.

The following modifications can be specified as an array of strings:


Change CREATE TABLE statements to use the InnoDB storage engine for any tables that do not already use it.


Remove user accounts created with external authentication plugins that are not supported in HeatWave Service. This option also removes user accounts that do not have passwords set, except where an account with no password is identified as a role, in which case it is dumped using the CREATE ROLE statement.


This option is not required if the destination HeatWave Service instance is version 8.2.0 or higher.

As of MySQL Server 8.2.0, SET_USER_ID is deprecated and subject to removal in a future version. SET_USER_ID is replaced by SET_ANY_DEFINER and ALLOW_NONEXISTENT_DEFINER. This change impacts the way MySQL Shell handles dumps for use in HeatWave Service (ocimds: true) because the administrator user has the SET_ANY_DEFINER privilege and is able to execute statements with the DEFINER clause. This was not possible in previous versions.

Remove the DEFINER clause from views, routines, events, and triggers, so these objects are created with the default definer (the user invoking the schema), and change the SQL SECURITY clause for views and routines to specify INVOKER instead of DEFINER. HeatWave Service requires special privileges to create these objects with a definer other than the user loading the schema. If your security model requires that views and routines have more privileges than the account querying or calling them, you must manually modify the schema before loading it.


Remove specific privileges that are restricted by HeatWave Service from GRANT statements, so users and their roles cannot be given these privileges (which would cause user creation to fail). This option also removes REVOKE statements for system schemas (mysql and sys) if the administrative user account on an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute instance does not itself have the relevant privileges, so cannot remove them.


Remove the TABLESPACE clause from CREATE TABLE statements, so all tables are created in their default tablespaces. HeatWave Service has some restrictions on tablespaces.


Make the instance, schema, or table dump utility ignore any missing primary keys when the dump is carried out, so that the ocimds option can still be used without the dump stopping due to this check. Dumps created with this modification cannot be loaded into a HeatWave Service High Availability instance, because primary keys are required for HeatWave Service High Availability, which uses Group Replication. To add the missing primary keys instead, use the create_invisible_pks modification, or consider creating primary keys in the tables on the source server.


If enabled, ignores errors from grants on schemas with wildcards, which are interpreted differently in systems where the partial_revokes system variable is enabled.


If enabled, strips grant statements which would fail when users are loaded. Such as grants referring to a specific routine which does not exist.


If enabled, strips escape characters in grants on schemas, replacing escaped \_ and \% wildcards in schema names with _ and % wildcard characters. When the partial_revokes system variable is enabled, the \ character is treated as a literal, which could lead to unexpected results. It is strongly recommended to check each such grant before enabling this option.


Add a flag in the dump metadata to notify MySQL Shell’s dump loading utility to add primary keys in invisible columns, for each table that does not contain a primary key. This modification enables a dump where some tables lack primary keys to be loaded into a HeatWave Service High Availability instance. Primary keys are required for HeatWave Service High Availability, which uses Group Replication.

The dump data is unchanged by this modification, as the tables do not contain the invisible columns until they have been processed by the dump loading utility. The invisible columns (which are named "my_row_id") have no impact on applications that use the uploaded tables.

Adding primary keys in this way does not yet enable inbound replication of the modified tables to a High Availability instance, as that feature currently requires the primary keys to exist in both the source server and the replica server. If possible, instead of using this modification, consider creating primary keys in the tables on the source server, before dumping them again. You can do this with no impact to applications by using invisible columns to hold the primary keys. This is a best practice for performance and usability, and helps the dumped database to work seamlessly with HeatWave Service.


MySQL Shell’s dump loading utility can only be used to load dumps created with the create_invisible_pks option on a target MySQL instance version 8.0.24 or later, due to a limitation on hidden columns in MySQL 8.0.23.


In MySQL 8.4.0, restrict_fk_on_non_standard_key was added, prohibiting creation of non-standard foreign keys when enabled. That is, keys that reference non-unique keys or partial fields of composite keys. HeatWave Service DB Systems have this variable enabled by default, which causes dumps with such tables to fail to load. This option disables checks for non-standard foreign keys, and configures the dump loader to set the session value of restrict_fk_on_non_standard_key variable to OFF. Creation of foreign keys with non-standard keys may cause replication to fail.

Options for S3-compatible Services

MySQL Shell supports dumping MySQL data to S3-compatible buckets, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3.


MySQL Shell supports AWS S3 configuration in command line options, environment variables, and configuration files. Command line options override environment variables, configuration files, and default options.

For information on configuration requirements, see Section 4.7, “Cloud Service Configuration”.

s3BucketName: "string"

The name of the S3 bucket to which the dump is to be written. By default, the default profile of the config and credentials files located at ~/.aws/ are used to establish a connection to the S3 bucket. You can substitute alternative configurations and credentials for the connection with the s3ConfigFile and s3CredentialsFile options. For instructions on installing and configuring the AWS CLI, see Getting started with the AWS CLI.


A credentials file that contains the user's credentials to use for the connection, instead of the one in the default location, ~/.aws/credentials. Typically, the credentials file contains the aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key to use for the connection.

s3ConfigFile: "string"

A configuration file that contains the profile to use for the connection, instead of the one in the default location, such as ~/.aws/config. Typically, the config file contains the region and output type to use for the connection.

s3Profile: "string"

The profile name of the s3 CLI profile to use for the connection, instead of the default profile.

s3Region: "string"

The name of the region to use for the connection.

s3EndpointOverride: "string"

The URL of the endpoint to use instead of the default.

When connecting to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure S3 compatbility API, the endpoint takes the following format: Replace namespace with the Object Storage namespace and region with your region identifier. For example, the region identifier for the US East (Ashburn) region is us-ashburn-1.

For a namespace named axaxnpcrorw5 in the US East (Ashburn) region:

The following example shows the dump of a MySQL instance to a folder, test, in an S3 bucket, Bucket001, with some compatibility options:

        util.dumpInstance("test",{s3bucketName: "Bucket001", threads: 4, 
        compatibility: ["strip_restricted_grants", "strip_definers", "ignore_missing_pks"]})

The following example shows the dump of a MySQL instance to a prefix, test, in an object storage bucket, Bucket001, using a configuration profile, oci, the s3EndpointOverride to direct the connection to the OCI endpoint of the required tenancy and region, and some compatibility options:

        util.dumpInstance("test",{s3BucketName: "Bucket001", 
        s3EndpointOverride: "", 
        s3Profile: "oci", threads: 4, 
        compatibility: ["strip_restricted_grants", "strip_definers", "ignore_missing_pks"]})

Options for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

MySQL Shell supports dumping to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.


MySQL Shell supports Microsoft Azure Blob Storage configuration in command line options, environment variables, and configuration files. Command line options override environment variables, and configuration files.

For information on configuration requirements and the order of precedence of the configuration types, see Section 4.7, “Cloud Service Configuration”.

azureContainerName: "string"

Mandatory. The name of the Azure container to which the dump is to be written. The container must exist.

azureConfigFile: "string"

Optional. A configuration file that contains the storage connection parameters, instead of the one in the default location, such as ~/.azure/config. If this is not defined, the default configuration file is used.

azureContainerName must be defined, and not be empty.

azureStorageAccount: "string"

Optional. The name of the Azure storage account to use for the operation.

azureStorageSasToken: "string"

Optional. Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS) token to be used for the authentication of the operation, instead of a key.

In the following example, the configuration uses a configuration string for the connection parameters, which means the dump command only requires the azureContainerName.

Example config file:

         name = AzureCloud


Example dumpInstance command, which exports the contents of the instance to a folder named prefix1, in a container named mysqlshellazure:

        util.dumpInstance("prefix1", {azureContainerName: "mysqlshellazure", threads: 4})

Dumping to Object Storage Bucket with PAR

The outputURL can also be a bucket or prefix Pre-Authenticated Request (PAR). This enables you to dump your data directly to an OCI Object Storage bucket.

The PAR must be defined with the following permissions enabled:

  • Permit object reads and writes

  • Enable Object Listing

If a PAR is defined as outputURL, the following options are not supported and will result in an error if used:

  • osBucketName

  • s3BucketName

  • azureContainerName


Only bucket and prefix PARs are supported as outputURL. It is not possible to use an object PAR.

If the PAR is not supported, or does not have the correct permissions defined, an OCI error is returned.

If the target bucket is not empty, the operation fails and an error is returned. If objects exist with the defined prefix, the operation fails and an error is returned.


When you define a prefix par, the generated PAR URL does not contain the defined prefix. You must add it to the URL manually.

Bucket PAR examples

The following example dumps the instance to the defined bucket PAR:


The following example dumps the schema sakila to the defined bucket PAR:

      util.dumpSchemas(["sakila"], "")

The following example dumps the table to the defined bucket PAR:

      util.dumpTables("sakila", ["actor"], "")

Prefix PAR examples

When you define a prefix par, the generated PAR URL does not contain the defined prefix. You must add it to the URL manually.

The following example dumps the instance to the prefix MyPrefix, in the defined bucket PAR:


The following example dumps the schema sakila to the prefix MyPrefix, in the defined bucket PAR:

      util.dumpSchemas(["sakila"], "")

The following example dumps the table to the prefix MyPrefix, in the defined bucket PAR:

      util.dumpTables("sakila", ["actor"], "")

Utility Error Messages

Error numbers in the range 52000-52999 are specific to MySQL Shell's instance dump utility util.dumpInstance(), schema dump utility util.dumpSchemas(), and table dump utility util.dumpTables(). The following errors might be returned:


    Message: User %s is missing the following privilege(s) for %s: %s.

  • Error number: 52001; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_GLOBAL_READ_LOCK_FAILED

    Message: Unable to acquire global read lock

  • Error number: 52002; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_LOCK_TABLES_FAILED

    Message: Unable to lock tables: %s.

  • Error number: 52003; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_FAILED

    Message: Consistency check has failed.

  • Error number: 52004; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_COMPATIBILITY_ISSUES_FOUND

    Message: Compatibility issues were found


    Message: Could not apply some of the compatibility options

  • Error number: 52006; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_WORKER_THREAD_FATAL_ERROR

    Message: Fatal error during dump

  • Error number: 52007; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_MISSING_GLOBAL_PRIVILEGES

    Message: User %s is missing the following global privilege(s): %s.

  • Error number: 52008; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_MISSING_SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES

    Message: User %s is missing the following privilege(s) for schema %s: %s.

  • Error number: 52009; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_MISSING_TABLE_PRIVILEGES

    Message: User %s is missing the following privilege(s) for table %s: %s.

  • Error number: 52010; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_NO_SCHEMAS_SELECTED

    Message: Filters for schemas result in an empty set.

  • Error number: 52011; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_MANIFEST_PAR_CREATION_FAILED

    Message: Failed creating PAR for object '%s': %s

  • Error number: 52012; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_DW_WRITE_FAILED

    Message: Failed to write %s into file %s

  • Error number: 52013; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_IC_FAILED_TO_FETCH_VERSION

    Message: Failed to fetch version of the server.

  • Error number: 52014; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_CHARSET_NOT_FOUND

    Message: Unable to find charset: %s

  • Error number: 52015; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_WRITE_FAILED

    Message: Got errno %d on write

  • Error number: 52016; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_QUERY_FAILED

    Message: Could not execute '%s': %s

  • Error number: 52017; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_COLLATION_DATABASE_ERROR

    Message: Error processing select @@collation_database; results

  • Error number: 52018; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS_ERROR

    Message: Unable to set character_set_results to: %s

  • Error number: 52019; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_CANNOT_CREATE_DELIMITER

    Message: Can't create delimiter for event: %s

  • Error number: 52020; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE

    Message: %s has insufficient privileges to %s!

  • Error number: 52021; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_MISSING_TABLE

    Message: %s not present in information_schema

  • Error number: 52022; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_SHOW_CREATE_TABLE_FAILED

    Message: Failed running: show create table %s with error: %s

  • Error number: 52023; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_SHOW_CREATE_TABLE_EMPTY

    Message: Empty create table for table: %s

  • Error number: 52024; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_SHOW_FIELDS_FAILED

    Message: SHOW FIELDS FROM failed on view: %s

  • Error number: 52025; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_SHOW_KEYS_FAILED

    Message: Can't get keys for table %s: %s

  • Error number: 52026; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_SHOW_CREATE_VIEW_FAILED

    Message: Failed: SHOW CREATE TABLE %s

  • Error number: 52027; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_SHOW_CREATE_VIEW_EMPTY

    Message: No information about view: %s

  • Error number: 52028; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_SCHEMA_DDL_ERROR

    Message: Error while dumping DDL for schema '%s': %s

  • Error number: 52029; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_TABLE_DDL_ERROR

    Message: Error while dumping DDL for table '%s'.'%s': %s

  • Error number: 52030; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_VIEW_TEMPORARY_DDL_ERROR

    Message: Error while dumping temporary DDL for view '%s'.'%s': %s

  • Error number: 52031; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_VIEW_DDL_ERROR

    Message: Error while dumping DDL for view '%s'.'%s': %s

  • Error number: 52032; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_TRIGGER_COUNT_ERROR

    Message: Unable to check trigger count for table: '%s'.'%s'

  • Error number: 52033; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_TRIGGER_DDL_ERROR

    Message: Error while dumping triggers for table '%s'.'%s': %s

  • Error number: 52034; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_EVENT_DDL_ERROR

    Message: Error while dumping events for schema '%s': %s

  • Error number: 52035; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_SD_ROUTINE_DDL_ERROR

    Message: Error while dumping routines for schema '%s': %s

  • Error number: 52036; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_ACCOUNT_WITH_APOSTROPHE

    Message: Account %s contains the ' character, which is not supported

  • Error number: 52037; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_USERS_MARIA_DB_NOT_SUPPORTED

    Message: Dumping user accounts is currently not supported in MariaDB. Set the 'users' option to false to continue.

  • Error number: 52038; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_INVALID_GRANT_STATEMENT

    Message: Dump contains an invalid grant statement. Use the 'strip_invalid_grants' compatibility option to fix this.

  • Error number: 52039; Symbol: SHERR_DUMP_IC_INVALID_VIEWS

    Message: Dump contains one or more invalid views. Fix them manually, or use the 'excludeTables' option to exclude them.

Error numbers in the range 54000-54999 are for connection and network errors experienced by MySQL Shell's dump loading utility util.loadDump(), or by MySQL Shell's instance dump utility util.dumpInstance(), schema dump utility util.dumpSchemas(), and table dump utility util.dumpTables(). In most cases, the error code matches the HTTP error involved – for example, error 54404 occurs when the target of a URL is not found (HTTP 404 Not Found). The following errors might be returned:

  • Error number: 54000; Symbol: SHERR_DL_COMMON_CONNECTION_ERROR

    Message: %sConnection error: %s.

  • Error number: 54100 to 54511; Symbol: SHERR_NETWORK_[HTTP error name]

    Message: Context-specific message