MySQL Operator for Kubernetes Release Notes
MySQL Shell
MySQL Router
If the private registry is not authenticated, and after pushing the MySQL Operator for Kubernetes image to your private registry, execute the following on the host where helm is installed; and adjust the variable values as needed:
Press CTRL+C to copyexport REGISTRY="..." # like export REPOSITORY="..." # like "mysql" export NAMESPACE="mysql-operator" helm install mysql-operator helm/mysql-operator \ --namespace $NAMESPACE \ --create-namespace \ --set image.registry=$REGISTRY \ --set image.repository=$REPOSITORY \ --set envs.imagesDefaultRegistry="$REGISTRY" \ --set envs.imagesDefaultRepository="$REPOSITORY"
Authenticated private registries need to create a namespace for
MySQL Operator for Kubernetes, and also add a Kubernetes docker-registry secret in
the namespace; then execute helm install
arguments that look similar to:
Press CTRL+C to copyexport REGISTRY="..." # like export REPOSITORY="..." # like "mysql" export NAMESPACE="mysql-operator" export DOCKER_SECRET_NAME="priv-reg-secret" kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE kubectl -n $NAMESPACE create secret docker-registry $DOCKER_SECRET_NAME \ --docker-server="https://$REGISTRY/v2/" \ --docker-username=user --docker-password=pass \ helm install mysql-operator helm/mysql-operator \ --namespace $NAMESPACE \ --set image.registry=$REGISTRY \ --set image.repository=$REPOSITORY \ --set image.pullSecrets.enabled=true \ --set image.pullSecrets.secretName=$DOCKER_SECRET_NAME \ --set envs.imagesPullPolicy='IfNotPresent' \ --set envs.imagesDefaultRegistry="$REGISTRY" \ --set envs.imagesDefaultRepository="$REPOSITORY"
To confirm the installation, check the status with commands such
as helm list -n $NAMESPACE
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pods