5.2.3 The change log-level Command

change log-level [{--hosts=|-h }host_list] log_level site_name


Set the management agent's cluster logging level. This has the same effect as using the logger level option; however, unlike the option, this command can be used at run time and does not require a restart of mcmd. Issuing this command overrides any value for level set in the agent configuration file.

When used with the log_level alone without a host_list and a site_name, this command applies only to the agent the mcm client is connected to. In the following example, the logging level is set to warning only on the host managed directly by the agent to which the mcm client is connected:

mcm> change log-level warning;
| Command result                 |
| Log-level changed successfully |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

You can specify the name of a site to be affected by the command. For example, the following invocation of the command applies to the site named mysite:

mcm> change log-level debug mysite;
| Command result                 |
| Log-level changed successfully |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)

You can also restrict the change to one or more hosts in a given site using the --hosts option (or its short form -h), with multiple host names separated by commas. The following command changes the logging level to debug on the hosts named tonfisk and haj, but not on any other hosts in mysite:

mcm> change log-level --hosts=tonfisk,haj debug mysite;
| Command result                 |
| Log-level changed successfully |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)

You must specify a site when using the --hosts option; trying to use --hosts alone results in an error.

Accepted values for log_level are the same as for the level option: one of debug, note, info, warning, error, system, or fatal. For more detailed information about the meanings and effects of these values, see NDB Cluster Logging Management Commands.