
A  | B  | C  | D  | E  | F  | G  | H  | I  | K  | L  | M  | N  | O  | P  | Q  | R  | S  | T  | U  | V  | W  | X


[index top]
abort backup command, The abort backup Command
backupid option, The abort backup Command
add hosts command, The add hosts Command
hosts option, The add hosts Command
add package command, The add package Command, The list packages Command
hosts option, The add package Command
add process command, The add process Command
sequential-restart option, The add process Command
added option
create certs command, The create certs Command
start process command, The start process Command
backing up and restoring, Backing Up and Restoring MySQL Cluster Manager Agents, The backup agents Command
configuration, MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration File
defined, MySQL Cluster Manager Terminology, MySQL Cluster Manager Architecture
distribution, MySQL Cluster Manager Installation, Installing MySQL Cluster Manager Using Tarballs
distribution layout, Installing MySQL Cluster Manager Using Tarballs
installing, MySQL Cluster Manager Installation
restoring, Restoring a MySQL Cluster Manager Agent with Data from Other Agents
starting, Starting and Stopping the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
starting (Linux), Starting and Stopping the Agent on Linux
starting (Windows), Starting and Stopping the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent on Windows
stopping (Linux), Starting and Stopping the Agent on Linux
stopping (Windows), Starting and Stopping the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent on Windows
architecture, Overview of MySQL Cluster Manager, MySQL Cluster Manager Architecture
case-sensitivity, MySQL Cluster Manager Client Commands
summary table, Attribute Summary Tables
autotune command, The autotune Command
dryrun option, The autotune Command
sequential-restart option, The autotune Command
template option, The autotune Command
writeload option, The autotune Command


[index top]
commands, MySQL Cluster Manager Backup and Restore Commands
backup agents command, The backup agents Command
hosts option, The backup agents Command
backup cluster
encrypted backups, The backup cluster Command
backup cluster command, The backup cluster Command
backupid option, The backup cluster Command
snapshotend option, The backup cluster Command
snapshotstart option, The backup cluster Command
waitcompleted option, The backup cluster Command
waitstarted option, The backup cluster Command
backup images, The backup cluster Command
backup option
show status command, The show status Command
backup status, The show status Command
backupid option
abort backup command, The abort backup Command
backup cluster command, The backup cluster Command
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
creating, Backing Up and Restoring MySQL Cluster Manager Agents, The backup cluster Command, The backup agents Command
removing, The backup cluster Command
restoring to a cluster with fewer data nodes, Restoring a Backup to a Cluster with Fewer Data Nodes
basedir option
add package command, The add package Command
bind-port option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
bind_address option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
bootstrap option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent


[index top]
ca option
create certs command, The create certs Command
change log-level command, The change log-level Command
hosts option, The change log-level Command
change process command, The change process Command
limitations, MySQL Cluster Manager Usage and Design Limitations
sequential-restart option, The change process Command
changing data node processes, The change process Command
commands in, MySQL Cluster Manager Client Commands
defined, MySQL Cluster Manager Terminology, MySQL Cluster Manager Architecture
executing scripts with, Online Help and Information Commands
importing, Importing MySQL NDB Clusters into MySQL Cluster Manager
mysql client commands in, Online Help and Information Commands
starting, Starting the MySQL Cluster Manager Client
client commands, MySQL Cluster Manager Client Commands
abort backup, The abort backup Command
add hosts, The add hosts Command
add package, The add package Command, The list packages Command
add process, The add process Command
autotune, The autotune Command
backup, MySQL Cluster Manager Backup and Restore Commands
backup agents, The backup agents Command
backup cluster, The backup cluster Command
case-sensitivity in, MySQL Cluster Manager Client Commands
change log-level, The change log-level Command
change process, The change process Command
cluster, MySQL Cluster Manager Cluster Commands
collect logs, The collect logs Command
command-specific, Online Help and Information Commands
common options, MySQL Cluster Manager Client Commands
configuration, MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration Commands
create certs, The create certs Command
create cluster, The create cluster Command
create site, The create site Command
delete backup, The delete backup Command
delete cluster, The delete cluster Command
delete package, The delete package Command
delete site, The delete site Command
get, The get Command
help, Online Help and Information Commands
identifiers in, MySQL Cluster Manager Client Commands
import cluster, The import cluster Command
import config, The import config Command
importing clusters, MySQL Cluster Manager Cluster Importation Commands
information, Online Help and Information Commands
list backups, The list backups Command
list clusters, The list clusters Command
list hosts, The list hosts Command
list nextnodeids, The list nextnodeids Command
list processes, The list processes Command
list sites, The list sites Command
list warnings, The list warnings Command
online help, Online Help and Information Commands
options, MySQL Cluster Manager Client Commands
package, MySQL Cluster Manager Package Commands
process, MySQL Cluster Manager Process Commands
remove hosts, The remove hosts Command
remove process, The remove process Command
reset, The reset Command
restart cluster, The restart cluster Command
restore, MySQL Cluster Manager Backup and Restore Commands
restore cluster, The restore cluster Command
results returned by, MySQL Cluster Manager Client Commands
rotate log, The rotate log Command
set, The set Command
show settings, The show settings Command
show status, The show status Command
show variables, The show variables Command
show warnings, The show warnings Command
site, MySQL Cluster Manager Site and Agent Commands
start cluster, The start cluster Command
start process, The start process Command
status, The show status Command
stop agents, The stop agents Command
stop cluster, The stop cluster Command
stop process, The stop process Command
syntax, MySQL Cluster Manager Client Commands
TLS connections, MySQL Cluster Manager TLS Connection Commands
update process, The update process Command
upgrade cluster, The upgrade cluster Command
version, The version Command
defined, MySQL Cluster Manager Terminology
cluster backups
aborting, The abort backup Command
creating, MySQL NDB Cluster Backup and Restore Using MySQL Cluster Manager
deleting, The delete backup Command
listing, The list backups Command
restoring, MySQL NDB Cluster Backup and Restore Using MySQL Cluster Manager
restoring from, The restore cluster Command
cluster option
show status command, The show status Command
cluster processes
adding, The add process Command
cluster status, The show status Command
autotuning, The autotune Command
creating, Setting Up MySQL NDB Clusters with MySQL Cluster Manager, Creating a MySQL NDB Cluster with MySQL Cluster Manager, The create cluster Command
creating for import, The create cluster Command
importing, Importing MySQL NDB Clusters into MySQL Cluster Manager, The import cluster Command, The import config Command
listing, The list clusters Command
removing, The delete cluster Command
restarting, The restart cluster Command
starting, The start cluster Command
stopping, The stop cluster Command
upgrading, The upgrade cluster Command
collect logs command, The collect logs Command
command status, The show status Command
common terms, MySQL Cluster Manager Terminology
concurrent client sessions unsupported, MySQL Cluster Manager Usage and Design Limitations
config option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
derivation of attributes, MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration Commands
configuration attributes, MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration Commands
command-line-only, MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration Commands
defined, MySQL Cluster Manager Terminology
for TCP connections, Setting TCP Connection Attributes
getting, The get Command
how determined by MySQL Cluster Manager, MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration Commands
levels applying, MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration Commands
mandatory, MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration Commands
read-only, MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration Commands
resetting, The reset Command
setting, The set Command
show variables, The show variables Command
configuration commands, MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration Commands
configuration data
importing, The import config Command
configuration file, MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration File
configuration parameters (see configuration attributes)
configuration variables (see configuration attributes)
connecting to agent
with mcm client, Starting the MySQL Cluster Manager Client
with mysql client, Starting the MySQL Cluster Manager Client
copy-port option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
core-file option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
create certs command, The create certs Command
added option, The create certs Command
ca option, The create certs Command
keys option, The create certs Command
create cluster command, The create cluster Command
--import option, The create cluster Command
assignment of node IDs in, The create cluster Command
create site command, The create site Command
hosts option, The create site Command


[index top]
data-folder option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
delete backup command, The delete backup Command
delete cluster command, The delete cluster Command
delete package command, The delete package Command
hosts option, The delete package Command
delete site command, The delete site Command
deployment (example), MySQL Cluster Manager Architecture
disable-indexes option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
disable-metadata option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
dryrun option
autotune command, The autotune Command
import cluster command, The import cluster Command
import config command, The import config Command


[index top]
epoch option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
eventual consistency, Eventual Consistency
exclude-databases option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
exclude-intermediate-sql-tables option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
exclude-missing-columns option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
exclude-missing-tables option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
exclude-tables option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
extra-config option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent


[index top]
filename option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
filesystem-password-file option
set command, The set Command
force option
common use, MySQL Cluster Manager Client Commands
upgrade cluster command, The upgrade cluster Command


[index top]
get command, The get Command
filtering output, The get Command
include-defaults option, The get Command
with multiple attributes, The get Command


[index top]
help command, Online Help and Information Commands
help for commands, Online Help and Information Commands
help option
common use, Online Help and Information Commands
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
hostinfo option
show settings command, The show settings Command
defined, MySQL Cluster Manager Terminology
hosts option
add hosts command, The add hosts Command
add package command, The add package Command
backup agents command, The backup agents Command
change log-level command, The change log-level Command
create site command, The create site Command
delete package command, The delete package Command
remove hosts command, The remove hosts Command
rotate log command, The rotate log Command
stop agents command, The stop agents Command


[index top]
keys option
create certs command, The create certs Command


[index top]
level option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
limitations, What Is New in MySQL Cluster Manager 9.1, MySQL Cluster Manager Limitations and Known Issues
backup, MySQL Cluster Manager Limitations Relating to MySQL NDB Cluster
change process command, MySQL Cluster Manager Usage and Design Limitations
client, MySQL Cluster Manager 9.1.0 Limitations Relating to the MySQL Server
cluster imports, MySQL Cluster Manager Limitations Relating to MySQL NDB Cluster
concurrent usage, MySQL Cluster Manager Usage and Design Limitations
IPv6, MySQL Cluster Manager Usage and Design Limitations
MySQL server variables, MySQL Cluster Manager 9.1.0 Limitations Relating to the MySQL Server
MySQL user variables, MySQL Cluster Manager 9.1.0 Limitations Relating to the MySQL Server
relating to MySQL Server, MySQL Cluster Manager 9.1.0 Limitations Relating to the MySQL Server
replication, MySQL Cluster Manager Limitations Relating to MySQL NDB Cluster
restarts, MySQL Cluster Manager Limitations Relating to MySQL NDB Cluster
syntax, Syntax and Related Issues in MySQL Cluster Manager
Windows, MySQL Cluster Manager Usage and Design Limitations
list backups command, The list backups Command
list clusters command, The list clusters Command
list commands command, Online Help and Information Commands
list hosts command, The list hosts Command
list nextnodeids command, The list nextnodeids Command
list processes command, The list processes Command
list sites command, The list sites Command
list warnings, The list warnings Command
configuring, The change log-level Command
logging_folder option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
obtaining, The collect logs Command
rotating, The rotate log Command
lossy-conversions option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command


[index top]
management site
defined, MySQL Cluster Manager Terminology
management sites
adding hosts, The add hosts Command
creating, The create site Command
deleting, The delete site Command
listing, The list sites Command
listing hosts, The list hosts Command
removing hosts, The remove hosts Command
max_total_connections option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
mcm client
and mysql client, Starting the MySQL Cluster Manager Client
mcmd, Starting and Stopping the Agent on Linux
bind-port option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
bind_address option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
bootstrap option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
config option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
copy-port option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
core-file option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
data-folder option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
filename option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
help option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
initial option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
level option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
logging_folder option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
max_total_connections option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
mcmd-user option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
mcmd_password option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
pid-file option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
ssl_ca option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
ssl_cert option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
ssl_cipher option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
ssl_key option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
ssl_mode option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
unknown_config_option option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
version option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
xcom-port option, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
mcmd-user option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
mcmd.exe, Starting and Stopping the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent on Windows
mcmd_password option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
multiple client sessions, MySQL Cluster Manager Usage and Design Limitations
mysql client commands, Online Help and Information Commands
mysql-cluster-manager (OBSOLETE, see mcmd), Starting and Stopping the Agent on Linux
mysqld options, MySQL Cluster Manager 9.1.0 Limitations Relating to the MySQL Server


[index top]
ndb_mgm (MySQL NDB Cluster command-line client)
using with MySQL Cluster Manager, MySQL Cluster Manager Process Commands
no-binlog option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
no-restore-disk-objects option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
node IDs
and create cluster command, The create cluster Command
listing, The list nextnodeids Command
nodeid option
upgrade cluster command, The upgrade cluster Command


[index top]
obtaining MySQL Cluster Manager, Obtaining MySQL Cluster Manager
operation option
show status command, The show status Command


[index top]
package option
create cluster command, The create cluster Command
upgrade cluster command, The upgrade cluster Command
defined, MySQL Cluster Manager Terminology
listing, MySQL Cluster Manager Package Commands, The list packages Command
registering, The add package Command
removing, The delete package Command
parallelism option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
pid-file option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
privilege-tables option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
process option
show status command, The show status Command
process status, The show status Command
changing, The change process Command
commands, MySQL Cluster Manager Process Commands
defined, MySQL Cluster Manager Terminology
listing, The list processes Command
removing, The remove process Command
starting, The start process Command
status, The show status Command
stopping, The stop process Command
updating, The update process Command
processhosts option
add process command, The add process Command
create cluster command, The create cluster Command
progress of action
check using the show status command, The show status Command
progress option
show status command, The show status Command
progress-frequency option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
progressbar option
show status command, The show status Command
promote-attributes option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command


[index top]
quorum requirement, Quorum Requirement


[index top]
ReceiveBufferMemory, The reset Command, Setting TCP Connection Attributes
remove hosts command, The remove hosts Command
hosts option, The remove hosts Command
remove process command, The remove process Command
remove-angel option
update process command, The update process Command
removeangel option
import cluster command, The import cluster Command
removedirs option
delete cluster command, The delete cluster Command
remove process command, The remove process Command
replication, MySQL Cluster Manager Limitations Relating to MySQL NDB Cluster
setup, Setting Up MySQL NDB Cluster Replication with MySQL Cluster Manager
reset command, The reset Command
and attribute name, The reset Command
and TCP connections, The reset Command
order of operands, The reset Command
performed with set, Performing a reset with a set command
process level, The reset Command
scope, The reset Command
sequential-restart option, The reset Command
restart cluster command, The restart cluster Command
sequential-restart option, The restart cluster Command
restore (from backup)
commands, MySQL Cluster Manager Backup and Restore Commands
restore cluster
encrypted backups, The restore cluster Command
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
backupid option, The restore cluster Command
disable-indexes option, The restore cluster Command
disable-metadata option, The restore cluster Command
epoch option, The restore cluster Command
exclude-databases option, The restore cluster Command
exclude-intermediate-sql-tables option, The restore cluster Command
exclude-missing-columns option, The restore cluster Command
exclude-missing-tables option, The restore cluster Command
exclude-tables option, The restore cluster Command
include-databases option, The restore cluster Command
include-stored-grants option, The restore cluster Command
include-tables option, The restore cluster Command
lossy-conversions option, The restore cluster Command
no-binlog option, The restore cluster Command
no-restore-disk-objects option, The restore cluster Command
parallelism option, The restore cluster Command
privilege-tables option, The restore cluster Command
progress-frequency option, The restore cluster Command
promote-attributes option, The restore cluster Command
rewrite-database option, The restore cluster Command
skip-broken-objects option, The restore cluster Command
skip-nodeid option, The restore cluster Command
skip-table-check option, The restore cluster Command
skip-unknown-objects option, The restore cluster Command
retry option
import config command, The import config Command
upgrade cluster command, The upgrade cluster Command
rewrite-database option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
rolling restarts, MySQL Cluster Manager Limitations Relating to MySQL NDB Cluster
rotate log command, The rotate log Command
hosts option, The rotate log Command


[index top]
scripts (MySQL Cluster Manager client), Online Help and Information Commands
SendBufferMemory, The reset Command, Setting TCP Connection Attributes
sequential-restart option
add process command, The add process Command
autotune command, The autotune Command
change process command, The change process Command
reset command, The reset Command
restart cluster command, The restart cluster Command
set command, The set Command
set command, The set Command
and TCP connection attributes, Setting TCP Connection Attributes
filesystem-password-file option, The set Command
instance level, The set Command
paths used with (Windows), The set Command
performing reset, Performing a reset with a set command
restart option, Overriding the Default Restart Type
scope, The set Command
sequential-restart option, The set Command
undoing effects of, The reset Command
verifying effects, The set Command
with multiple attributes, The set Command
with multiple processes, The set Command
set option
add process command, The add process Command
upgrade cluster command, The upgrade cluster Command
show settings command, The show settings Command
show status command, The show status Command
backup option, The show status Command
cluster option, The show status Command
no option, The show status Command
operation option, The show status Command
process option, The show status Command
progress option, The show status Command
progressbar option, The show status Command
show variables, The show variables Command
show warnings, The show warnings Command
skip-broken-objects option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
skip-init option
start cluster command, The start cluster Command
skip-nodeid option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
skip-table-check option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
skip-unknown-objects option
restore cluster command, The restore cluster Command
snapshotend option
backup cluster command, The backup cluster Command
snapshotstart option
backup cluster command, The backup cluster Command
ssl_ca option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
ssl_cert option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
ssl_cipher option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
ssl_key system option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
ssl_mode option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
start cluster command, The start cluster Command
initial option, The start cluster Command
skip-init option, The start cluster Command
start process command, The start process Command
starting and stopping nodes
and ndb_mgm (MySQL NDB Cluster command-line client), MySQL Cluster Manager Process Commands
stop agents command, The stop agents Command
hosts option, The stop agents Command
stop cluster command, The stop cluster Command
stop process command, The stop process Command
syntax issues, Syntax and Related Issues in MySQL Cluster Manager


[index top]
template option
autotune command, The autotune Command
terminology, MySQL Cluster Manager Terminology
TLS connections
create certs command, The create certs Command


[index top]
unknown_config_option option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
update process command, The update process Command
upgrade cluster command, The upgrade cluster Command
MySQL NDB Cluster, MySQL Cluster Manager Limitations Relating to MySQL NDB Cluster


[index top]
verbose option
add process command, The add process Command
create cluster command, The create cluster Command
version command, The version Command
version option
mcmd, mcmd, the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent


[index top]
waitcompleted option
backup cluster command, The backup cluster Command
waitstarted option
backup cluster command, The backup cluster Command
writeload option
autotune command, The autotune Command