MySQL Workbench Manual  /  Configuration  /  Workbench Preferences

3.2 Workbench Preferences

Select Preferences from the Edit menu to configure MySQL Workbench to your specific needs. The Workbench Preferences sidebar menu is divided into the following sections:

  • General Editors: General-purpose editor options, such as SQL parsing options.

  • SQL Editor: SQL editor related preferences that also includes subsections for the Query Editor, Object Editor, and SQL Execution.

  • Administration: Tools used by the Administrator functionality.

  • Modeling: Model related preferences that also includes subsections for Defaults, MySQL (MySQL specific settings), Diagram (EER), and Appearance (model colors and fonts).

  • Fonts & Colors: Change fonts for tools such as the SQL editor and results grid.

  • SSH: Set secure connection timeouts and file locations.

  • Others: Miscellaneous options.

A more detailed discussion of these options follows.