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10.5.17 MySQLCursor.description Property


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tuples = cursor.description

This read-only property returns a list of tuples describing the columns in a result set. Each tuple in the list contains values as follows:

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(column_name, type, None, None, None, None, null_ok, column_flags)

The following example shows how to interpret description tuples:

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import mysql.connector from mysql.connector import FieldType ... cursor.execute("SELECT emp_no, last_name, hire_date " "FROM employees WHERE emp_no = %s", (123,)) for i in range(len(cursor.description)): print("Column {}:".format(i+1)) desc = cursor.description[i] print(" column_name = {}".format(desc[0])) print(" type = {} ({})".format(desc[1], FieldType.get_info(desc[1]))) print(" null_ok = {}".format(desc[6])) print(" column_flags = {}".format(desc[7]))

The output looks like this:

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Column 1: column_name = emp_no type = 3 (LONG) null_ok = 0 column_flags = 20483 Column 2: column_name = last_name type = 253 (VAR_STRING) null_ok = 0 column_flags = 4097 Column 3: column_name = hire_date type = 10 (DATE) null_ok = 0 column_flags = 4225

The column_flags value is an instance of the constants.FieldFlag class. To see how to interpret it, do this:

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>>> from mysql.connector import FieldFlag >>> FieldFlag.desc