Worklog Tasks

Worklog #:
Displaying 61 to 80 of 664 total results

ID Task Title Modified Version Status
WL#4039 INFORMATION_SCHEMA: use internal views against mysql. system tables to supply data 2007-09-05 14:20:59 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#1042 Stream (similar to BLOB) type 2006-12-20 23:48:20 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#1216 Query cache: Delayed invalidation 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#1453 LOAD DATA INFILE load options 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#5798 Fix interface of Binlog::log_loaded_block 2013-01-09 17:50:00 Server-Prototype Only Un-Assigned
WL#2418 DDL Triggers 2010-08-23 15:58:14 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#4095 Foreign keys: comparable data types 2010-12-09 20:30:58 Server-6.x Un-Assigned
WL#903 Improved online variable setting 2010-06-15 19:48:03 Un-Assigned
WL#906 Warn user for inappropriate key creation 2010-06-15 21:53:51 Un-Assigned
WL#1511 Escape Sequences 2010-04-08 19:00:49 Connector/ODBC-3.53 Un-Assigned
WL#2467 Sub-class Federated Storage Engine 2007-09-15 17:54:10 Server-7.0 Un-Assigned
WL#3502 enable and test non-materialized consistent-read-based cursors 2010-12-09 20:28:39 Server-6.3 Un-Assigned
WL#3598 Disk Durable Commit 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#3768 Rename BINLOG_FORMAT to BINLOG_MODE 2012-02-01 22:54:02 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#3977 Differentiate float from double within the server 2009-09-10 18:44:16 WorkLog-3.4 Un-Assigned
WL#5792 Remove THD from prototype for Binlog::log_statement 2013-01-09 17:51:23 Server-Prototype Only Un-Assigned
WL#1126 Handle gracefully long packets when using compressed protocol 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Server-4.1 Un-Assigned
WL#2702 Add "cycle" command to ndb_mgm 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#2964 System tables for table and database definitions 2008-01-30 20:29:43 WorkLog-3.4 Un-Assigned
WL#3481 Partitioning: Add support for temporal data types 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned