WL#4039: INFORMATION_SCHEMA: use internal views against mysql. system tables to supply data
Affects: Server-7.1
Status: Un-Assigned
The purpose of this worklog is to replace the current implementation of INFORMATION_SCHEMA with an implementation that uses internal views against MySQL relational data dictionary. Currently only a subset of meta data is stored in tables: namely, events, stored procedures and functions. However, the current implementation of INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables does not take advantage of the relational structure of the system tables even for the mentioned subset: the data is copied first into an internal temporary table, and only then the query is executed against the temporary table. Instead of copying data from one representation to another, we should implement internal classes and functions that allow one to represent an INFORMATION_SCHEMA table as a view of a system table. Since not all meta data is stored in relational tables, this worklog is complementary to WL#4034, which suggests use of the storage engine interface (or a subset thereof) to implement INFORMATION/PERFORMANCE schema access to non-relational data sources. On top of these two designs a common framework is necessary that would make use of the right mechanism depending on the underlying data source.
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