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Beginning with MySQL 8.0.19, time zone offsets are also supported for inserted datetime values; see Section 13.2.2, “The DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP Types”, for more information. This includes the values displayed by functions such as NOW() or ... This section describes the time zone settings maintained by MySQL, how to load the system tables required for named time support, how to stay current with time zone changes, and how to enable leap-second ...
binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking: Source of dependency information (commit timestamps or transaction write sets) from which to assess which transactions can be executed in parallel by replica's multithreaded applier. replica_parallel_type: ...
password_last_changed is a TIMESTAMP column indicating when the password was last changed. Table 8.7 procs_priv Table Columns Table Name procs_priv Scope columns Host Db User Routine_name Routine_type Privilege columns Proc_priv Other columns ...
For statement-based logging, event information includes the SQL statement, the ID of the server on which it was executed, the timestamp when the statement was executed, how much time it took, and so forth. This system variable affects the handling ... The server's binary log consists of files containing “events” that describe modifications to database ...
Convert the text UUID to the corresponding 16-byte binary value so that it can be manipulated using bit operations in binary-string context: mysql> SET @uuid = UUID_TO_BIN('6ccd780c-baba-1026-9564-5b8c656024db'); mysql> SELECT HEX(@uuid); ... Table ...
See Section 13.2.5, “Automatic Initialization and Updating for TIMESTAMP and DATETIME”. The exception is that, for TIMESTAMP and DATETIME columns, you can specify CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as the default. See Section 13.2.5, “Automatic Initialization ... Data type specifications can have explicit or implicit default ...
The possible values are: LOGICAL_CLOCK: Transactions are applied in parallel on the replica, based on timestamps which the replication source writes to the binary log. Dependencies between transactions are tracked based on their timestamps to ...
For example, although DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP values all can be specified using the same set of formats, the types do not all have the same range of values. TIMESTAMP values cannot be earlier than 1970 UTC or later than '2038-01-19 03:14:07' ... To some extent, you can convert a value from one temporal type to ...
--timestamp-printouts Command-Line Format --timestamp-printouts{=true|false} Introduced 8.0.33-ndb-8.0.33 Type Boolean Default Value true Causes info, error, and debug log messages to be prefixed with timestamps. The NDB Cluster restoration program ...
(See Bug #42849.) Note It is also possible in MySQL 8.0 to use UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp_column) as a partitioning expression for tables that are partitioned by LIST. A table that is partitioned by range is partitioned in such a way that each ...
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