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Displaying 11 to 20 of 64 total results
The geometry classes define a hierarchy as follows: Geometry (noninstantiable) Point (instantiable) Curve (noninstantiable) LineString (instantiable) Line LinearRing Surface (noninstantiable) Polygon (instantiable) GeometryCollection (instantiable) ...
MySQL has spatial data types that correspond to OpenGIS classes. The basis for these types is described in Section 13.4.2, “The OpenGIS Geometry Model”. Some spatial data types hold single geometry values: GEOMETRY POINT LINESTRING POLYGON ...
It is a noninstantiable class but has a number of properties, described in the following list, that are common to all geometry values created from any of the Geometry subclasses. Geometry Properties A geometry value has the following properties: Its ...
MySQL supports the functions listed in this section for converting geometry values from internal geometry format to WKT or WKB format, or for swapping the order of X and Y coordinates. There are also functions to convert a string from WKT or WKB ...
MySQL provides a set of useful nonstandard functions for creating geometry values. The functions described in this section are MySQL extensions to the OpenGIS specification. These functions produce geometry objects from either WKB values or ...
The ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table provides information about table columns that store spatial data. This table is based on the SQL/MM (ISO/IEC 13249-3) standard, with extensions as noted. MySQL implements ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS as a view on the ...
Certain keywords, such as SELECT, DELETE, or BIGINT, are reserved and require special treatment for use as identifiers such as table and column names. This may also be true for the names of built-in functions. Some keywords which are otherwise ...
These functions take as arguments a BLOB containing a Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation and, optionally, a spatial reference system identifier (SRID). For a description of WKB format, see Well-Known Binary (WKB) Format. Functions in this ...
Functions in this section return properties of Polygon or MultiPolygon values. Unless otherwise specified, functions in this section handle their geometry arguments as follows: If any argument is NULL or any geometry argument is an empty geometry, ...
A GeomCollection is a geometry that is a collection of zero or more geometries of any class. GeomCollection and GeometryCollection are synonymous, with GeomCollection the preferred type name. All the elements in a geometry collection must be in the ...
Displaying 11 to 20 of 64 total results