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Search Results
This section describes the functions that can be used to manipulate temporal values. See Section 13.2, “Date and Time Data Types”, for a description of the range of values each date and time type has and the valid formats in which values may be ...
MySQL provides several functions that you can use to perform calculations on dates, for example, to calculate ages or extract parts of dates. To determine how many years old each of your pets is, use the TIMESTAMPDIFF() function. Its arguments are ...
The following example shows how you can use the bit group functions to calculate the number of days per month a user has visited a Web page. CREATE TABLE t1 (year YEAR, month INT UNSIGNED, day INT UNSIGNED); INSERT INTO t1 ...
This section lists the grammar rules that expressions must follow in MySQL and provides additional information about the types of terms that may appear in expressions. Expression Syntax Expression Term Notes Temporal Intervals Expression Syntax The ...
The following table lists each built-in (native) function and operator and provides a short description of each one. For a table listing functions that are loadable at runtime, see Section 14.2, “Loadable Function Reference”. ->> Return value ...
The date and time data types for representing temporal values are DATE, TIME, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, and YEAR. Each temporal type has a range of valid values, as well as a “zero” value that may be used when you specify an invalid value that MySQL ...
Standard SQL and ODBC Date and Time Literals String and Numeric Literals in Date and Time Context Date and time values can be represented in several formats, such as quoted strings or as numbers, depending on the exact type of the value and other ...
The MySQL server can operate in different SQL modes, and can apply these modes differently for different clients, depending on the value of the sql_mode system variable. DBAs can set the global SQL mode to match site server operating requirements, ...
You should use this format in UPDATE expressions and in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements. For example: SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE date >= '2003-05-05'; As a convenience, MySQL automatically converts a date to a number if the date is used in numeric ...
CREATE [DEFINER = user] EVENT [IF NOT EXISTS] event_name ON SCHEDULE schedule [ON COMPLETION [NOT] PRESERVE] [ENABLE | DISABLE | DISABLE ON SLAVE] [COMMENT 'string'] DO event_body; schedule: { AT timestamp [+ INTERVAL interval] ... The event does ...