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Displaying 1 to 10 of 43 total results
Fractional seconds for TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP values are supported, with up to microsecond precision. mysql> SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '2019-07-02'); -> 2019 mysql> SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM '2019-07-02 01:02:03'); -> 201907 mysql> SELECT ... This section describes the functions that can be used to manipulate temporal ...
Rpl_semi_sync_master_net_avg_wait_time The average time in microseconds the source waited for a replica reply. Rpl_semi_sync_master_net_wait_time The total time in microseconds the source waited for replica replies. The MySQL server maintains many ...
innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay Command-Line Format --innodb-adaptive-max-sleep-delay=# System Variable innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay Scope Global Dynamic Yes SET_VAR Hint Applies No Type Integer Default Value 150000 Minimum Value 0 Maximum Value ... InnoDB Startup Options InnoDB System Variables System variables that are true or false can be enabled at server startup by naming them, or disabled by using a --skip- ...
This section lists the grammar rules that expressions must follow in MySQL and provides additional information about the types of terms that may appear in expressions. Expression Syntax Expression Term Notes Temporal Intervals Expression Syntax The ...
binlog_group_commit_sync_delay Command-Line Format --binlog-group-commit-sync-delay=# System Variable binlog_group_commit_sync_delay Scope Global Dynamic Yes SET_VAR Hint Applies No Type Integer Default Value 0 Minimum Value 0 Maximum Value 1000000 ... Startup Options Used with Binary Logging System Variables Used with Binary Logging You can use the mysqld options and system variables that are described in this section to affect the operation of the binary log as well as to control which statements are written to the binary ...
The idle, stage, statement, and transaction timers use NANOSECOND on platforms where the NANOSECOND timer is available, MICROSECOND otherwise. The choice of picoseconds in events rather than a value such as microseconds has a performance basis. In ... Events are collected by means of instrumentation added to the server source ...
(NDB 8.0.13) This parameter specifies the time in microseconds for threads to be executed in the scheduler before being sent. (NDB 8.0.13) This parameter specifies the time in microseconds for threads to be executed in the scheduler before sleeping.
A delay of 5 microseconds is more appropriate for modern systems. The innodb_max_purge_lag_delay variable specifies the maximum delay in microseconds for the delay imposed when the innodb_max_purge_lag threshold is exceeded. InnoDB does not ...
The listings in this section provide information about parameters used in the [ndbd] or [ndbd default] sections of a config.ini file for configuring NDB Cluster data nodes. For detailed descriptions and other additional information about each of ...
original_commit_timestamp: the number of microseconds since epoch when the transaction was written (committed) to the binary log of the original source. immediate_commit_timestamp: the number of microseconds since epoch when the transaction was ...
Displaying 1 to 10 of 43 total results