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Displaying 661 to 670 of 1419 total results
The setup_instruments table lists the instruments for which events can be collected, whether they are enabled, and (for enabled instruments) whether to collect timing information: mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments; ... Events ...
If you have the UPDATE privilege, you can change Performance Schema operation by modifying setup tables to affect how monitoring occurs. For additional details about these tables, see Section 25.12.2, “Performance Schema Setup Tables”. The ...
For backups produced with mysqldump --tab, each table is represented in the output directory by an .sql file containing the CREATE TABLE statement for the table, and a .txt file containing the table data. To reload a table, first change location ...
Trigger or stored program updates a table having an AUTO_INCREMENT column. In addition, an INSERT into a table that has a composite primary key containing an AUTO_INCREMENT column that is not the first column of this composite key is unsafe. ON ...
Besides SELECT statements, the tuning techniques for queries also apply to constructs such as CREATE TABLE...AS SELECT, INSERT INTO...SELECT, and WHERE clauses in DELETE statements. Indexes are especially important for queries that reference ...
For additional information about thread termination, see Section, “KILL Statement”, in particular for the instructions about killed REPAIR TABLE or OPTIMIZE TABLE operations on MyISAM tables. If a thread is updating a nontransactional ... The server shutdown process takes place as follows: The shutdown process is ...
SHOW TRIGGERS [{FROM | IN} db_name] [LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE expr] SHOW TRIGGERS lists the triggers currently defined for tables in a database (the default database unless a FROM clause is given). This statement returns results only for databases ...
Note If you specify the TABLE log destination, see Log Tables and “Too many open files” Errors. Administrative statements include ALTER TABLE, ANALYZE TABLE, CHECK TABLE, CREATE INDEX, DROP INDEX, OPTIMIZE TABLE, and REPAIR TABLE. (Even with ...
row *************************** id: 2 select_type: DEPENDENT SUBQUERY table: t2 type: ref_or_null possible_keys: maybe_null_key key: maybe_null_key key_len: 5 ref: func rows: 2 Extra: Using where; Using index ... Triggered equalities can be used by ... Certain optimizations are applicable to comparisons that use the IN (or =ANY) operator to test subquery ...
In general, you cannot modify a table and select from the same table in a subquery. FROM t ...); Exception: The preceding prohibition does not apply if for the modified table you are using a derived table and that derived table is materialized ...
Displaying 661 to 670 of 1419 total results