MySQL 9.2 Release Notes
Previously, MySQL enabled masking and de-identification capabilities using a server-side plugin, but transitioned to use the component infrastructure as an alternative implementation. The following table briefly compares MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification components and the plugin library to provide an overview of their differences. It may assist you in making the transition from the plugin to components.
Only the data-masking components or the plugin should be enabled at a time. Enabling both components and the plugin is unsupported and results may not be as anticipated.
Table 8.46 Comparison Between Data-Masking Components and Plugin Elements
Category | Components | Plugin |
Interface | Service functions, loadable functions | Loadable functions |
Support for multibyte character sets | Yes, for general-purpose masking functions | No |
General-purpose masking functions | mask_inner() ,
mask_outer() |
mask_inner() ,
mask_outer() |
Masking of specific types | PAN, SSN, IBAN, UUID, Canada SIN, UK NIN | PAN, SSN |
Random generation, specific types | email, US phone, PAN, SSN, IBAN, UUID, Canada SIN, UK NIN | email, US phone, PAN, SSN |
Random generation of integer from given range | Yes | Yes |
Persisting substitution dictionaries | Database | File |
Privilege to manage dictionaries | Dedicated privilege | FILE |
Automated loadable-function registration/deregistration during installation/uninstallation | Yes | No |
Enhancements to existing functions | More arguments added to the
gen_rnd_email() function |
N/A |