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MySQL 9.0 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  ndb_sign_keys — Create, Sign, and Manage TLS Keys and Certificates for NDB Cluster

25.5.28 ndb_sign_keys — Create, Sign, and Manage TLS Keys and Certificates for NDB Cluster

Management of TLS keys and certificates in implemented in NDB Cluster as the executable utility program ndb_sign_keys, which can normally be found in the MySQL bin directory. The program performs such functions as creating, signing, and retiring keys and certificates, and normally works as follows:

  1. ndb_sign_keys connects to ndb_mgmd and fetches the cluster' configuration.

  2. For each cluster node that is configured to run on the local machine, ndb_sign_keys finds the node' private key and sign it, creating an active node certificate.

Some additional tasks that can be performed by ndb_sign_keys are listed here:

  • Obtaining configuration information from a config.ini file rather than a running ndb_mgmd

  • Creating the cluster' certificate authority (CA) if it does not yet exist

  • Creating private keys

  • Saving keys and certificates as pending rather than active

  • Signing the key for a single node as specified using command-line options described later in this section

  • Requesting a CA located on a remote host to sign a local key

Options that can be used with ndb_sign_keys are shown in the following table. Additional descriptions follow the table.

  • --bind-host

    Command-Line Format --bind-host=host
    Type String
    Default Value mgmd, api

    Create a certificate bound to a hostname list of node types that should have certificate hostname bindings, from the set (mgmd,db,api).

  • --bound-hostname

    Command-Line Format --bound-hostname=hostname
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Create a certificate bound to the hostname passed to this option.

  • --CA-cert

    Command-Line Format --CA-cert=name
    Type File name
    Default Value NDB-Cluster-cert

    Use the name passed to this option for the CA Certificate file.

  • --CA-key

    Command-Line Format --CA-key=name
    Type File name
    Default Value NDB-Cluster-private-key

    Use the name passed to this option for the CA private key file.

  • --CA-ordinal

    Command-Line Format --CA-ordinal=name
    Type String
    Default Value [none]
    Valid Values



    Set the ordinal CA name; defaults to First for --create-CA and Second for --rotate-CA. The Common Name in the CA certificate is MySQL NDB Cluster ordinal Certificate, where ordinal is the ordinal name passed to this option.

  • --CA-search-path

    Command-Line Format --CA-search-path=name
    Type File name
    Default Value [none]

    Specify a list of directories to search for a CA file. On Unix platforms, the directory names are separated by colons (:); on Windows systems, the semicolon character (;) is used as the separator. A directory reference may be relative or absolute; it may contain one or more environment variables, each denoted by a prefixed dollar sign ($), and expanded prior to use.

    Searching begins with the leftmost named directory and proceeds from left to right until a file is found. An empty string denotes an empty search path, which causes all searches to fail. A string consisting of a single dot (.) indicates that the search path is limited to the current working directory.

    If no search path is supplied, the compiled-in default value is used. This value depends on the platform used: On Windows, this is $HOMEPATH\ndb-tls; on other platforms (including Linux), it is $HOME/ndb-tls. This default can be overridden by compiling NDB Cluster using -DWITH_NDB_TLS_SEARCH_PATH.

  • --CA-tool

    Command-Line Format --CA-tool=name
    Type File name
    Default Value [none]

    Designate an executable helper tool, including the path.

  • --check

    Command-Line Format --check

    Check certificate expiry dates.

  • --config-file

    Command-Line Format --config-file=file
    Disabled by no-config
    Type File name
    Default Value [none]

    Supply the path to the cluster configuration file (usually config.ini).

  • --connect-retries

    Command-Line Format --connect-retries=#
    Type Integer
    Default Value 12
    Minimum Value -1
    Maximum Value 12

    Set the number of times that ndb_sign_keys attempts to connect to the cluster. If you use -1, the program keeps trying to connect until it succeeds or is forced to stop.

  • --connect-retry-delay

    Command-Line Format --connect-retry-delay=#
    Type Integer
    Default Value 5
    Minimum Value 0
    Maximum Value 5

    Set the number of seconds after a failed connection attempt which ndb_sign_keys waits before trying again, up to the number of times determined by --connect-retries.

  • --create-CA

    Command-Line Format --create-CA

    Create the CA key and certificate.

  • --CA-days

    Command-Line Format --CA-days=#
    Type Integer
    Default Value 1461
    Minimum Value -1
    Maximum Value 2147483647

    Set the lifetime of the certificate to this many days. The default is equivalent to 4 years plus 1 day. -1 means the certificate never expires.

    This option was added in NDB 8.4.1.

  • --create-key

    Command-Line Format --create-key

    Create or replace private keys.

  • --curve

    Command-Line Format --curve=name
    Type String
    Default Value P-256

    Use the named curve for encrypting node keys.

  • --defaults-extra-file

    Command-Line Format --defaults-extra-file=path
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Read this option file after the global files are read.

  • --defaults-file

    Command-Line Format --defaults-file=path
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Read this option file only.

  • --defaults-group-suffix

    Command-Line Format --defaults-group-suffix=string
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Read not only the usual option groups, but also groups with the usual names and a suffix of string.

  • --duration

    Command-Line Format --duration=#
    Type Integer
    Default Value 0
    Minimum Value -500000
    Maximum Value 0
    Unit seconds

    Set the lifetime of certificates or signing requests, in seconds.

  • --help

    Command-Line Format --help

    Print help text and exit.

  • --keys-to-dir

    Command-Line Format --keys-to-dir=dirname
    Type Directory name
    Default Value [none]

    Specify output directory for private keys (only); for this purpose, it overrides any value set for --to-dir.

  • --login-path

    Command-Line Format --login-path=path
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Read this path from the login file.

  • --ndb-connectstring

    Command-Line Format --ndb-connectstring=connection_string
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Set the connection string to use for connecting to ndb_mgmd, using the syntax [nodeid=id;][host=]hostname[:port]. If this option is set, it overrides the value set for NDB_CONNECTSTRING (if any), as well as any value set in a my.cnf. file.

  • --ndb-mgm-tls

    Command-Line Format --ndb-mgm-tls=level
    Type Enumeration
    Default Value relaxed
    Valid Values



    Sets the level of TLS support required for the ndb_mgm client; one of relaxed or strict. relaxed (the default) means that a TLS connection is attempted, but success is not required; strict means that TLS is required to connect.

  • --ndb-tls-search-path

    Command-Line Format --ndb-tls-search-path=list
    Type Path name
    Default Value (Unix) $HOME/ndb-tls
    Default Value (Windows) $HOMEDIR/ndb-tls

    Specify a list of directories containing TLS keys and certificates.

    For syntax, see the description of the --CA-search-path option.

  • --no-config

    Command-Line Format --no-config

    Do not obtain the cluster configuration; create a single certificate based on the options supplied (including defaults for those not specified).

  • --no-defaults

    Command-Line Format --no-defaults

    Do not read default options from any option file other than the login file.

  • --no-login-paths

    Command-Line Format --no-login-paths

    Do not read login paths from the login path file.

  • --passphrase

    Command-Line Format --passphrase=phrase
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Specify a CA key pass phrase.

  • --node-id

    Command-Line Format --node-id=#
    Type Integer
    Default Value 0
    Minimum Value 0
    Maximum Value 255

    Create or sign a key for the node having the specified node ID.

  • --node-type

    Command-Line Format --node-type=set
    Type Set
    Default Value mgmd,db,api

    Create or sign keys for the specified type or types from the set (mgmd,db,api).

  • --pending

    Command-Line Format --pending

    Save keys and certificates as pending, rather than active.

  • --print-defaults

    Command-Line Format --print-defaults

    Print the program argument list, then exit.

  • --promote

    Command-Line Format --promote

    Promote pending files to active, then exit.

  • --remote-CA-host

    Command-Line Format --remote-CA-host=hostname
    Type String
    Default Value [none]

    Specify the address or hostname of a remote CA host.

  • --remote-exec-path

    Command-Line Format --remote-exec-path
    Type Path name
    Default Value [none]

    Provide the full path to an executable on the remote CA host specified with --remote-CA-host.

  • --remote-openssl

    Command-Line Format --remote-openssl

    Use OpenSSL for signing of keys on the remote CA host specified with --remote-CA-host.

  • --replace-by

    Command-Line Format --replace-by=#
    Type Integer
    Default Value -10
    Minimum Value -128
    Maximum Value 127

    Suggest a certificate replacement date for periodic checks, as a number of days after the CA expiration date. Use a negative number to indicate days before expiration.

  • --rotate-CA

    Command-Line Format --rotate-CA

    Replace an older CA with a newer one. The new CA can be created using OpenSSL, or you can allow ndb_sign_keys to create the new one, in which case the new CA is created with an intermediate CA certificate, signed by the old CA.

  • --schedule

    Command-Line Format --schedule=list
    Type String
    Default Value 120,10,130,10,150,0

    Assign a schedule of expiration dates to certificates. The schedule is defined as a comma-delimited list of six integers, in the format shown here:


    These values are defined as follows:

    • api_valid: A fixed number of days of validity for client certificates.

      api_extra: A number of extra days for client certificates.

      dn_valid: A fixed number of days of validity for client certificates for data node certificates.

      dn_extra: A number of extra days for data node certificates.

      mgm_valid: A fixed number of days of validity for management server certificates.

      mgm_extra: A number of extra days for management server certificates.

    In other words, for each node type (API node, data node, management node), certificates are created with a lifetime equal to a whole fixed number of days, plus some random amount of time less than or equal to the number of extra days. The default schedule is shown here:


    Following the default schedule, client certificates begin expiring on the 120th day, and expire at random intervals over the next 10 days; data node certificates expire at random times between the 130th and 140th days; and management node certificates expire on the 150th day (with no random interval following).

  • --sign

    Command-Line Format --sign
    Disabled by skip-sign

    Create signed certificates; enabled by default. Use --skip-sign to create certificate signing requests instead.

  • --skip-sign

    Command-Line Format --skip-sign

    Create certificate signing requests instead of signed certificates.

  • --stdio

    Command-Line Format --stdio

    Read certificate signing requests from stdin, and write X.509 to stdout.

  • --to-dir

    Command-Line Format --to-dir=dirname
    Type Directory name
    Default Value [none]

    Specify the output directory for created files. For private key files, this can be overriden using --keys-to-dir.

  • --usage

    Command-Line Format --usage

    Print help text, then exit (alias for --help).

  • --version

    Command-Line Format --version

    Print version information, then exit.