8.2 Backing up and Restoring a Replica Database

To backup a replica database, add the --replica-info option to your backup command.

To restore the backup on a replica server, follow the same steps outlined in Section 8.1, “Setting Up a New replica”.

Temporary tables on a replica.  MySQL Enterprise Backup does not include temporary tables inside a backup. As a result, for a replica server in a statement-based replication (SBR) or a mixed-based replication setup (see Replication Formats for details), any temporary tables still open at the end of the backup process will be missing in the restored replica server, making the replication state of the replica inconsistent, and any subsequent replicated statements that refer to the temporary tables will fail. To avoid the issue, after the hot backup phase of a replica backup in which mysqlbackup copies all the InnoDB tables, it enters into a loop, in which the following happens:

  1. mysqlbackup waits until all temporary tables have been closed by the replication SQL thread. mysqlbackup tells if that is the case by checking if the variable Replica_open_temp_tables is 0.

  2. After Replica_open_temp_tables is detected to be 0, mysqlbackup stops the replication SQL thread to prevent more changes to the tables on the replica.

  3. To avoid the unexpected consequence by a race condition, after the replication SQL thread has been stopped, mysqlbackup checks once more if Replica_open_temp_tables is still 0

    • If it is, mysqlbackup exits the loop and finishes the backup by asserting a read lock on all the non-InnoDB tables and copy them.

    • If it is not, new temporary tables have just been created and opened on the replica. mysqlbackup then restarts the replication SQL thread, so more updates can be made on the replica servers. mysqlbackup then goes back to step 1 of this loop

Besides the exit condition described in step (3) above (which is, there really are no more open temporary tables and mysqlbackup is ready to complete the backup), mysqlbackup will time out after staying in the above loop for too long to wait for all temporary tables to be closed. The duration mysqlbackup waits until it times out is specified by the --safe-replica-backup-timeout option.

In addition, mysqlbackup also runs an initial check at the beginning of a replica backup to see if Replica_open_temp_tables becomes 0 within the duration set by --safe-replica-backup-timeout. See description for --safe-replica-backup-timeout on details about the check.

Even though the issue described above with temporary tables does not exist for a row-based replication (RBR) setup (for which temporary tables are not replicated onto the replica), any replica backups still enter the same loop as described above, because the mode of replication could potentially be switched from RBR to statement-based replication (SBR) or mixed-mode replication at any time. User who are certain that SBR is not occurring for the replica can set --safe-replica-backup-timeout=0, which will prevent mysqlbackup from entering the above-mentioned loop.


See the limitation that applies when backing up a replica in Appendix B, Limitations of MySQL Enterprise Backup.