Now, suppose that we have a catastrophic unexpected exit on Wednesday at 8 a.m. that requires recovery from backups. To recover, first we restore the last full backup we have (the one from Sunday 1 p.m.). The full backup file is just a set of SQL statements, so restoring it is very easy:
Press CTRL+C to copy$> mysql < backup_sunday_1_PM.sql
At this point, the data is restored to its state as of Sunday 1
p.m.. To restore the changes made since then, we must use the
incremental backups; that is, the
binary log files. Fetch
the files if necessary from where they were backed up, and then
process their contents like this:
Press CTRL+C to copy$> mysqlbinlog gbichot2-bin.000007 gbichot2-bin.000008 | mysql
We now have recovered the data to its state as of Tuesday 1
p.m., but still are missing the changes from that date to the
date of the crash. To not lose them, we would have needed to
have the MySQL server store its MySQL binary logs into a safe
location (RAID disks, SAN, ...) different from the place where
it stores its data files, so that these logs were not on the
destroyed disk. (That is, we can start the server with a
option that specifies a
location on a different physical device from the one on which
the data directory resides. That way, the logs are safe even if
the device containing the directory is lost.) If we had done
this, we would have the gbichot2-bin.000009
file (and any subsequent files) at hand, and we could apply them
using mysqlbinlog and
mysql to restore the most recent data changes
with no loss up to the moment of the crash:
Press CTRL+C to copy$> mysqlbinlog gbichot2-bin.000009 ... | mysql
For more information about using mysqlbinlog to process binary log files, see Section 1.5, “Point-in-Time (Incremental) Recovery”.