MySQL Connector/Python Developer Guide  /  The Connector/Python C Extension  /  The _mysql_connector C Extension Module

8.2 The _mysql_connector C Extension Module

To use the C Extension directly, import the _mysql_connector module rather than mysql.connector, then use the _mysql_connector.MySQL() class to obtain a MySQL instance. For example:

Press CTRL+C to copy
import _mysql_connector ccnx = _mysql_connector.MySQL() ccnx.connect(user='scott', password='password', host='', database='employees') ccnx.query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version%'") row = ccnx.fetch_row() while row: print(row) row = ccnx.fetch_row() ccnx.free_result() ccnx.close()

For more information, see Chapter 11, Connector/Python C Extension API Reference.