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SQL/NoSQL and MySQL Cluster 7.4 Presentations now available

My 2 sessions from 2014’s MySQL Central at Oracle OpenWorld are now available:

NoSQL and SQL: The Best of Both Worlds [CON2853]

There’s a lot of excitement about NoSQL data stores, with the promise of simple access patterns, flexible schemas, scalability, and high availability. The downside comes in the form of losing ACID transactions, consistency, flexible queries, and data integrity checks. What if you could have the best of both worlds? This session shows how MySQL Cluster provides simultaneous SQL and native NoSQL access to your data—whether it’s in a simple key-value API (memcached) or REST, JavaScript, Java, or C++. You will hear how the MySQL Cluster architecture delivers in-memory real-time performance; 99.999 percent availability; online maintenance; and linear, horizontal scalability through transparent autosharding.

MySQL Cluster: Dive into the Latest Developments [CON3815]

Wednesday, Oct 1, 3:30 PM – 4:15 PM – Moscone South – 250

I’ll be co-presenting this session with Bernd Ocklin – Director MySQL Cluster, Oracle

MySQL Cluster does more than scale beyond a billion transactions per minute. It’s also the in-memory database at the heart of mobile phone networks and online games. Scaling for the masses. A touch of your mobile phone’s green button likely has already gotten you in contact with MySQL Cluster. Driven by these extreme use cases, this session covers how to build business-critical scalable solutions with MySQL Cluster.