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Printing in Workbench

A common misunderstanding seems to be that the only way to increase the available “paper space” for a diagram is by increasing the size of the paper. But there is another way to do that, which is in the Model -> Diagram Size dialog, where you can set the number of pages your diagram has, vertically and horizontally (perhaps it’s not very obvious to first time users, so we’ll be working on making it more easily accessible).

model menu

diagram size

Another recurring issue is that of printing in the community version. Direct printing is currently only available in Workbench SE, but that doesn’t mean you cannot print using the OSS version. You can still export the model to a variety of formats, like PDF, PNG and SVG. And once you export as an image you can print it with any tool that can handle such files, like Acrobat Reader or something similar.

Author: Mike Lischke

Team Lead MySQL Workbench