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Performance Schema: Great Power Comes Without Great Cost

Performance Schema is used extensively both internally and within the MySQL community, and I expect even more usage with the new SYS Schema and the Performance Schema enhancements in 5.7. Performance Schema is the single best tool available for monitoring MySQL Server internals and execution details at a lower level. Having said that, we are also no stranger to the fact that any monitoring tool comes with an additional cost to performance. Hence It has always been an important question to find out just how much it costs us when Performance Schema is turned ON and to see what we can do to make it perform as fast as possible.

I have been using MySQL Performance Schema for the past year. This is my first blog on Performance Schema and here I am primarily concerned with the performance impact and characteristics around the default values.

Performance Schema Default ON vs OFF

The question I will try and answer here is this: How well does MySQL scale with performance_schema=ON (default parameters and configuration) compared to performance_schema=OFF?

Test Details

I used Sysbench to get TPS benchmarks. Just to ensure that I have some variation in my tests I ran Sysbench in both the CPU bound and the Disk bound environments to gather the stats. All tests were performed on the same server and with the same MySQL Server build. I used the latest development release (at the time), 5.7.6-m16, for my tests. With MySQL 5.7.6, 311 instruments are enabled by default.

Test Results

I was very happy to see the answers after the tests ran! They clearly show that the numbers are quite reasonable (within 1% – 3%) if we consider the huge benefits offered by Performance Schema with the default settings. More Details below:

CPU Bound
Sysbench Read Only Mode
performance_schema=ON shows a dip of 2.45%
Threads OFF ON Percent Of Change
1 754.42 750.47 -0.52%
8 5663.33 5542.28 -2.14%
16 9195.28 8976.31 -2.38%
32 12797.86 12490.66 -2.40%
64 12455.2 12117.88 -2.71%
128 12229.43 11852.55 -3.08%
256 12451.55 12077.16 -3.01%
512 12681.43 12350.65 -2.61%
1024 12717.92 12361.66 -2.80%
Sysbench Read Write Mode
performance_schema=ON shows a dip of 2.32%
Threads OFF ON Percent Of Change
1 567.81 554.59 -2.33%
8 3989.29 3937.59 -1.30%
16 6495.95 6325.28 -2.63%
32 8718.39 8528.89 -2.17%
64 8777.19 8470.87 -3.49%
128 8367.69 8287.51 -0.96%
256 8506.86 8271.87 -2.76%
512 8395.93 8202.53 -2.30%
1024 8078.42 7901.9 -2.19%
Disk Bound
Sysbench Read Only Mode
performance_schema=ON shows a dip of little less than 1%
Threads OFF ON Percent Of Change
1 633.1 624.68 -1.33
8 4395.45 4332.14 -1.44
16 6889.67 6774.17 -1.68
32 7899.11 7847.52 -0.65
64 7779.39 7721.26 -0.75
128 7674.51 7611.16 -0.83
256 7764.23 7752.19 -0.16
512 7233.22 7190.7 -0.59
1024 5313.35 5266.08 -0.89
Sysbench Read Write Mode
performance_schema=ON shows a dip of 0.45%
Threads OFF ON Percent Of Change
1 210.36 202.17 -3.89%
8 200.02 200.17 0.07%
16 197.27 198.07 0.41%
32 202.76 202.39 -0.18%
64 205.4 205.63 0.11%
128 208.55 208.41 -0.07%
256 209.41 209.64 0.11%
512 209.21 208.91 -0.14%
1024 202.81 202.67 -0.07%


In my tests we see average overhead results of:

  • Just over 2% in the CPU Bound OLTP RW (2.23%) and OLTP_RO (2.40%) runs
  • Less than 1% in the Disk Bound OLTP RW (0.41%) and OLTP_RO (0.92%) runs

Overall, as we see I think you can expect a performance impact of approximately 1-3% with performance_schema=ON vs OFF (again, using the default configuration). The most important takeaway is that while there are still some dips in raw performance numbers—which is expected—the overall impact is relatively small. We will also continue to do all that we can to lower the overhead and performance impact of Performance Schema even further in the future! I hope that these benchmarks may help anyone looking forward to using Performance Schema extensively, but are concerned about what performance impact may come with it.

As I’ve demonstrated here—due to all of the helpful input from the MySQL Community, and the work that we’ve done to lower the related impact and overhead—the Performance Schema can truly be said to offer great power, and do so without great cost!

That’s all for now. Thank you for using MySQL!

Appendix: Test Details.

Table1: 311 Instruments

Instrument category Count
statement/sql% 139
memory/performance_schema% 70
wait/io% 48
statement/com% 32
statement/sp% 16
statement/abstract% 3
wait/lock% 1
idle 1
statement/scheduler% 1

Table2: MySQL Details

Product MySQL
Version 5.7.6-m16
Location Development Releases

Table3: Test Machine Details

OS Linux
Memory 128 GB
CPU 32 x intel(r) xeon(r) cpu e5-2690 0 @ 2.90ghz
Arch x86_64
OS Version oracle linux server release 7.0

Table4: Sysbench Configuration Details

Version 4.13
Tests sysbench oltp-ro , sysbench oltp-rw
Engine Innodb
Thread Count 1,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024
DB Size 10000000 rows in single table
Duration 300 Seconds
Warmup Time check table for warmup
Iteration 3

Table5: MySQLD Configuration Details

MySQLd Parameter Disk Bound CPU Bound
back_log 1500 1500
disable-log-bin TRUE TRUE
innodb_adaptive_flushing 1 1
innodb_buffer_pool_instances 8 8
innodb_buffer_pool_size 340M 16384M
innodb_checksums 0 0
innodb_data_file_path ibdata1:2000M:autoextend ibdata1:2000M:autoextend
innodb_doublewrite 0 0
innodb_file_per_table 1 1
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit 2 2
innodb_flush_neighbors 0 0
innodb_io_capacity 1000 1000
innodb_log_buffer_size 64M 64M
innodb_log_files_in_group 3 3
innodb_log_file_size 2048M 2048M
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct 50 50
innodb_monitor_enable ‘%’ ‘%’
innodb_open_files 4000 4000
innodb_purge_threads 1 1
innodb_read_io_threads 16 16
innodb_spin_wait_delay 24 24
innodb_stats_persistent 1 1
innodb_support_xa 0 0
innodb_thread_concurrency 0 0
innodb_use_native_aio 0 0
innodb_write_io_threads 16 16
join_buffer_size 32K 32K
key_buffer_size 200M 200M
loose-local-infile 1 1
low_priority_updates 1 1
max_allowed_packet 1048576 1048576
max_connections 4000 4000
max_connect_errors 50 50
port 3306 3306
query-cache-size 0 0
query-cache-type 0 0
sort_buffer_size 2097152 2097152
table_open_cache 2048 2048
table_open_cache_instances 10 10
user root root