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MySQL Connector/NET 6.7.9, 6.8.7, and 6.9.8 have been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.9, 6.8.7, and 6.9.8 are maintenance releases for the series of the .NET driver for MySQL. They can be used for production environments.

They are appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.5-5.7.

  • The GB18030 Chinese character set is now supported, a character set that was added in MySQL 5.7.4.
  • The JSON type is now supported, a type that was added in MySQL 5.7.8.
  • Generated columns (GENERATION_EXPRESSION) are now supported, a feature added in MySQL 5.7.6.

An additional entry added for 6.8.7:

  • A connection string that included Chinese characters for a database or uid property would emit the following exception;
    “MySqlException: Unknown database ‘???'”. To solve this, the handshake process was hanged to use bytes instead of encoded strings.

The documentation is available at:

Nuget packages are available at:

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On behalf of the MySQL Connector/NET Team.