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MySQL 8.0: It's doxygen time for MTR

Doxygen is a standard tool used for generating software reference documentation. Since the documentation is written within the code, it is relatively easy to keep it up to date.

In MySQL 8.0.0, the MySQL source code was documented with Doxygen and now in MySQL 8.0.1, the MySQL Test Framework(MTR) documentation is moved from current infrastructure to Doxygen. The new documentation is available here.

As you can see in the above link, the new MTR documentation generated is part of the MySQL source code documentation. One of the changes that was done while migrating the documentation was to purge all the references to server release version. This change ensures that the documentation is associated with current server release version and eliminate the need to manually document the version dependencies.

Moving forward, this would help us to keep the documentation to update for the benefit of the MTR users. The old MTR documentation will not be maintained anymore.

Please don’t forget to bookmark the link.

Hope you find the above documentation useful to gain an understanding about the MTR test framework.