A number of members of the MySQL Engineering Team will be at Percona Live and the MySQL Innovation Day over the next week or so. Here is where you can find us:
Tuesday 19 April 2016
The Exciting MySQL 5.7 Replication Enhancements
11:30am: Luis Soares -
Introducing the MySQL Document Store
11:30am: Mike Frank, Jan Kneschke, Alfredo Kojima -
MySQL Query Optimizer Overview
1:20pm: Olav Sandstå -
Innodb 5.7 Features & Highlights
1:20pm: Sunny Bains -
Performance schema and sys schema in MySQL 5.7
2:20pm: Mark Leith -
A MySQL Sys Schema Deep Dive
3:50pm: Mark Leith -
High Availability Using MySQL Group Replication
4:50pm: Luis Soares -
Meet the MySQL Engineering Team
6:01pm: Entire Team BOF -
Community Dinner @ Pedros
7:00pm: A number of us will be attending
Wednesday 20 April 2016
MySQL: Combining SQL and NoSQL
9:50am: Keynote by Tomas Ulin -
MySQL Performance: Scalability & Benchmarks
3:30pm: Dimitri KRAVTCHUK -
What’s New in MySQL
4:30pm: Geir Høydalsvik, co-presented with Simon Mudd (Booking.com)
Thursday 21 April
Optimizer: What’s New in 5.7 and Sneak Peek at 5.8
11:00am: Manyi Lu -
MySQL Document Store: Under the Hood
1:50pm: Alfredo Kojima, Jan Kneschke, Mike Frank -
MySQL Performance: Demystified Tuning & Scalability
3:00pm: Dimitri KRAVTCHUK
Monday 25 April
We’ll all be present at the MySQL Innovation Day. Registration and Schedule can be found here. Attendance is free!