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Live from the Workbench Kiev Meeting

It is 23:30 here in Kiev and we are closing the first day of our team meeting.

After my Kick-Off and general discussion of the road-map Tax took over and was discussing the QA aspect of our WB 5.0 releases so far. We analyzed the rate of incoming bugs vs. the number of bug fixes and the time spans between Alpha, Beta, RCs and GA releases. That helps us to make better predictions in the future.

After the lunch break Alfredo presented his conversion of the GRT (WB core system) from the current C implementation to a cleaner C++ version and we forgot about the time discussing all the details of this complex tasks. We will squeeze in the rest of the planned sessions for today (Linux Porting Challenges, Feature Discussion – Visual Query Builder) tomorrow morning – but this was a very important discussion to have.

We went out for dinner and just as we walked outside it started raining. The center of Kiev is very beautiful and usually we just walk to find a place near by. But because of the rain we just took the subway. After returning to the apartment I checked emails and am doing this blog post. A shower and bedtime coming up.

We will continue tomorrow, a lot of interesting stuff is on the agenda!