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Collecting ideas for Workbench - SQL IDE

Hi Workbench Users,

Now that we got the RC1 out, I would like to start collecting ideas of what you would like to see in the MySQL Workbench 5.1 release that will happen later this year.

Our current plan is (apart to improve the existing features and workflow) to add one major feature for WB 5.1 – and that is SQL querying functionality. Please think of it as an improved, extended MySQL Query Browser embedded right into the MySQL Workbench framework.

My vision is to turn MySQL Workbench into a fully featured SQL IDE. The single tool a MySQL database developer needs to start up to do all his database work.

A few key points that come to my mind.

  • Database schema design, creation and maintenance (already there)
  • Default data management (“CREATE INSERTS”, already there, can be improved)
  • Database SQL querying
  • Result set handling (like in QB, but improved)
  • Visual query builder (I liked the Oracle XE web-based query builder)
  • Improved SQL code editing (syntax highlighting, auto completion, …)
  • Stored Procedures debugger
  • Full scripting and plugin support
  • Exchange with Netbeans IDE

Please add your own points and also provide input how you would like to see the features implemented.

References to other tools, e.g. Oracle SQL Developer (project Raptor), MSSQL Query Analyzer, SQLyog, … are welcome. Please point out what you like about their querying interface and how we could improve upon that.

Please post your ideas on the following forum: 

I am looking forward to your input,