On Debian, DEB packages are now released instead of TGZ files. The file base names are
(driver package) andmysql-connector-odbc-setup
(setup package). The setup package contains the GUI configuration widget library (libmyodbc8S.so
) and depends on the driver package. The driver package depends on the unixODBC libraries (libodbc, libodbcinst); and does not conflict with the official Debian package (libmyoodbc). (WL #13565)
When using SQL_C_WCHAR with SQLGetData, binary data was not returned correctly as its hexacecimal representation. Related, using SQL_C_CHAR with SQLGetData did return binary data as hex. (Bug #28864788, Bug #92429)
When binding an SQL_BIT type column to the SQL_C_CHAR type, SQLFetchScroll would return the values as an integer instead of a char. (Bug #28484784, Bug #91904)