Worklog Tasks

Worklog #:
Displaying 1121 to 1140 of 2400 total results

ID Task Title Modified Version Status
WL#232 Enable Email Alerts for Critical Errors 2007-05-24 06:59:41 Assigned
WL#233 Refuse start-up if no write perm to err log 2011-08-05 16:59:22 Un-Assigned
WL#234 Enable --secure startup mode 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Assigned
WL#235 Safety checks for OPTIMIZE TABLE 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Assigned
WL#237 Added info to start of hostname.err 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Assigned
WL#281 Monty Revisions to binlog 2007-07-17 02:11:39 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#284 Fulltext: per-ft_index options 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#287 Speedup SELECT w/ MATCH 2006-12-19 22:46:21 On-Hold
WL#314 New file handling 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#331 Fix Merge Tables Bug (Werner) 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Assigned
WL#334 R-Trees for Multi-Key Indexes 2007-03-19 22:06:09 Server-5.0 Un-Assigned
WL#344 Time-delayed Replication 2011-01-11 11:00:51 Server-5.6 Complete
WL#360 Having a flag for each table to annotate that it is changed 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Assigned
WL#388 CHECK/REPAIR table enhancement 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Un-Assigned
WL#390 Options for better dump control for MySQLDUMP 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Assigned
WL#395 UNLOCK TABLES table1, table2, table3 2010-05-21 09:31:16 Un-Assigned
WL#396 Enhance client protocol to allow notifications. 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Un-Assigned
WL#407 Boyer-Moore optimization of LIKE for POS and INSTR functions 2007-03-19 22:01:28 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned
WL#414 MyISAM Auto REPAIR concurrency limitation 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Un-Assigned
WL#423 Binlog direct connect to server to reply log 2006-12-19 22:46:21 Server-7.1 Un-Assigned